Saturday, January 10, 2015

New beginnings

I don't have a lot of time, so this post will be short and conscise (I bet you never thought I can be quick? Hahahaha).

I got a job!! I'm going to start part-time teaching at the same school my children will be attending. First job in 14 years. First one I applied for. I'm quite proud of myself. Of course, it helps that I have the precise qualifications they were looking for. I'm super, super excited!! I'm gonna teach maths as well as computer science. I'm very busy preparing for next week, and getting everything ready for this new challenge in my life.

This of course means that Peanut will need to start school. Fortunately, they were able to take her in at the same school!! How awesome is that? So me and ALL 4 kids will all be together at the same school. :-) Pretty cool hey? I'm only working 7 hours a week (between 30 min and 2 hours every day), so basically Peanut will just go to school to play a bit with the other kids while I have a class to teach. I'm allowed to come and go as I please, and take her with or leave her whenever needed. So I'll take it day by day, see how she adapts and when she needs to come home with me for a bit inbetween classes. Of course I'm stressed about this part! My baby is starting school.... :-(  But she's turning 3 this year, she's much more social than the other kids were at this age, she's extremely healthy and she LOVES playing with other kids. So I'm sure she'll be fine.

Mr N is starting high school, and very excited about it. Of course, added to the excitement is the fact that one of his new teachers is his mom. ;-) He has no idea what's in stall for him.... hahahahaha. Just kidding, we're going to have a ball! I have so many exciting projects for them, I'm sure they're going to love it.

Boeboe is just as excited, though, she has to wait a year to have me as teacher. :-) She's looking forward to making new friends and being part of a group of kids where she can fit in, and will be accepted for who she is. I'm going to keep a very close eye on her this year, I need her to be okay before she gets to high school. Emotionally, academically, socially and physically.

And last but not least, I think the one most excited among all of us, is Monkeyman!!! He simply can.not.wait. LOL. I'm so grateful that he loves learning like this, and that he's looking forward to the new school and being grade 1 (start of primary school in our country). I'm desperate for him to make a new friend, because he's quite sad about leaving his old friends behind in the previous school. I'm of course also quite worried about how he will cope. I hoped for some improvement over the holidays, but it's not going well. He's almost constantly pale, complaining about being tired, legs feeling like lead and refusing to play with his siblings because of tiredness. Ai man.

Some pics of Boeboe, with her new, gorgeous haircut!! Isn't she looking fabulous?


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