Friday, April 18, 2014

Family Friday

Well, it's late, but still Friday. I made it! LOL. Didn't think I would. We have one very ill little baby. Slightly feverish, nauseous, awful nappies, runny nose, eyes that constantly tears, poor munchkin. I'm hoping for a bit of an improvement tomorrow, else we'll take her to see the dr.

So this won't be a long post. Just a quick update on a few things.

It's been 3 weeks since Monkeyman got his repeat baby vacs. We wanted to draw the blood, but came upon an empty, locked-up bloodbank. It was just after midday, the day before the Easter weekend was supposed to start, and they closed!! Geesh. Now we have to wait until after this lovely, long weekend. By which time it will be exactly 4 weeks. Sigh. Hope it won't make too big a difference.

There's one sad thing happening that I struggle a bit with. Monkeyman's best little friend is moving away. It's a little girl, a beautiful, sweet, tom-boy of a little girl. They're 3 kids (2 boys) that moved up from the same playschool to the same primary school. And Monkeyman and the little girl ended up being in the same class. I'm so sad for his sake. He'll still have the other boy, and he's made a few other friends as well. Other children tend to like him, so I know he'll be fine. Still, it breaks your heart when your 6-year old's going to go through so much sadness and there's nothing you can do about it. She's moving away to another town on the far side of the country. Impossible to visit, except maybe every 2 years when we go down to that part of the coast for a holiday. It's so so sad.

Boeboe also lost her friend. Again. This makes me even sadder. I just want to cry thinking about her sitting alone breaktime. Her friend decided to make another friend, and now they're a bit mean to Boeboe. When that happened yesterday, she walked away and went to sit at the side of the school next to the parking lot where the teachers' cars were. She counted the number of cars in each colour. How sad is that? I can just imagine her confusion, heartache, pain, sadness, despair. And I don't know what to do. How do I explain to her that her friends doesn't want to play they're little kittens anymore, or catch butterflies or talk about dolls and Barbies and beads. They're not 7 anymore, like Boeboe is emotionally. They're 10, almost 11. They're tweens. They want to discuss boys and dating and makeup and doing one's nails. I was a younger person as my years as well, but in our days, most little girls were. Nowadays though, even if you're lagging behind a year or 2, you'll find yourself alone. When you're lagging behind 3-4 years, you're ostrasized, ridiculed, taunted, dismissed, and pushed away. How sad for Boeboe. It breaks my heart. She's such a caring, empathatic, loyal little girl. She has so much love and kindness to give. It cuts her deep. She's never going to forget this. And I'm scared to what lengths she's going to go to, to get acceptance amongst her peers.

It's Easter weekend, so at least we get to rest and recuperate and discuss how to handle the next few weeks. As soon as I'm better, I'm gonna sit down with Boeboe and talk this through with her. Maybe we can come up with a plan, so that she doesn't need to sit all alone during breaktime.

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