Thursday, August 1, 2013

Blog challenge Day 1: Introduction

Along with some other bloggers, I'm going to attempt a 30 day blogging challenge. We've been given 30 topics, one for each day, starting today, the 1st of August. Today is just an introduction and photo.

This is me (with my youngest).

It was a challenge in itself to find a recent photo of me without having my sunglasses on! My eyes are exceptionally sensitive to the sun, so the moment I step outside, I put the glasses on.

So who exactly am I? Wel, I'm an almost 40, happily married, stay-at-home mom to 4 beautiful kids, living in sunny South Africa. I grew up in the hottest part of our country, the Kalahari. It's a semi-desert region, very dry and very hot. I moved to the city to study, and worked for 4 years after completing my degrees. I got married to my univarcity love, and when I almost lost our unborn baby during my first pregnancy, I decided to become a stay at home mom after his birth. That was 12 years ago! During that 12 years we've added 3 more little ones to our family. They're 12, 9, 5 and 1. When my eldest was 5, he was diagnosed with epilepsy. My 2nd eldest was diagnosed at age 7 with an occult tethered cord (her road to diagnosis started at age 5), and now that my youngest son turned 5, we heard he has a very very rare heart-lung disease. So we're kinda still in shock, waiting to see what his prognosis is. We're also supersticious enough to wonder what our youngest baby will be diagnosed with when she turns 5.

So a bit more about me? Well, I'm a logical thinker. Academically inclined, not creative AT ALL. I love keeping my brain occupied, while my body is stationary (LOL). I hate hate hate excersize, I hate using my hands, and I have loads of "issues" as my dear husband calls it. ;-) I'm a tad OCD, I have sensory integration problems so don't you dare touch my hands! I have some health issues which I refuse to research or do something about, while I will spend every last second I have to research whatever ails my children (I told you I have issues!!). I absolutely love the internet, google and chatting on multiple forums. I hate driving, I hate city-living and I hate rain and having wet socks. I'm impatient but kind, I'm hot-headed but will share my last rolo without a second thought. I'm honest to a fault, and stubborn as can be. I'm opinionated, can stand up for myself, but hate confrontation face to face. I'm extremely loyal, and very very lazy. I always say, I'm a full time mom rather than a housewife, because I hate housework and I'm awful at it. My house is always in some state of dissarray. I absolutely LOVE being a mom, and if I had the means, and a womb that could, I would've had at least one or 2 more children. I adore the baby stage, and so far, the pre-teen phase. I also love being married to my husband. Without him, I'd be lost.

Gosh, I hope that's enough about me? My life is about my kids, I don't care about me. I don't wear make-up, I don't dye or hi-lite my hair. I don't do my nails or go for massages. I don't wear the newest fashions. And I don't care about any of that. My husband, my children and my house, with family and friends thrown in, that's all I care about.

So yeah, that's me. Tomorrow, the challenge is: "20 Facts about you". So I'll have to have a long, hard think about that tonight. ;-)

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