Monday, May 3, 2010

Monkeyman's birth III

Just past 32 weeks, baby weighed 2.2kg. I was very happy and relieved about that. The summer heat was starting to get to me. I felt hot and tired and irritated with everyone and everything around me. I've come to the realisation, that it was “good” that I first had complicated pregnancies, and now an uncomplicated one and not the other way round. Only now I realise how really stressful the first 2 pregnancies was. And I would've worried so much more if I knew how it really should've been. How easy and good a pregnancy really should be. I felt like the happiest woman in the world!

At 34 weeks, Monkeyman weighed 2.6kg. Fantastic! Mr N weighed 2.2kg at that stage, and Boeboe was 2.0kg.

The first feelings of fear and worry I had, came just as I turned 36 weeks. I just knew something was wrong. I felt more tired, my back ached something terrible and I felt “off”. Turned out to be a kidney infection and I was put on antibiotics. Baby stopped moving, because the moment he did move, the uterus which were VERY irritated because of the infection, contracted sharply. So baby quickly learned, and stopped moving too much. Poor thing. But quite intelligent...:)

I stopped the aspirin therapy at 36 weeks (so that my blood can thicken up again to handle a c-section) and I couldn't help to wonder if that's why things are going fast downhill now. Dr are worried, and asked me to come in twice a week. She believed baby is going to come early and she asked me to come to her the moment I have any signs of labour.

She put me on the fetal stress monitor, and he was a tad on the quiet side. So she asked me to count his movements. Not again! I couldn't help but feeling stressed about this. Everyone depended on me, to keep baby safe and sound. The doctor, my husband, even Monkeyman! What if I fail again, like I did with Boeboe? With her I thought it was still okay, when she didn't move much. And it wasn't. What if Monkeyman also stops moving and I don't realise it in time?

So I counted his movements, all the while organising Mr N's birthday party. He was turning 7. It was a nice distraction from the worries, and I was surprised when my family and friends threw me a stork party along with the birthday party! It was super nice...:) I never expected it, which made it all the more special. In fact, having more children than the average couple in our circle, meant that I already felt guilty for anyone giving us presents for this baby. So I asked my husband to tell everyone that I do not want a stork party. But they dismissed him, and it was such a surprise. While the men took the children off on a treasure hunt (it was a pirate birthday party!), us women opened all the beautiful gifts.

With the building it was going well. All the walls were up, and the roof was almost done. But, of course they were not going to be finished before the birth. I've accepted it. Such a pity though. Who wants people coming and going in your house, and the hammering and dust of a building site, when you come home with a newborn baby?

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