Sunday, December 21, 2014

Quick hello

I can't believe it's almost Christmas!! Where has the year gone by?

Our holiday has been everything but relaxing and quiet! I was looking forward to the rest so much, but alas. We fitted a few visits in with friends, which was very nice, but took up a day every time. So about a whole week went past that way. We also had numerous doctor tests and check-ups. Then we had a few quiet days before we took the kids to their grandparents for 4 days. And every day for the first 3 of that, I spent in the shops trying to find the right gifts for each child. Gosh, it was busy! Poor Peanut got so tired of hanging out in the shops. And when at home, she missed her siblings, so it wasn't the best of weeks for her. Or us!

We've never been the parents that wishes for a break from our kids. We get it, that others do, but personally, being separated from them, isn't how we prefer spending our time. Not even a day. We give every child (except those under age 3) the choice if they want to go or not, and how long they want to go. They have to come to an agreement on the how long though. All 3 the eldest ones choose to go every time, because they have an exceptional relationship with their grandparents. They absolutely love going. They get spoilt, played with, get given all their favourite meals, there's a swimming pool, etc. What's not to love?

I was, like always, a little bit worried about Monkeyman. Not only is he only 6, but he is still quite attached to us. So he does cry for us at times, and that makes me sad. But he wants to be there, and I believe it's good for him at this age. To learn that he CAN cope without us. I was also worried with his tiredness issue. Seems like he was okay though. He's just extremely pale, and definately more tired than when I sent him there. So he didn't get enough rest. Probably because they swam so much, played so much, and had so much fun. He got a nice tan all over his little body, which is why I noticed his pale little face immediately. It was in stark contrast to the rest of his neck and chest. It got even worse after they had another, last swim for the day, but much better again by this evening when they've relaxed in front of the tv for an hour once we were back at home.

Poor Boeboe is also not doing so well. She's very withdrawn the past few months. I need to connect with her again to hear what's up. Her medication isn't working completely, so I need to keep tabs on that as well this holiday. I feel so sorry for her. It was bad enough going through this loss of bladder function when she was age 6 and 7. Now, at age 11, it is much, much worse. :-(

Apart from these issues, it's going well with all of us. :-) We're happy, together, mostly healthy and looking forward to an enjoyable and beautiful Christmas with both sides of the extended families. Can't wait!!

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