A friend asked me what precisely do they do during the operation. Well, here goes (this is how it's done, to my limited understanding on the subject):
- An incision is made under general anaesthetic, around the lower lumber vertebrae (around the waistbelt area)
- Muscle are pushed aside
- Vertebrae (the bones) are opened up by removal of the lamina (top part of the vertebrae)
- The dura (covering around the spinal cord) is cut open (this part scares me!)
- The filum is searched for and picked out between all the nerve roots dangling from the spinal cord (this part scares Boeboe's daddy!).
- The filum is cut. This is obviously the dangerous part. If there's blood vessels in the way, it may get damaged.
- The dura gets sutured
- Muscle is put back in their place (the lamina/bones that got removed isn't put back. In children it just regrow! Scary thought that she's going to be without part of the bone in her back for a while...)
- Skin gets sutured.
Complications of the surgery includes the following:
- Complications of general anaesthesia
- Infection introduced into the open spinal cord, leading to meningitis (as far as I know, the patient is given antibiotics for prevention)
- Infection of the wound
- CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) leak. This could mean a 2nd surgery is needed to find and close the leak.
- Risk of damage to any of the nerve roots
- Risk of bleeding
- And then, worst of all, the risk of paralysis that the neurosurgeon mentioned last time we saw him. Or damage to other blood vessels, leading to other nerve deaths.
In all my research, I haven't found any instance of a child that died during this type of operation. But, unfortunately I've found alot of instances where there was infection or CSF leaks. Leading to a longer hospital stay, etc.
I don't know how I feel now, 4 days after deciding to go forth with the surgery. Still scared I guess. But so many people has been praying for us, literally all over the world. This morning, Boeboe's Sunday school teacher also told me they're going to put her name on the church's prayer list. Several friends also asked their bible study groups to pray for Boeboe. And of course, she has the whole family behind her.
With so many prayers going up for her, I kinda feel calm at the moment. Positive. She's in God's Hands, and that's the best and only place I want her to be.
For some other good news! Monkeyman initiated pottytraining!!! :D With both Mr N and Boeboe, I told them when they had to give the nappy up. I did it before Mr N was truly ready. Boeboe was ready. I tried for a few months now to initiate it with Monkeyman, but he just wasn't ready. Yes, I could've "forced" him, but for what? For my own selfish reasons? I didn't think it necessary. I just always told him about the toilet. That he too can wee on it whenever he feels ready. In December, out of the blue while visiting the dentist, he saw Boeboe use their toilet and asked to do it as well. And he made a wee on it!! I was ecstatic. Till we got home and he just refused! And kept on refusing to use the toilet at home. So I let him be.
And then, on Wednesday morning he made a wee in his too-full night nappy and ended up wetting himself. So he apologised to me for making a puddle on the carpet (so cute!). I told him it's fine, but to next time please use the toilet. So on Thursday morning he woke up and said "Mommy, please ask me to use the toilet?". I said "Monkeyman, do you wanna wee on the toilet?". He nodded, climbed on and wee-ed!!
Rest of Thursday he refused. I let him be. On Friday morning again he wee-ed on the toilet and was soooo happy to phone his daddy to tell him the good news.
On Saturday, he asked the morning, and once later during the day to use the toilet. So when he asked for the 2nd time this morning (Sunday), I asked him if we can take the nappy off completely and put on underwear. He agreed!!! Since then, he has constantly run to the toilet, only having an accident once. He even had his afternoon nap without a nappy and stayed dry!
So the first hurdles are done with. The only big hurdle left is that first pooh accident.... so far he hasn't had a pooh yet. Wish us luck! It would be awesome if we can get this whole pottytraining business out of the way before the holidays and Boeboe's surgery.