Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mr N's Pregnancy and Birth III

So off to the new gynae I went. She was extremely nice, calm and thorough. She said the placenta implanted low over the cervix, and the one corner has started to tear loose. It is bleeding, and it's going to keep on bleeding because she can see the blood pooling inside the uterus. All that I could do, was to take it extremely quiet. No heavy lifting, no long distance driving, preferably bed-rest. I asked about work, and she urged me to come to a compromise with them. Which I did. It was difficult, after I already took off almost 2 months earlier in the year for the endo-pain I experienced. But, again my bosses were really accomodating and sweet to me. I would work from home 3 days a week.

When I was 16 weeks along, I started having light contractions. It was a UTI (bladder infection) causing the uterus to become irritated. Around 19 weeks, the infection (after some failed antibiotic treatments) moved into the kidneys and contractions started in all earnesty. I was given medication to stop the contractions every time it begins. It was stressful. I had to time all contractions and decide when to take the medication. In the meantime, I was put on stronger a/b's. It wasn't easy, taking so many courses of antibiotics while you're pregnant. The good news was that around the same time, the endo pain at long last dissapeared! Whoohoo! The gynae did tell me the pregnancy would take care of that...:-) Endo goes into “remiscion” when you're pregnant.

The doctor noticed an extremely rare and interesting thing. Because the placenta was torn loose at one side, the baby's needs were cut off. So the placenta went and developed an extra “lob” on the other end. To supply the extra needs to baby. Wow, how intelligent was this?

Around 26 weeks, the placenta started to move out of the way of the cervix. That was exceptionally good news. The extra lob that developed on the other end of the placenta, started to dissapear. The gynae said she thinks it's being reabsorbed now that it's not needed any more.

By week 30, I was getting extermely ill with the kidney infection, and contractions were becoming harder to control with the medication. I was admitted to hospital where I was given a/b's through IV. This, finally, worked! The infection was cleared up, the contractions stopped.

I resigned my job. After everything we went through, we realised this baby is worth more than anything. We want him to be raised at home, not in a creche. At least for a year. We had enough savings, that if we cut down on expenses, I could stay at home for at least the first year. Oh, and I say “him”...fact is, we didn't know what we were having. The gynae saw at 13 weeks, but we said we do not want to know. But from the start, when we heard we were pregnant, I told hubby that it's a boy. I was very, very sure of it. I even chose the nursery colours as blue and yellow. It's not that I wanted a boy so much (I really always wanted a girl!). It's just that I had dreams about the baby, and he was always a “he” in those dreams. And when playing and talking to him, it just felt “right”. While thinking of the baby as a girl, felt “wrong”.

To be continued...

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