Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 7

Yeah, we're still here. *sigh* We loved it so much in hospital, we begged the doctor if we can stay another night. (note the sarcasm, hahahaha)

Well, the doctor couldn't make it to his rounds this morning because of an emergency theatre case. So he only came tonight. He said that he can't let Boeboe go yet, but tomorrow morning he will take the plaster off and check the wound. If it looks good, we're good to go. Yay!!! Please please please don't let there be another emergency theatre case! Then we can be home before Mr N's school comes out for the easter break (at 11am). It'll be great if I can go fetch him. When school comes out early for a holiday, it's absolute chaos with all the parents and everyone is in a hurry, etc. I don't want the grandparents to experience that if they don't need to.

So ya, our Boeboe is looking good. But man oh man oh man. Sometimes I can just strangle her! She's being such a baby tonight. And no, please don't tell me after the week she had, she's allowed to. This behaviour has always been there, and just got worse and worse over time. So it's "normal" for her, nothing out of the ordinary because of the surgery. I had to beg, bribe and threaten my way through giving her lunch, medication, the nurses taking her stats, toothbrushing, drinking her reflux pill, etc. Urgh! My 3-year old doesn't even behave like this!

Anyway, sorry for the mini-vent. Physically, she's doing superbly. Still on meds, but just twice a day. Her pain is minimal. She still gets the awful headaches when she walks around, but it seems to be improving slightly, so the doctor says it's not a CSF leak then. Yay!!! She's very very scared of the dr taking the plaster off tomorrow, and to be honest, I'm too! It's going to be one long screaming/crying/fighting session and I'm so very tired of those. I'm emotionally drained. I need a good night's solid 7-hours sleep. Preferably more!

Speaking of which...there's this little irritating circular downlight right next to Boeboe's bed. Exactly where the lazychair is. Do you know how irritating it is to sleep in the spotlight? Well, that's how it feels, LOL. I've taped a tissue over it, hanged a towel, etc. Well, tonight I made a whole device out of the oxygen tank and pipes with the towel. It seems MUCH better. So here's to a hopefully better night...hahahaha. Our last! (Please let that be true?!)

It was such a busy day today. Woke up early, of course, this being a hospital where they think 5am is a good time for little girls who had major surgery to wake up. Neither of us were ready, so we snoozed for another hour. I then got ready for the day, thinking that the doctor would be here at 6:30 like always (gosh, but he has a long day, poor man!). So I waited and waited. At 9:30am I realised it's not happening, so I got hubby to phone his office. They told him about the emergency theatre early morning (wonder if it was a car-accident or what?) and that he'll only do his rounds in the evening. So hubby got the in-laws to come to hospital again around noon. I took Monkeyman home to do some quick clothes washing and then went to Mr N's school. We sat in the car chatting and eating sandwiches until it was time half an hour later for him to go to his chess class. So me and Monkeyman went home again for about 55 minutes. Which I used to bath, pack another night's clothes, make myself dinner (sandwiches again, blegh), got some cooldrinks for me and Boeboe and then got poor Monkeyman in the car again. (He sat in his carchair for 7 trips today!!! Poor thing). We picked Mr N up from chess and came to the hospital so that Boeboe can see both brothers for a change. Then the grandparents took both boys home, and me and hubby spent some time chatting next to Boeboe's bed. Was nice to have a coffee together, and not just say hello and goodbye in the passing!

Hubby went home to spend an hour with the boys, and I played Uno with Boeboe for a while. Now, she's sleeping peacefully and I can relax, knowing that this is hopefully our last night in here. I'm almost happy that we didn't know how long it's going to be in advance. The thought of spending 8 nights in hospital would've been enough to depress me. I simply cannot wait to sleep in my own bed, hug Monkeyman whenever I want to, joke with Mr N and not be so short-tempered because of lack of sleep, and eat WARM food. Not live on sandwiches and coffee. Yes, I could've bought myself some hot food from either the food kitchen or the cafeteria. But none of it is MY food. I'm such a fussy person. I'd rather eat a sandwich than eat a plate of food I do not like or enjoy. I want MY food. Chicken curry...lamb neck stew...smoked pork ribs....spaghetti bolognaise...aahhhh. Guess what I'm dreaming about tonight! LOL.

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