Monday, August 5, 2013

Fantastic news!!!

I still can't believe that I'm able to type this, but Monkeyman's PH has resolved!!!!!! It's just absolutely amazing.

Cardiologist did a repeat echo, and said the enlarged pulmonary arteries hs started to shrink back to normal, the right heart ventricle is also shrinking, the regurgitation is less (not gone, but less!) and the pulmonary arterial pressures has gone down from in the 30's to 16 (which is normal). Whoohoo!!!!

So overall, his pulmonary hypertension is cured, which is just astounding because it almost never happens! It's an incurable disease, but, if you're lucky and it was secondary to sleep apnea, it might resolve if you treat the sleep apnea. Which we did, in Monkeyman's case, when the ENT took his enlarged adenoids out. Isn't it strange that a kid that never snored, had such bad sleep apnea that he must've desat badly at night? Enough to cause his lungs to suffer so much from lack of oxygen, that it caused small changes in the arteries to the point of causing obstruction to the blood flow. I asked the doctor why if there's obstruction in the nose, and the child mouth breathes at night, would his oxygen levels still fall, and she said it's because he breaths less effectively through the mouth. That it's very shallow breathing. It makes sense.

I'm still in shock. Extremely relieved, but still in shock. I prepared myself for the worst today, and got the absolute best case scenario. I just assumed, what's the chances of Monkeyman also having the rarest case of a rare disease, just like Boeboe did? Gosh, I really have some special kids. Makes me humble.

Thank you for all the prayers and support and interest in my little boy's lot. I'm so happy to be able to report this good news. I'm still a tad worried about his tiredness and heart palpitations. His cardiologist said to just let him rest when he has heart palpitations, and to go back to the pead with his tiredness for some more bloodtests. And maybe first take a good b-complex multivit for a few months to see if it'll help. She also said she'll have a look at his blood tests to see if there's any reason why his iron levels dropped. Though, she doesn't think his iron levels is the cause of his strange tiredness. Maybe it's just how he is, who knows?! I don't anymore. Anyway, for now, I just want to celebrate the good news. Our little boy doesn't have PH anymore!!!!

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