Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Part XXI: The End

So what is all this leading to, and why? 

Why do I make such a big deal out of it all? Why write such a detailed background? Why not just come out with what's necessary, what I'm leading up to?

Because it's THE event in the Universe, of all times. THE event. What is?

The Birth of God's Children. 

The earth is groaning to reveal the Sons of God. And this is what my blog is leading to. And to the End of it all, through the Revelation of Jesus the Christ, our Lord and Savior.

I am called as a type of "John the Baptist" character... calling in the wilderness, as a Pioneer, because our God is coming. I'm called to warn, our Messiah is coming back. Not the false one the world will first accept. But the one that when He appears, ALL knees will bow to. ALL knees. Involuntary or voluntary. That God. The Creator itself.

But first.... the End. 

What is the End? Why do people call it that?

It's called that, because Jesus did. He said, don't be deceived! It's not the End YET. Meaning, there will be an End. So the apostles asked him about this “End” coming. How would it come about? And Jesus gave them signs to look for.

This did come true, AND it did NOT.

How so?

The temple in Jerusalem WAS destroyed. Every stone tumbled down. In 70 AD. But Jesus wasn't JUST speaking about those days after His ascension. Most people understand that He was also referring to the time leading up to Revelation. The last Book. That is still in our future. Christians have been waiting for this event for 2000 years. And we are the Blessed Generation that will see this. Jesus spoke to those around Him, and to US, living today.

Let me explain the duality of His Words.

When Adam and Eve was created and then sinned, they fell. Fall. Autumn. The Fall was during Autumn. God designed seasons during Creation as signs for us. 

But time is in loops. Like a spiral. The smallest spiral is in our cells, in our bodies. Then the bigger it grows, the more recognizable we see or feel it pass. Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. Seasons. A year.

We live through 4 seasons every year, but we as humanity ALSO live through a spiral of time so big, we don't truly see it. That spiral is also a year long, and also have 4 seasons. But it takes thousands of "earth" years, of years as we know it, to complete. And we're only, almost, three quarters through that "one year". It started with the Creation of Adam. 

After the Fall of Adam and Eve and humanity, things started to die. The earth brought forth thistles and thorns. The world withered. Everything turned brown and grey and bleak. Dry. 

They fell so low during the following fifteen hundred years, that God changed the season to Winter. Fall ended with a flood of water. And everything was dead.
Earth was destroyed. All of Adam's descendants (except those in the Ark) killed. All trees and shrubs and grass washed away. The animals drowned. Winter was horrific. Empty. Dead. Desolate.

God took one little seed, or a family of seeds, and planted them. Noah and his sons. They lay mostly dormant where they fell, until one started growing. Abraham was called. Earth started showing signs of life again through Sarai. Abraham was told he would bring light to the nations through this seed, called Isaac.

So life came back into the world and slowly little changes happened. Jacob's descendants spread over the known world and brought knowledge about God wherever they went. Greenery started to appear slowly.

But first, Winter had to End. And the End comes with death and destruction and heartache, almost like it did when Fall ended in the Flood. The True Life and Light came just before this End. He was called Jesus the Christ. When He died, the End of Winter was ushered in, and Spring was brought forth through His Resurrection and then His Church. Spring was all about New Life.

By 70 AD, the End of all things Winter happened. The old passed away and the new took root. It was Spring! Life. New fruit. Beautiful blossoms. Tantalizing smells.
The New Church blossomed and grew and started to bear fruit. New greenery began. We had hope and sunshine and light again in the world. Flowers bloomed. Colors exploded. It was gorgeous and beautiful, like only Spring could be. Love was in the air.

This lasted about 2000 years. Fall first (creation to flood), then Winter (Abraham to Jesus), then Spring (Jesus and Church Age). So what must now follow?

Jesus told us. Look up! Summer draws near. We are awaiting the Birth of Summer!

But first, Spring must End.

End always comes with death, destruction and heartache. Just like it did with the flood and the destruction of Jerusalem. The end of Spring will be especially bad, a time like never before, and never again, Jesus warned us. It will burn. Everything will burn. Everything will end for a short breath in time. 

But then. Summer.

After the birth pains to bring forth this new “baby”, this New Age, this new time period in the Life of Man, Summer will come along. And stay. The old are done away with. Fall, winter and spring. Never again will we Believers experience that. We will have eternity with God during Summer. We won't fall again. We will live in the light. Warmth, happiness, safety, food in abundance. Animals in abundance. New Life springing forth in abundance. Fruit trees that bear fruit 12 months of the year! Joy like we never experienced before. Peace for a millennia. 

But before Summer can come, we need the End of Spring. It will be horrific.

So to help us, Jesus said to watch for the signs of the End. Now, some of these signs DID happen when the apostles witnessed it. From His death around 30 AD until the death of Jerusalem in 70 AD. That generation DID see it. Just as Jesus said they would. But that was the End of Winter.

He actually spoke about TWO Ends and TWO beginnings. The end of Winter and beginning of Spring. And then the end of Spring and the beginning of Summer.

Many people don't refer to all 4 seasons, but only to winter and summer, 6 months of each. So the Spring could also be spoken of as Summer. So Jesus's Words were for BOTH that generation, Spring, and for us now, Summer. He did not lie nor deceive.

But. The death of Winter was easy compared to what is coming. Jesus warned and said it will be like the time of Noah. And worse. The worst period in all of humanity's history and future. The end of Spring will be so bad that people's hearts will fail them for what's coming upon the earth. We will see the worst of the worst of the worst. Ever.

Which is why God knew, humanity would need people to guide them, to help them, to advise them. And that's where we, the Pioneers come in. We are to guide those who will in turn, guide humanity. We are clearing the pathways, creating the towns, building the roads, for those to come in that will guide and advise humanity and help. That's why I said, my role is small, and one of many, many others, but still important. Because it's not for me. It's not even just for my family or my people, the Afrikaners/Boere. But it's part of a much bigger plan for humanity itself. Because God loves His creation so.

So that's part of what I was called to do. Create “roads” (Spiritually) which others can follow. And my testimony will be the beginning of one of these roads. God will make sure I know who I have to point to it, and others will be Lead here by the Spirit or other people. 

It's not about who reads my words. Or how many. It has never been. It was started to help other mommies with children who has an occult tethered cord or similar symptoms like it. A rare condition, so only a handful of people. To see what worked for us. What didn't help and what was necessary. This blog was never about how many, but for the one person I could help, like I was helped and guided by other blogs.

Now, it's similar, but to a different crowd. It's for them, those lead here by God Himself.

Two last points. 
Even though this is my testimony, I want people to clearly understand. It's NOT about me. It actually never was. In the beginning, it was about my daughter, and her road. Now, it's about those who would follow, and their road. I'm not important. Nobody goes into a new town, and wonder about the hands who paved the roads, who painted the houses, planted the roses in front of the church or who layed out the town square. They don't look at a policeman or a nurse or a teacher and think of them as an individual being. They look at them as part of a group, the police force, the nurses or the teachers. Each one important, but as a group they work together for the good of the town. I'm just one of those. There are others. 

And then lastly. This is not from me. This is brought to you all by God Himself. Our Creator. So please, don't thank me. Thank Him only. Whether you believe it or not, it's for you too. Whether you know Him or about Him or not, it's for you. Whatever you call Him or think about Him, it's for you. From Him. Your Creator. The one who lovingly fashioned you and gave you life and free will. Then set you free and knew at what point you will return back to Him.

He was the one who called me. Through His Spirit, His Angel, His Son. The Father lead me to this point. He gave me everything. My life, my family, the means to do this, the time to do this, the skills and experience to do this, the know how and the practice, the knowledge and the information. And most especially, the calling and the assignment. It's a direct assignment given to me by my King, to His Servants. 

It's ALL from Him and only Him, Jesus the Christ, also known by some as YHWH, Yashua, Yeshua, Yehushua, the Hamashiach.

Next up, I start to talk about why prophecies.

Monday, August 30, 2021

PART XXII: Prophecies

So now I'm getting to the “maps”. Oh, I have many maps. I explained in a previous entry that I'm kinda the cartographer. So all the Pioneers, the Voortrekkers, have moved into different little areas during the Groot Trek in the 1830's. Some more West, other's straight North, some a little to the East, etc. They would pen down their direction, distances travelled, what they encountered and where they eventually stopped and created a town with farms around it. Then they will copy this information and send it on to the other Pioneers.

These would all be collected into a bigger whole, where all the towns could be drawn on a bigger map, so that new Trekkers, who will also move later on, will know where to stop for food. The map would mark areas where lions hunt or the rivers are too deep to cross safely or filled with crocodiles. Where the mountain passes are or treacherous sands lie. Or where roads have been carved out by wagon wheels and were relatively safe to travel along. And this bigger map that contained the whole of all the Pioneers, would be drawn up, copied and send on to new Trekkers, to family in the Cape, to the authorities, even in those days, overseas for printing in other countries and in books.

This is what I'm doing here. Sharing parts of the puzzle and putting it together in bigger wholes. Though I don't have the complete picture yet. Not at all. But the first areas are mapped and drawn up and readied to be copied and shared. And I have some of them here. I'm only able to share bits and pieces for now, and put some of it together in bigger wholes. Like I said, there's still many holes, many gaps, many unknowns that we haven't completed the maps for or I haven't received any information on it yet. I mentioned previously that the magnitude of the work is beyond what I can explain. It's huge. It's really, really, really huge. Bigger than anything I've ever worked on. And sometimes, I do feel lost and despair at the sheer magnitude of it all, like earlier this week.

And then God's Words today (through a messenger) were:

Do not run away from the magnitude of labor set before you, or the massive amount of hours required for you to invest. Do not deny the sacrifice required of you, but embrace all these things, and walk forward in courage and confidence knowing your God is with you, has prepared and equipped you, and is continuing to do so day by day, even hour by hour.

God is thus acknowledging. Yes, He knows it's no small thing. He knows it requires a “massive amount of hours” from me. He acknowledges that it is a sacrifice that's required from me. But it's still needed. I was called, I said yes, it needs to be done.

He has spent an equally amount of hours, if not much, much more, preparing and training and equipping me. And He is walking right beside me, helping me do this. I'm never alone. I just need to buckle down and get it done, even if it takes me months and years still. And it will. My testimony alone will be years in the making. And I only just started.

Now, my scribing (the "maps") entails many different parts. It contains teachings and insights. It contains revelations and hidden nuggets in Scripture. It also contains warnings about the dangers that can and will be encountered by other travelers following the Pioneers. It also contains where the pitstops or towns are to find fresh fruit, flour for bread or fresh or dried meat for the travels. Eventually, all will be shared. 

For now, though, I'm first going to concentrate on one area. Prophecy.

Revelation 19:10
“For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

LOL no, I'm not claiming to be Jesus Christ. This is my testimony of my walk with Jesus Christ, and how He has revealed many things to His messengers. Which I was called to research, find, collect, gather, sort through, copy and scribe. Then share with the world. This all comes FROM Jesus Christ, and His testimony IS this spirit of prophecy.

Prophecy isn't given so that we can heap honor onto ourselves because we know the future. 
It's also not given so that we can use it to enrich ourselves. 
Or so that we can have “secret knowledge” others don't have or brag about it. 
Prophecy isn't given so that it can be used as a stick or a stone to beat someone with. 

It is given to guide us to God Himself. To learn who our God truly is. To learn from Him. To learn how absolutely trustworthy He is. And what a wonderful Father He really is to all His Children. How much He loves and treasures each one and wants them to walk safely and confidently, knowing their God has already showed them the Way. Through His Son. And that His testimony is the spirit of prophecy. We can follow this spirit of prophecy. We can thus trust God's prophecies.

Of course, we first have to test the spirits! To make sure it IS from God, and not from other spirits!! We are ordered to, and warned that many, many false prophets have been sent out. And oh, how prolific they are! The world and social media is filled with them. We cannot, ever, trust anyone just at face value, claiming to have a prophecy of God. Not a “new” prophecy given this year, nor an “old” prophecy given 500 years ago. Do not trust ANYONE just at face value. 

There's been so many, many, many false prophets sent out. And most Christians have almost zero discernment! It's a Gift of the Spirit, and a rare gift in my estimation. Most people believe they have almost perfect discernment, but to my dismay, my research has shown the opposite. So many are deceived. Most are deceived in some way or other. We all fall for some traps.

So we have to test the spirits. Compare it with the Word itself, whether it rings true. Pray about it. Ask God. Study His Word to get to know His Voice. Research and learn.

But it takes time. Which is why we, the Pioneers, were sent in first. No. Don't just trust us either! Still pray and search out the truth. Where prophecies starts to come true, we will then have a better idea which prophets were truly from God. And where they fail spectacularly, we will be able to throw those out. One of my training areas was to recognize false prophets, but I'm of course NOT infallible in it, at all. I will one day also make a post on false prophets and how to improve our discernment and my experiences along the way. But that will come later on.

So for now, we walk in faith that God will show us as we go along. Thus, don't trust everything on here just yet, as set in stone. This isn't easy. Not at all. And I'm still just human with limitations and frailties. I'm pretty sure I have made many mistakes that will still be revealed. So expect there to be mistakes along the way. But trust that God will eventually reveal everything as and when it is necessary.

So for now, of all the areas I need to eventually tackle, I'm starting on prophecy. In particular, prophecies for my people, my country, South Africa. Then for the world. There's a reason why I'm doing it this way, and it has to do with the role South Africa is going to play during the End of Times, and there after.

I will divide the prophecies into as clear cut parts as I possibly can. It's not easy, as some people want something quickly that doesn't take a lot of time to read. Others want the exact detail so that they can study and discern it all for themselves. Both need to be accommodated, as both are Children of God that needs to get the information in a way suited to themselves.

So I'll first provide the quick, short way, and eventually the longer explanations with the detail.

Just a last disclaimer. Some of these prophecies, dreams or visions were given by people who are happy that it is shared and distributed. As far as possible, I've tried to make sure that's how the person feel before I copied and now share it. If though, you recognize any of this and do not want it shared on here, or in the way I'm doing it (as summaries in some instances, as well as in whole), please let me know in the comments, and I'll remove it.

I feel it is important that the Body of Christ works together and that the information is given to those in search of it. But I also understand that there have been many who were burnt by those who twisted the prophecies, changed its meaning or used it to gain wealth or fame for themselves. In which case the prophets or messengers sometimes added restrictions to how or where or by whom it may be shared.

If I overstepped, please let me know and I will fix it. I apologize in advance and ask for leniency, understanding and forgiveness in such cases. As I said, I'm doing this because I was asked, not because I want to. I don't want anything in return from any person. Not gratitude, nor gifts, not money, not even acknowledgement. I'd prefer to be ignored, to be honest. I'm just the scribe, fulfilling my promise to my God, and hoping to help a few fellow Christians along the way.

So next, I need to add a little information about one particular prophet here, before I'll then start on the summary of prophecies for South Africa.

Sunday, August 29, 2021


Before I can get to the prophecies for South Africa, I have to first explain who I am talking about, and where it all started.

As explained under the history parts, the Afrikaners moved North away from the English in the Cape of Good Hope in the 1830's. They created different Republics, of which the Free State and Transvaal eventually were the biggest and most important ones. A few decades later, a little boy was born on a farm in the (later called) Transvaal. His name was Nikolaas van Rensburg. His dad was a struggling farmer, that had to supplement his income by selling merchandise to other farmers, which often took him away from the farm. His mother would stay behind with the children.

One day, the farm workers came to warn his mother that they heard there will be a farm attack that night on their farm. Like today, this usually meant rape, torture and murder of the farmer, wife and children, and sometimes of the farm hands too.

Since her husband was away, she was of course, terrified. She packed their things, but little Nikolaas who was age 6 at the time, told his mom: "I am not leaving with you. I am staying here." She was astounded and demanded him to come, but he explained that Jesus or an angel (I can't remember the exact detail) told him that they must not leave or flee, they will be protected on the farm that night. So he's staying to obey the Lord.

In the end, she also stayed. They were unharmed and safe all through the night. The next morning they went to investigate and they found footsteps milling around in front of their gate. A worker explained to them that the attackers apparently did arrive at the gate during the night, but found an Angel waiting there for them. They fled in absolute panic.

It was clear to Nicolaas's mom that God truly spoke to her child, so she taught him to read the Bible. He only went to school for 20 days, because they couldn't afford it. So his mom homeschooled him, but the only book he ever read, was the Bible. He grew up, got married and had children. Then, in 1899, the Anglo-Boer war broke out which I discussed under the history files.

Nikolaas was a soft, gentle man. He refused to fight in the war, but loved his people dearly, as well as his country, the Transvaal. So he joined the troops, but walked behind them with only his Bible. He never carried a gun. And wherever he went, God would give warnings to him through visions, which if the troops or sergeants heeded it, usually saved their lives from traps or attacks. Many, many, many times. Even one of our Republics' presidents was saved this way from attacking English soldiers.

One of the most well known was when Nikolaas told one soldier to take out the pocket bible he always carried in his back pocket of his trousers, and that day, put it in his shirt's pocket. The soldier did. Later the troops were attacked and this soldier was shot. The bullet penetrated the small pocket Bible that was right over his heart. The bullet stopped at the verse that says: "Not by power or might, but by my Spirit" (I'm paraphrasing). People were astounded and many returned to the Lord through these prophecies.

Another interesting one was when a young boy on a horse came charging into a Boere camp to tell the sergeant what Siener saw (he was with another garrison), and what they must do to prevent them all from being killed by attacking English soldiers. The Sergeant listened and followed the instructions, which included looking for a certain shaped rock in the nearby river and passing at that exact point to the other side. The soldiers were super scared and some refused as the river was known to be deep and strong and dangerous. The sergeant whipped the stubborn ones, literally, into the river! So all the Boere went into the river right at the spot they were told to, and found the river quite shallow there! As they were passing through the water, the English arrived and stormed after them. As the Boere reached the other side, the river came down and suddenly that exact spot, which was a sandbank, washed away and the river was too deep and strong for the English soldiers and horses and almost all the English drowned. No Boer died that day.

Nikolaas was by then called Siener, or Seer in English. One who sees. Because he was almost always given visions, very few words or dreams, mostly it was always just a vision while he was awake.

In the end, he had almost 700 such visions, that as far as we knew, were recorded. About 400 came true during his lifetime, most during and after the war itself up to around 1917. Even those he saw of his own 2 little girls dying in the English concentration camps. He tried to prevent it, but was unable to. It happened exactly as God showed him it will. (This makes me cry every time I think about it.) His other children survived, but 15 years later as he was in front of a judge for doing the Lord's work, he told the judge that his son had just died. Minutes later someone came running into the court and whispered to the judge. It was news about Siener's son who had just died unexpectedly.

He also foresaw the death of a number of famous people in our country, even one of the president and the way in which he died, which was hidden by the Media from the public. Siener also knew when he himself would die, and it came true exactly as he saw it, in 1926, a few months after his last visions.

At some point around 1916, God asked him that his daughter, then 15, write all visions down. So from then on, she did. We have a written record of a bunch of his older visions, because of several friends that recorded it all. And then those that his daughter recorded during his last 10 years.

He was given insight that a lot of his prophecies were for the End of Times. When our nation would have lost almost everything and our language will be attacked again. He gave a few signs we had to look out for, and those seems to be happening currently in our country. 

There's one hiccup though. No one truly understands his visions!

Siener usually interpreted his own visions that were warnings. So for example, he would see 2 red bulls coming. And he would warn the troops, 2 regiments of English troops under a leader is coming. And they (the Boere) would flee. The English soldiers would then arrive and find no one.

Siener thus saw his visions in symbols, which he gave the meaning for during the war. A bull, a horse, a little boy, a shoe, a corn field, rain or clouds gathering, a ray of sun, a farm house. Things in his every day life, and with it, the interpretation of it.

But those hundreds of visions he had that was for the “End of Times”, were also given in the same symbols. But he never received much of the interpretation on it! Since it wasn't for his time, and God wanted to keep most of it as a mystery for the time being. Siener was just given a little bit to interpret here and there, like the signs we had to watch for, but mostly, it was left as a mystery. 

So we had a book full of visions, and knowledge that it will be important, but no way of interpreting it! This lead to many, many, many people over the past 100 years trying their best to interpret it.

Most failed spectacularly. When World War II broke out, many people pulled the prophecies closer and tried to match what is happening with the symbols and events described in the prophecy. Of course it failed, since as we now know, the second world war wasn't what brought in the “End of Times”. Most of us now understand, it will be the third. The one on our doorstep.

Around the 90's, an Afrikaner with the name Adriaan Snyman, had a revelation about Siener, and started his research. He spend a lot of money, time and effort into collecting all he could, and did his best to interpret the visions. I think he came as close as ever, up to that point. Much of what he said, made sense. So much so, that I think I noticed the same trend as in the Bible.

Isaiah and Jeremiah were 2 prophets who prophesied against Israel's sin in the years before Babylon invaded them. Much of what they prophesied, came true.
But not everything.

Why not? Clearly it was about Babylon?!

Because we have now been told by God, that there is a NEW Babylon rising. God told thousands of His People during the past 40 years, that the USA is this new Babylon. So Isaiah and Jeremiah prophesied against both the first and the last Babylon. With the last Babylon, ALL the prophecies will be fulfilled. They call this the “near-and-far prophecies”. When there is a near fulfillment, that's almost always incomplete. And a far fulfillment that's further down the timeline, but will complete the whole prophecy in its entirety.

Thus, just like Isaiah and Jeremiah will thus still be fulfilled AGAIN, the same with Siener. Some of his prophecies fulfilled in the time he was still alive, some during the 90's when our country was given over to the ANC government we now have.

But the true, complete fulfillment, is still coming. When the prophecies will all be fulfilled, all the visions of Siener for the End Times, from beginning to end, in a flowing whole complete story.

This “story” was unlocked by a revelation given from God, to another of our people, Mr FH Pretorius, also known as Oupa Baard (Grandfather Beard) in the late '90's and early 2000's. 

He wrote a few books as well, to describe how he received the revelation, and how this lead him to unlock the order, the flow of the story, and most of the interpretation of the symbols. Siener himself though, gave us the starting point to look for. 

This starting point, is the implosion of our current government. This implosion has also since been prophesied and confirmed, by 2 other prophets or messengers, mr Jan de Villiers and mr Francois de Wet. (I will at some point make a post with links to all these people's websites, videos, books and such.)

This implosion is clearly happening AT THIS MOMENT. It's not a fast explosion, but an almost slow implosion. It has started about 10 years ago already, and has now reached the point where it's obvious to all, and openly being discussed in the media, amongst all in the country and even acknowledged by the government themselves, though they are frantic to try and stop it from continuing. 

The only thing people don't know for sure, is how long will it take for this last part to fall down, and what will be left standing. Prophecy tells us that the last bit will continue to fall as the rest did, and everything will then disappear into a big hole in the ground. Thus, nothing will be left standing of them, or even eventually, be visible of them.

So clearly, we have reached the time Siener told us to watch out for. Which is why I need to start with the prophecies on or about South Africa first, as it is on our doorstep to being fulfilled. But first, as a last part, just quickly, a post on how people receive prophecies, here.

(Disclaimer: I do NOT adhere to everything written by either of the 2 writers, like FH Pretorius and his stance on the Bible, YHWH, Jesus, Nibiru or the Annunaki. Eventually, I will get to those topics and what was revealed to me, but not today. Just know that if you read his blog and books, I do not at all condone what he says about those topics. 

Same with Adriaan Snyman. He adheres to the Israel Vision or Israel Truth and I do not. Both writers got some revelation, some insight, and were able to bring us a step closer. But God will reveal the final revelations about Siener's prophecies. It will not come from these 2 writers, they just contributed to the process to make people aware of the prophet, the prophecies and the levels it contain.)