Thursday, May 6, 2010

Monkeyman's birth VI

Once Monkeyman was tucked safe and sound in his crib, sleeping the sleep of the innocent, and I was cleaned up and presentable, Mr N and Boeboe was brought to the hospital to meet their new brother. They adored and loved him from the moment they first saw him!

Meeting Monkeyman

Isn't he the cutest baby ever?

Loving bathtime already

Couple days old and already wide awake!

Getting some gifts from their new baby brother

Me and my 3 gorgeous children

Already in love with my 2-day old newborn
Monkeyman fed every 2-3 hours the first 3 months, and thereafter about every 3-4 hours. He was a quiet, sweet little baby. Rarely cried. He was just fascinated with his brother and sister. Especially his sister's higher little voice. When he heard it, he would kick and wriggle with delight.

Mr N adored his tiny brother

Boeboe just wanted to play doll with him!

Even at only 5 days old, Monkeyman just loved his siblings
I got an infection again in the uterus, but this time antibiotics worked immediately. Unfortunately I also got an allergic reaction to the stitches which took 3 months to heal. At 6 weeks Monkeyman got diagnosed with reflux. The medication immediately took the symptoms completely away. He grew and he became a fat, contend beautiful little baby who met his milestones on time.

He was a tad late with crawling and walking (10 months and 14 months irrespectively) but nothing we worried about.

He was healthy except for getting scarlet fever at 10 months. We had a wild ride with him to the nearest hospital (we were camping outside the city) when we noticed a horrible weird rash on him. He's been having a fever for a few hours, so I worried about meningitis. They drew some blood to rule out some things, and x-rays because he was screaming in pain if anyone just as much as touch his legs (they feared infection in his hips). I asked them to also test his iron, which turned out to be about 1.6!!! Horribly low. He was put on antibiotics, but the hospital's pharmacy was closed (can you believe it!) so we drove off at 10pm at night in search of an open pharmacy. We got completely lost. All the while having 3 very very tired and 1 very very ill child in the car. Fortunately we got back around midnight, administered the antibiotics and within 2 days he was better.
After that he was healthy again until age 14 months when he got bronchitis. We thought he was better, although he still had a bit of a cough, but one day he needed x-rays (I thought he may have swallowed a battery, which turned out not to be so). The x-rays showed that he had broncho-pneumonia! So back onto his 2nd course of antibiotics for that. It worked quickly and efficiently.
Age 2 he got measles! Even though he had his first injection against it. Fortunately, he wasn't too ill. Just a very high fever for 4 days and then the hectic rash. At least now he doesn't need the MMR injection, which I completely loath to give. Apart from those 3 illnesses, he turned out to be another very healthy child of mine. Like his brother and sister. He is now 3, and just a joy to have in the house. He's sweet, not difficult, rarely throw tantrums. He adores his siblings, and they in turn love him completely.

Monkeyman in between Boeboe and Mr N

Cool dude! (Monkeyman age 3)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Monkeyman's birth V

During the night I took some of the pills again when contractions became regular. Every time it worked, making contractions irregular. On Wednesday, I kept on timing contractions all the while going on with life. Fetching the kids from school, visiting with my sister, getting our hospital bags ready and dealing with the builders and contractors. Later on Wednesday, I had the show. The evening and night was rough on me. I didn't sleep much, kept on timing contractions. At 6am Thursday morning, it was 10 minutes apart and very strong. I just knew that this was it. No pill is going to stop these contractions any more. So during the morning, I quickly went grocery shopping for when the in-laws would stay over while I was at the hospital, to look after Mr N and Boeboe.

From there on I went to fetch my husband at work and off we went to the gynae. And as suspected, the little monitor confirmed that contractions was strong and coming every 2 minutes. Nothing was going to stop labour any longer. The strong, burning pain I was getting low on my stomach, was the uterus that started bleeding, most likely along the old caesarian wounds. So baby had to be taken out.

By this stage it was already almost lunchtime. I went home, fetched my bags, organised for my friend to pick the children up from school and off we went to hospital. Contractions were becoming more urgent and stronger. Almost painful...:) It was lovely, to experience all of that again. I really wished that I could deliver normally. But alas, the uterus was already starting to tear and it was only beginning stages of labour. What a pity that someone like me, who do not find contractions really painful, to not be able to deliver normally. While I find the pain of a c-section almost unbearable, but needed them. Ironic.

And then I hit a pathetic anaesthetist! He hurt me so much, administering the spinal. I screamed and I cried. And he said sorry, but he made a botch of that, he'll have to do it AGAIN. And again I screamed and screamed. It was sooooo sore. But, at least the 2nd one worked and immediately my legs went numb. I told the anaesthetist that I'm going to feint. He didn't hear me, and I screamed it at him. Again he didn't hear me. WHY? Because he was busy chatting to the one nurse!!!! So I told my hubby that I'm going to feint NOW. The gynae heard me and interrupted the anaesthetist, who fortunately quickly reacted, injecting me with something that should've stabilised my blood pressure. It didn't work, and he didn't even notice because he was AGAIN talking! So again the gynae called him, telling him and again he injected something. This time it worked and the dizziness got better.

Seconds later the gynae started to cut. She worked quickly, while the anaesthetist had to deal with me being nauseous and feeling totally spaced out and shivering violently. Then, I heard my baby scream. Just once. They lifted him up so that I could see him. It was a boy, and he was fat and white and beautiful. But turned blue and limp as I was looking at him. They handed him to the paediatric nurse who administered oxygen, sucked his nose and throat and then massaged his back. He started to cry. And he cried and he cried. It was beautiful.

Monkeyman gets his first nappy
The gynae told me the placenta was HUGE. Probably due to the baby aspirin. She said that's why I went into labour. There was no space for baby any more with that huge placenta. And she said full-blown labour was imminent, the bottom half of the uterus was thinly stretched. She said I would never have seen another night pregnant. So we did the right thing, doing the c-section.

He was wrapped warmly and put in my arms. So different from my previous birth where I were pushed to my room, all alone. This time, my baby was lying with me, and my hubby walking next to me. I've never been so contend in my life. Until the shoulder pain started. Nothing helped, until they brought me a heating pack. The shoulder pain persisted for about 3 weeks, which was pretty awful. But nothing could bring me down from the high I was on. Baby was beautiful. His blood sugar was a little bit on the low side, but it stabilised by itself within the first day or two. He was healthy, he fed well, he slept most of the time. I loved every minute of being his mom. He weighed 3.06kg, almost 700g less than his brother was, and 400g heavier than his sister.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monkeyman's birth IV

I was pretty sure the antibiotics helped, but didn't completely resolved the kidney infection. Such a pity. On Monday, I turned 37 weeks, and went to see the dr for a check-up. Baby's stress test looked better, but she sent the urine away for analysis. Like I thought, I wasn't rid of the infection.

On Monday night, precisely 8pm, I got the first contraction. Sharp, strong and pressing the air out of me. I immediately knew it was labour. It was just too strong, too different from normal braxton hicks. I said nothing, since the kids wasn't in bed yet. At 8:30, I had another, and at 9pm another. So it was 30 minutes apart. I told hubby to go to bed, that I'll wake him if anything more happens. I sat in bed reading, timing the contractions. At midnight I tried to sleep, but couldn't. Around 2am that morning, with contractions still only 30 minutes apart, I went to take a bath. It calmed me enough to make me able to fall asleep thereafter. I woke at 6am with contractions coming every 20 minutes. I timed it, but at 8am it went haywire! Suddenly it was every 10 minutes, then every 40 minutes then 20 minutes. I threw my breakfast back up into the loo. Ag, the joys of being in labour...hahaha. I phoned the gynae's office once they opened and the receptionist told me to come in with the next contraction. Which, of course didn't happen! So weird. I still felt “off” though. So at lunchtime the gynae phoned to ask how I am, and told me to come in. It was Mr N's birthday. He had a ball at school. We sent him little packets along to hand out to his friends. Around 2pm his best friend would've visited (with his mom, my friend). So I waited for them, and asked my friend if she'll take me to the gynae. I was again having contractions and feeling super nauseous, so I didn't want to drive myself. So off we went with 4 children in the car. Gynae put me on the monitor and said yes, I'm in labour, but it's still early days. I asked her if it can be stopped, and she said yes, most likely. So she gave me some pills. I was just too scared to have my baby at 37 weeks again. Too scared that his lungs too, would not be ready yet, just like Boeboe's. The gynae thought I was going to go into full-blown labour soon, and that the pills would then not work. But she understood my fear, and besides, it was Mr N's birthday! I wanted them to have unique birthday dates, not share it.

So, back home we went, where my friend visited for another hour or so before heading home. Me and hubby took Mr N and Boeboe off to Spur, to celebrate his birthday. It was difficult, timing the contraction so that I could take a little pill to stop it as necessary, but still be happy and excited for my eldest son. Trying to enjoy dinner all the while being in labour. It's actually funny, thinking back now...:)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monkeyman's birth III

Just past 32 weeks, baby weighed 2.2kg. I was very happy and relieved about that. The summer heat was starting to get to me. I felt hot and tired and irritated with everyone and everything around me. I've come to the realisation, that it was “good” that I first had complicated pregnancies, and now an uncomplicated one and not the other way round. Only now I realise how really stressful the first 2 pregnancies was. And I would've worried so much more if I knew how it really should've been. How easy and good a pregnancy really should be. I felt like the happiest woman in the world!

At 34 weeks, Monkeyman weighed 2.6kg. Fantastic! Mr N weighed 2.2kg at that stage, and Boeboe was 2.0kg.

The first feelings of fear and worry I had, came just as I turned 36 weeks. I just knew something was wrong. I felt more tired, my back ached something terrible and I felt “off”. Turned out to be a kidney infection and I was put on antibiotics. Baby stopped moving, because the moment he did move, the uterus which were VERY irritated because of the infection, contracted sharply. So baby quickly learned, and stopped moving too much. Poor thing. But quite intelligent...:)

I stopped the aspirin therapy at 36 weeks (so that my blood can thicken up again to handle a c-section) and I couldn't help to wonder if that's why things are going fast downhill now. Dr are worried, and asked me to come in twice a week. She believed baby is going to come early and she asked me to come to her the moment I have any signs of labour.

She put me on the fetal stress monitor, and he was a tad on the quiet side. So she asked me to count his movements. Not again! I couldn't help but feeling stressed about this. Everyone depended on me, to keep baby safe and sound. The doctor, my husband, even Monkeyman! What if I fail again, like I did with Boeboe? With her I thought it was still okay, when she didn't move much. And it wasn't. What if Monkeyman also stops moving and I don't realise it in time?

So I counted his movements, all the while organising Mr N's birthday party. He was turning 7. It was a nice distraction from the worries, and I was surprised when my family and friends threw me a stork party along with the birthday party! It was super nice...:) I never expected it, which made it all the more special. In fact, having more children than the average couple in our circle, meant that I already felt guilty for anyone giving us presents for this baby. So I asked my husband to tell everyone that I do not want a stork party. But they dismissed him, and it was such a surprise. While the men took the children off on a treasure hunt (it was a pirate birthday party!), us women opened all the beautiful gifts.

With the building it was going well. All the walls were up, and the roof was almost done. But, of course they were not going to be finished before the birth. I've accepted it. Such a pity though. Who wants people coming and going in your house, and the hammering and dust of a building site, when you come home with a newborn baby?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Monkeyman's birth II

Nothing! I was so certain that I'm pregnant, how could there be nothing? Just nothing. The seconds ticked on, the minutes went by. Still nothing. It can't be? I was so sure! And then...yes, I was pregnant! The second line appeared. After 3 and a half minutes of agonising wait. Of doubting myself.

I had this contentedness in me. A feeling of peace, happiness and calmness. I immediately knew that everything was going to be just perfect with this pregnancy and baby. I dreamed how he's going to look. He had light, straight hair. A sharp, finely sculptured little face, but very much a "boy's" face. His face wasn't too thin, nor fat. He had a small, straight little mouth with thickish, soft little lips. Red cheeks, wide but thin forehead. A small, thinnish and short little body. He had a happy, naughty little face. A finely intuitive child, with a good sense of humour, and one that wouldn't ever harm anyone else. He was especially in tuned to me and his dad. As if he needed our blessing constantly. He was smiling. A happy, naughty little smile that pulled the soft cheeks upwards.

I was very sure it's a boy. Everything in me knew it's a boy. When I thought of boy names, of blue and green, everything just felt right. When I thought of girl names or pink and softness, I felt nauseous and just knew it was wrong.

We told the children, Mr N and Boeboe. She was only 3, he 6. She just wanted to hold the baby, he understood that it's going to be a long wait. Until he's 7 already.

The first weeks of pregnancy flew by in a haze of nausea and tiredness. I went for a sonar at 7 weeks and we were able to see the little heart beating. At 12 weeks, the gynae did another sonar and told us chances of a down syndrome baby is pretty small. I was relieved. She also determined that the placenta attached to the upper part of the uterus, so we wouldn't have any of the worries we've gone through with the other two with a low-lying placenta. I was very happy about that!

The pregnancy progressed so smoothly. Without any problems or worries. No bleeding, no bed rest, no UTI's, no antibiotics. It was absolutely wonderful. At 13 weeks, I was put on baby aspirin. I had to take a quarter of a disprin everyday, to keep my blood thin and the placenta healthy. It worked beautifully! The placenta grew and the baby grew. The only funny thing, was that the aspirin gave me headaches! Get this...headache pills taken when NOT having a headache, GIVES a headache. Hahahaha. Well, the gynae switched me to ecotrin, another aspirin therapy. It works even better, and no more headaches!

The following weeks went by smoothly. There was just no worries. No UTI's, no contractions, baby grew, I picked up weight, placenta didn't give any problems, baby moved happily. Everything went so smoothly that I couldn't help but just be happy and contend. Except for Boeboe's accidents which just kept on progressing, everything was going well with all my children.

We went forth with the planning of enlarging our home. We got the architect and drew the plans before I even confirmed I'm pregnant. Then the municipality took a whole 3 and a half months to give the go-ahead. We found a builder, paid him the first instalments and he started building just before Christmas.
Building material

Building window-height
Even baby's position was just perfect. Not underneath my ribs like Mr N, and not down low in the pelvis like Boeboe. Both caused severe uncomfortableness. This baby is just there. Happily sleeping a lot, kicking enough but not hurting me and hiccuping just as much as his brother did. Everything was just perfect!
I had such a good feeling about this baby. I'm so happy and contend when I think about him. I know that we as a family needed him, and that he was going to be the middle of our family. The spill around which we're going to turn. I had such a good connection with him already. I knew that he knew me, as I was aware of him. There was such a strong, calm flow of love between us. I just knew that he's going to be a good influence on all of us. Without any upsets.

I kept on commenting on how well it was going with the pregnancy, but it was true and it just amazed me. Some people told me that it was my turn. But I didn't believe that, because then it would've meant it was someone else's turn to have a complicated pregnancy, and I simply couldn't wish that on anyone. So I just enjoyed every minute of having an uncomplicated pregnancy.

Though, even when I know everything was going well, I had this nagging feeling in me that baby was, yet again, going to come early. But it wasn't a fear in me. More like a fact, but not one that scared me. So, even though I believed that he was going to come early, I didn't think he's going to be in trouble, like his sister was.  

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Monkeyman's birth I

During March 2007, me and hubby set the ball rolling to enlarge our house. We've always wanted to do it, and it seemed like the perfect time. We were living in a 3-bedroomed house which was open planned with 1 living room and dining room. We loved our house, but it being open planned with 2 children running, laughing, playing all the time around our feet was getting too much. And every time someone came to stay over, we had to move the kids around out of their rooms. So we wanted a spare bedroom and another sitting room which could be closed off to the sound and noise the kids make. Especially when we have guests.

Boeboe and Mr N standing on the foundations of the new rooms
 A month later, my hubby caught me off guard one day. He said we could try for a 3rd baby. I was astonished, and happy beyond belief. As a 5-year old girl, I told my mom that I would love to have 5 children. I was one of 4, but for some reason, I wanted one more than that. If I had my choice, I wanted 3 girls and 2 boys. This yearning to have 5 children stuck with me to this day. Unfortunately, my hubby only wanted 2 children. So when he said we could have a 3rd, I was the happiest woman alive.

On 12th June, at 14:00 the afternoon, I sat at the computer, and suddenly had the strangest, strongest feeling ever. I knew without a doubt, that at that moment, conception just took place. I have no idea why/how I felt that. I just knew it. I was as certain of it as I've been of anything ever. Of course about 10 minutes later I started to doubt myself, wondering why on earth I would've felt that and how silly can one be? I mean, who can know exactly the moment they fell pregnant? I've never even thought it remotely possible. But there I sat, certain that I just became pregnant. I wanted to phone my husband. But what would I tell him? He would most likely laugh at me! Nobody would believe me. It's not possible, is it? I know that I'm more finely in tuned to my body than most people and I've always knew when something was up. And I've been more aware of things during my pregnancies before that I also didn't thought possible. Like knowing how the baby will look, and what gender it was. But that? To know exactly the moment that the waiting sperm entered the tiny, freshly released egg and started the most miraculous process? Who would believe me? Nobody. Even though I knew that I ovulated the night before (I'm always in pain so I know exactly when it's happening), barely 12 hours earlier.

Well, precisely 6 days later, symptoms started. I dreamed the strangest dreams. Weird, stressful dreams. Which mostly included my late mother as well. Just like with Boeboe's pregnancy 5 years before. The next day, 7 days after I believe conception took place, I started with a yoghurt aversion. Just the thought of it made me nauseous. The next day the extreme lethargy, tiredness and low blood pressure started. On day 10, hubby asked me if I was pregnant, when I complained of being nauseous. I told him yes, I might be. I didn't tell him, yes, I'm certain, I've known for 10 days already! I was still doubting myself and that weird feeling of certainty I had. I wasn't even pregnant for 2 weeks (or like the doctors measure it, for not even 4 weeks yet).

Thirteen days after conception, I became very irritated with everyone around me. At fifteen days , the linea nigra appeared!!! I was astonished and nearly jumped through the roof. More than anything else, this was a huge positive sign of pregnancy! I was barely pregnant for 2 weeks! WOW. The linea nigra is the brown line that appears on a pregnant woman's stomach when the stomach muscles starts to pull away because of stretching. Usually from the navel down, and sometimes also upwards. I couldn't believe what I saw. So the next morning I did a pregnancy test and....