Monday, May 1, 2023

British Coronation

On the 6th of May, in less than a week, the coronation of King Charles III will take place in England, Deo Volente. I was astounded when I saw the road the procession will take and felt the need to write about it on here. I will copy some of the previous information as well, so that it will form a new basis. I'll also update the existing page of Jan de Villiers later in the menu to include this.

First though, I need to apologise and explain something. As I mentioned before, we do not yet understand how all the sheer number of prophecies we have been given during the past 10+ years will play out. God has called hundreds of people and gave them dreams and words and visions. Many of it sounded like it will take place then, at that moment they received it, or contained words like “now”, “this year” or “this fall”.

When in fact it wasn't meant for that day or that year, but for a future time. That there is a start, an order and a way it will all play out. And we do not know yet, when or how. Once it starts and a certain prophecy plays out, then THAT was the “now” or “this year” or “this fall” it referred to. THAT time, when it plays out. NOT when it was given to the messenger. Just like John was shown and told Revelation will take place "soon". And now we know, that "soon" took 2000 years already! How much was John and Christians not maligned over the years as "false" because of that little misunderstood word. WHEN these things start to take place, THEN soon after the Revelation will unfold. And, "soon" also are closely related to "suddenly" in Greek. Thus, it will happen without much warning, I believe.

This way of describing something in the future to happen in "this year" or "this season", is why prophets should never add their own wording. Changing a “this year” to “this year of 2022” for example! Which many did, getting themselves labelled as false, unfortunately, when it inevitably didn't happen in that year. Who can blame them though, when the prophecy said “this year” and they changed it to the date of that year it was given in? It's a human mistake. But by now, we should realise, it wasn't meant for that year, but a future year. Unfortunately, many stopped believing in prophets or messengers completely, due to this confusion. Especially when we throw all of them in with those that prophesied for money, and the false prophets, the false teachers, the lies and deceit, etc. One big mess.

Before I get to the prophecy about the coronation, let me first just recap who Jan, the messenger, is and why I'm going to talk about his dreams on here. Jan is a South African that has received many dreams and visions since childhood. Since 2014, he also received visions about future events of South Africa. In 2019, he started putting these up as video's, and I was lead to his channel shortly after. You can read more about him in the menu I have at the top of this page. I do NOT agree with all his doctrinal views or theological stances. Not at all. But I do believe he's a good person, a true Believer and that the Holy Spirit has given his dreams and visions to him. 

Many of his dreams and visions have already started to take place, like the one about Lizz Truss making a speech on the financial bonds. The war in Ukraine. Russia annexing the Eastern provinces of UKR. Belarus amassing troops on the border. Poland getting ready for war. Germany sending tanks to UKR. Etc. Which confirms my belief that he is a true Messenger from the Living God.

Much of the rest of what he saw, is either now on the brink of taking place, or have started already. An Angel told him in a dream vision that by Dec 2022 certain of his prophecies will be fulfilled, and we now see it meant that they will start taking place from that time. Which indeed has happened.

But in September 2022 we were still a bit unsure of it all. Then the Queen died and Jan saw something amazing. He noticed that the Queen's funeral procession would take place on the exact street Jan was walking on in his dream-vision of 2019, recorded as his very first video on his Youtube channel. This is also now the exact same street that the King's coming coronation procession will take place in.

Here are 3 pictures as proof.

This first picture is the street Jan was walking on in the first dream. As you can see, he started walking from the bottom up on the red line, lead by a dog in the dream. At the top, just before Trafalgar square, the dog refused to cross the street, but took him left into the park where he saw a huge tree with birds singing in it. From there he was taken to Buckingham Palace.

This 2nd picture was the one London issued for the Queen's funeral procession. It took place on the exact same route Jan was walking in his dream. The X above, is where her body was lying in stasis at “Whitehall”, in this 2nd picture.

In this 3rd picture, the procession for King Charles's coronation is drawn. Again, it will take the exact same route as Jan's dream and the Queen's funeral procession.

When Jan saw in September 2022, that the Queen's funeral procession will take place on the exact same street he dreamt that he was walking on, he prayed and asked why? He received the following:

This is the beginning of the end. Where the dream visions began, is where it all ends.”

Last year September, with the funeral, we thus thought this is what God spoke about. That his dream begins where it ends with the Queen's funeral.

This is why I need to apologise. It clearly didn't (yet) signalled the beginning of the end. Too many domino's still needed to be stacked. It wasn't time yet. Only now does it seem more clear. I was thus too hasty in my assumption that it would start in Sep 2022 with the funeral procession, and I sincerely and profusely apologise. Please thus always keep in mind, I can and will make many more such mistakes. I'm human and hindsight is 20/20. We truly are just all trying our best to work with what we got. 

I now believe the sentence meant that where the dream visions of the funeral procession began, is where it all ENDS with the King's coronation. And that like it states, THIS will be the BEGINNING of the END. So the End will now begin. After this coronation. This is my current view (and assumption).

Here's also another important clue that this coronation on the 6th of May ties into Jan's first dream that begins the prophetic timeline given to him.

Jan dreamt that a dog lead him on this road (in the pictures) up to Trafalgar square where the dog refused to cross over into the square, but lead him into the park where the dog disappeared.

Jan then stopped by a huge tree in the dream, in which many birds were singing.

He heard 1 or more ducks quacked and then he heard 2 fly out. He heard 2 shots and then a loud thud on the ground. He found a man sitting and asked him why did they shoot the ducks, and the man pointed to 2 almost dead doves. He was then showed how the doves were shelved in Buckingham Palace and then he was on the street across Trafalgar square again. He saw a scroll with Siener van Rensburg's vision of war with Russia unfold, just before a nuke hit Leicester square. He then woke up.

Jan got the impression that the birds were nations, the ducks were the Afrikaners/Boere and the doves were Christianity/Holy Spirit and Peace.

During the coronation, King Charles will be anointed and they embroidered what they call the Anointing Screen for this. Here is a picture of it:

The embroiders explained the symbology as follows:
  • The tree represents England with the King/Crown at the root.
  • The leaves are the names of the 56 Commonwealth Nations which the Crown oversees. 
  • The birds are the peoples of the nations, some that's being fed. 
  • The white dove at the top apparently represent the Holy Spirit/Christianity. 
  • The angels are guarding/rejoicing. 
  • The sun around the dove's head, is apparently to represent “God”.

So not only is the street the exact same that Jan walked in his dream, but he also dreamed of this tree! Standing under its shade, listening to the birds singing. It's all eerily similar and thus cannot be coincidence.

I believe the birds singing/talking, is this coronation taking place. That Jan/we were lead to this moment, standing under this tree. Just like Nebuchadnezzar dreamt that he was a tree, that his kingdom was ruling all those living under the tree in its shade, the Crown today is ruling the Commonwealth nations, of which mine is one.

According to Jan's dream, suddenly 2 ducks will fly out, quacking. Something will happen suddenly that will give Afrikaners a fright and force us (or 1 or 2 of us) to scream in warning. What if this is already one of those warnings? 

Thereafter, 2 shots will be fired and a thud be heard. Then peace and Christianity will be shelved in the Palace. This to me sounds like war could be imminent. Maybe after South Africa left the Commonwealth nations tree...

Jan also had one other dream that may be significant. He dreamt that there seemed to have been a plan, a script, that Russia and England and the whole world's industrial military complex were following. But then the Russian's found a hidden way, and at the changing of the guards on the British side, the Russians suddenly appear overhead, in the sky, in an apparent war threat.

It may signify a future date or event, or it may be that this script is what will play out from the coronation, culminating in the Russians appearing with war. Or, it may mean that the changing of the guards, IS the coronation. We don't know and will have to see what it all means.

In a 2nd dream in July 2019, an Angel told Jan that “within 8 months” a threat will come to England. He personally believes that it was the virus, because exactly 8 months after that, the lockdowns of the world started in March 2020. 

I believe, we were warned before her funeral and within 8 months (8 September 2022 to 6 May 2023), we will now see the end play out. This can also be the start of a last fulfilment of the 8 months, as we know God many times work in 3's. So 8 months before the virus and lockdowns, 8 months between the funeral and the coronation, and maybe, another last 8 months for it all to play out? I don't know.

In another vision, Jan was shown the 7 plagues that will befall England, that Siener van Rensburg also was shown a hundred years ago. It started with Liz Truss and the financial bonds problem that lead to her resignation (this part of his vision thus already took place). Then it showed him the 7 plagues, and it ended with a nuke.

The 7 plagues according to Siener van Rensburg are:
  • England will loose all their colonies (I believe the 56 Commonwealth nations is part of this).
  • Financial ruin.
  • Famine. 
  • Immigrants will pour into the UK from the East and from Africa, severely draining their remaining resources.
  • Civil War.
  • The loss, inaction or inability of their fleet to fight.
  • War.
We don't know the exact order and how each will play out. But it seems that it will all happen simultaneously, suddenly and Jan saw it ends with a nuke.

A last note.

Shortly after this above dream of walking the street of the coronation procession, Jan had a dream vision as I mentioned, where an Angel appeared to him. The Angel told him to tell the Afrikaner nation that in 8 months time, a threat is coming to England, and he was shown a scene of war with Russia. Then he noticed his hands were cuffed. When he looked down at it, the cuffs fell off and he stood in amazement, not immediately realising what had just taken place. Then he saw or was told the Afrikaner nation was freed and they ran into the sunset like springboks, jumping in freedom and joy and happiness. He was told later that the nation was under a 100 year bondage (that's the cuff's that will fall away).

As I explained in the History files under My Testimony in the Menu, my nation was living a mostly free life in the Cape of Good Hope until 1820 when England took control over the colony from the Dutch and called it The Cape Colony. They changed a lot of laws. Like we weren't allowed to use our language in churches, schools, town plains, etc. any more. Only English was allowed. We also had to free all slaves (that the Dutch brought from Angola and the East, not South African blacks), for almost no compensation. Farms would've and did go under.

So the people moved inland to get away from the English “sphere”, as they called it. We created new Republics. Sovereign countries of their own right. Until diamonds and gold were found in them and the English wrestled control away from us over those too. First by flooding us with immigrants from nearby black neighboring countries. Then by war. We won the first but lost the 2nd in 1902. They first stole the Cape of Good Hope from us, then they stole all our Republics from us. We had nowhere else to go, the rest of the continent and world was by then already taken.

In 1910 the Union of South Africa was created under the Crown. The English took control of the WHOLE Southern tip. All our different Republics, all black countries and areas, and all KhoiSan lands were thrown into one pot, called the Union. Under their flag and their English “sphere” and control.

They appointed English-friendly leaders amongst our people (which we saw as almost traitors). One of these was Jan Smuts, who played a key role of handing over our Republics to the English in 1902 during the treaty.

In 1920 he was an architect of the League of Nations. And this also lead to the creation of the Balfour declaration that created the Commonwealth Nations in 1926, that stated the nations as:

"...united by a common allegiance to the Crown, and freely associated as members of the British Commonwealth of Nations.”

Thus, all owed allegiance to the English Crown. What we fled from and fought an impossible war over, they now bound us to. The “freely associated” I can assure everyone, was not so “freely” as implied. (This Balfour declaration is also what lead to the creation of the state of Israel, in 1948 on May 14th. This year is the 75th birthday that is extremely significant to them.)

We Afrikaners have fought this inclusion into the British Sphere again, with everything we got. In 1924 we gained political power in a coalition, more than ever before. This gave us the foothold we were looking for 22 years since the war ended. From this we built a power base until we were able to vote them out in 1948, on the 26th of May. For the first time, we took control of our own affairs. We turned the much hated Union into a Republic in 1961, the 31st of May, and extracted ourselves from the commonwealth and the English.

Then our president was assassinated in 1966, the Russians and Cubans attacked our border from Angola, and in 1969, upheaval and civil unrest started in all earnest in our country. All of this finally culminated in the ANC taking control over our Republic in 1994.

Immediately, they placed us back into the Commonwealth. So if anyone was wondering who orchestrated affairs in South Africa, there's your answer.

Now, God is showing us through Jan's dream visions, a 100 years later, from that time in 1920-1926 when the League of nations and the Commonwealth have been created, we will be set free. The cuffs will fall off and we will run. We will be FREE. What we wanted since setting foot on this soil almost 400 years ago, and has fought bitterly and hard for. First from the Dutch control, then British control and lastly, ANC control together with British overhead. At long last, my people will be completely free, and God has promised us, it will then be forever and ever. No one will ever rule us again.

I cannot wait for that day. I wish it wasn't necessary to come by in this way, through war, destruction, death and hardships. But my people has suffered a LOT, for many eons and especially the past 30 years. We have psychological scars that will take decades to heal. Things the world knows nothing about and do not want to know. We experience daily hardship. I haven't seen my people laugh freely and without fear or sadness in so long. There's always a lingering pain in everyone's eyes. A tiny pulling of the lips, indicating stress.

I thus cannot wait for that day, when I can see them run into their freedom. Away from the pain and hurt, the oppression and hardship, the hatred, the rapes and torture and murders. 

I cannot wait for that day.