Saturday, January 10, 2015

New beginnings

I don't have a lot of time, so this post will be short and conscise (I bet you never thought I can be quick? Hahahaha).

I got a job!! I'm going to start part-time teaching at the same school my children will be attending. First job in 14 years. First one I applied for. I'm quite proud of myself. Of course, it helps that I have the precise qualifications they were looking for. I'm super, super excited!! I'm gonna teach maths as well as computer science. I'm very busy preparing for next week, and getting everything ready for this new challenge in my life.

This of course means that Peanut will need to start school. Fortunately, they were able to take her in at the same school!! How awesome is that? So me and ALL 4 kids will all be together at the same school. :-) Pretty cool hey? I'm only working 7 hours a week (between 30 min and 2 hours every day), so basically Peanut will just go to school to play a bit with the other kids while I have a class to teach. I'm allowed to come and go as I please, and take her with or leave her whenever needed. So I'll take it day by day, see how she adapts and when she needs to come home with me for a bit inbetween classes. Of course I'm stressed about this part! My baby is starting school.... :-(  But she's turning 3 this year, she's much more social than the other kids were at this age, she's extremely healthy and she LOVES playing with other kids. So I'm sure she'll be fine.

Mr N is starting high school, and very excited about it. Of course, added to the excitement is the fact that one of his new teachers is his mom. ;-) He has no idea what's in stall for him.... hahahahaha. Just kidding, we're going to have a ball! I have so many exciting projects for them, I'm sure they're going to love it.

Boeboe is just as excited, though, she has to wait a year to have me as teacher. :-) She's looking forward to making new friends and being part of a group of kids where she can fit in, and will be accepted for who she is. I'm going to keep a very close eye on her this year, I need her to be okay before she gets to high school. Emotionally, academically, socially and physically.

And last but not least, I think the one most excited among all of us, is Monkeyman!!! He simply can.not.wait. LOL. I'm so grateful that he loves learning like this, and that he's looking forward to the new school and being grade 1 (start of primary school in our country). I'm desperate for him to make a new friend, because he's quite sad about leaving his old friends behind in the previous school. I'm of course also quite worried about how he will cope. I hoped for some improvement over the holidays, but it's not going well. He's almost constantly pale, complaining about being tired, legs feeling like lead and refusing to play with his siblings because of tiredness. Ai man.

Some pics of Boeboe, with her new, gorgeous haircut!! Isn't she looking fabulous?


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015

Can you believe it. 2014... gone. Finish and dusted. What a year it was! When 2011 were done with, we just prayed to never, ever have another 2010 and 2011. Unfortunately, 2013 and 2014 very closely matched the difficulties for us. So here's to hoping that 2015 will thus match the quiet love, happiness and wonder that was 2012. The year that brought our last baby and a whole lot of healing to us.

Long ago, I wrote a post in the old year about every child (here). I'd like to recreate that here now. They have all grown so much, turned into such beautiful young people. I'm so very, very proud of all of them.

Mr N
He has matured so much, even though he hasn't changed much. He's still scrawny, still all smiles, few hugs and a very sensitive side he likes to hide. He's very secure in who he is, where he's going and what he'll do with his life. Career-wise, but also all other areas. It's as if he was born being 30, and he's just waiting the time out to be 30. If that makes sense.

He's such a caring young man. He will make sure all and everyone around him is happy, taken care of and not slighted or unhappy in some way. He will look out for his younger siblings, as long as I'm not looking. ;-) He adores his babysister, and loves to chase her around the house, driving her to hysterical giggles.

Academically, he's worked really hard this year. He has learned some lessons. That you have to make sure you keep all balls in the air, because if you drop one... It was a valuable lesson. I'm so proud of the way he has handled such a difficult year. The way he coped, and took it one day at a time and just made sure he kept his head down and did what needed to be done. He was never involved in any of the upsets at school. Never part of the rowdy 13-year old boys who think they're too big for their shoes because they're the eldest in school. He was never involved in any of the scandalous behaviours, never wanted to be part of those groups. He stood by his morals, his integrity and his honesty. He still respected his teachers! And he showed us that he can be trusted. That was the biggest gift he could have given us. We love this firstborn of ours to pieces!

Oh man, our little fighter. Who knew that when she was lying in that tiny crib, struggling for every breath to just stay alive, that that fighting spirit would take her so far! That she would need it again, and again, and again. Of course it saddens me so much, but when I see her fight through every obstacle life throws at her, I can't help but be so amazed, so proud of this delicate little thing that houses such a big spirit. She has no idea how proud she makes us. How much we respect her abilities to overcome life and stay afloat. If only I had half her spirit!!

And then she stays humble, loving and gentle. How does she do it? There's no one kinder, no more tender person in this life. She will cut her own arm off, if someone smaller and weaker than she needs it. The way she loves her siblings, and especially dotes on her babysister. It's heartwarming to see.

But. She's not a kitten to touch without gloves!! She scratches and bites and will take your hand off if you're not careful! She applies that fighting spirit to everything around her! When she feels threatened, slighted or misunderstood, EVERYONE arounds her knows it IMMEDIATELY. She will NOT keep quiet. Never! Even when asked to tone down, she.will.not.

This year, academically, she has surprised us beyond words. She has excelled!! We're so so so proud of her hard work, her dedication, her tenacious spirit that just keeps going. Until the work is done/learned/completed/perfected. She will NOT give up. Whether it's fighting the demons in her head, the homework or the bladder problems she lives with every day.

I have to add one last thing. This little girl of mine is turning into an exceptionally beautiful young woman. She has this slender, gracious long limbs and body that she moves in such fluid motion that it captivates anyone looking at her. Her long, thing fingers, her hooded dark eyes, her long shiny black, black hair, her looooong lashes, the perfect olive coloured day, she's going to break alot of hearts, and I'm just praying that she'll stand strong and make the right choices in life regarding men.

Ag man, my little monkey. He's such a joy to have around. Such a sweet, sweet personality. So soft and gentle and kind. So tender and quiet and contend. Four year laters, he's still just my quiet, deep river that just flows calmly and strongly. Never any upsets. Never demanding. Never making the world known that here he is. He just is. Quiet, on his own, shy smile ready for any loved one.

He's our clever little one. The one who, likes his older brother, finds academics easy. He loves learning! Loves, loves, loves it. He's looking forward to learning to read and write some more this year so much. He adores learning new facts of the world around him, and will remember it so well. Explaining days later to me what his teacher said! He always asks how something works. He loves maths! He finds it easy, and get so excited when he comes across a difficult calculation and can work it out all by himself.

He adores his siblings, especially the older two. They're his world! He looks up to them, and hate not being able to do all that they can. He absolutely loves it when they spend time with him. Outside ball games with Mr N, or arty, crafty or pretend play inside with Boeboe.

He's a scaredy little cat though, this one. He wakes up when there's thunder and lighting at night, and the lighting storms here in the highvelds are particularly spectacular in sound and light. It scares adults as much as the children! We just hide it a bit better. :-)

What I find interesting, is to see how much he has matured this past year. Alot of his peers are still in the "I am better/faster/quicker/etc. than you" phase, while he has moved out of it. He will come and tell me after an event or a visit or a school day, how he wasn't the fastest, best nor the strongest, but that it's okay, he didn't mind and still enjoyed the game. Such maturity from such a young little boy. It makes my heart swell in wonder and pride. Just a year ago he still thought he was SUPERfast and will always win all running contests. Now, he doesn't mind loosing, and will participate with a happy smile, because it's still FUN! How can you not love such a spirit? :-)

My baby. My last beautiful baby. The little girl I so desperately wanted. Was she worth the fight? Yes! Very, very, very much so. The nine months of nausea. The worries. The little sleep I still get. Worth every minute. Because she's the most adorable part of our family. She's an absolute wonder to have with us. Very, very much loved, and very much wanted!

She's her own little thing. So different from the rest. The way she uses her short little body, her abandonment when she has fun. The way she would sing for everyone and anyone without shyness. The way she would laugh with her siblings. Such happiness.

She's still a shy, introvert, even though she has her moments. She has this way of trying to hide her face when she hears someone talks about her. It's the cutest thing ever! She loves to get photographed! And she loves watching movies of her and her siblings on my iPad.

She doesn't sleep much. Even though she's only 2.5, she doesn't take a nap every day. She sleeps INTERUPTED for 11 hours a night, and about 3-4x a week she'll take a 2-hour nap. When SHE chooses to. It could be 2pm, or even at 6pm! You canNOT make her sleep when she's not ready, but you can keep her awake when you need to! She's not very active though. She's a little dreamer, that will easily sit and play with a bunch of toys all quiet and sweet for a long while. Her all time favourite though is the big blue bike outside! She'll ride and ride and ride that thing for hours!

She hates bathing! Hates hates hates it. She's terrified of it! She loves swimming, so it's not the water. Something about bathing freakes her out. And washing her hair is almost a no-go. But give her a bowl of water to play with, and she's in 7th heaven!

She adores the piano. And she adores music. She will quickly learn the tune of new songs, even though her pronounciation of the words might not be all there. She can't recognise colours, but gives her a shape-sorter and she'll do it perfectly!

So that's my four babies. It has been a long road for them, the past year. It wasn't easy on them. Some days were really, really tough. Some days were really sad. But all four of them would just stand up, dust themselves off and soldier on. Handing out hugs to those around them that has fallen as well. They surely are 4 lovely children to have and to love. I'm such a proud mother, and so grateful to be their mommy. Nothing could've made me happier or prouder, than seeing them develop and grow this past year into the children they are today. I hope to see them even more happy and more secure during a wonderful 2015 that will bring them just love, happiness, laughter and grace.