Sunday, June 20, 2010

Botox...but isn't that for frowns and wrinkles?

Dr W was very very kind and is a great doctor. By the time we saw him, it was already May. He told us that Boeboe's pressure was so high, no medication would ever help her. And that if we do not help her fast, by age 10 she's going to start learning more control. And instead of the bladder pressure pushing the urine out (causing an accident) it's going to push the urine into the kidneys, causing kidney damage. So we needed to preserve and protect her kidneys.

He said that there could be 2 causes. One is a developmental problem, and then she'd outgrow it after about 2 sessions where they inject botox into the bladder. Secondly, it could be an occult tethered cord. A hidden tethered cord that is not seen on a MRI. For an explanation on what a tethered cord is, read this post:
Or go to or

So dr W proposed botox to calm the bladder. It literally paralysis (it's a poison!) the bladder. But only parts of it are injected, so that the rest of the bladder are still able to contract, else self catheterising would be needed. This was done on the 10th of June. Under anaesthesia. It took literally all of 15 minutes! We were so scared and nervous, but she was a trooper. Woke up without any tears, and immediately demanded to stand up and go to the bathroom. The botox immediately stopped all the night time accidents that Boeboe started to have from March 2010. After 3 years of rarely wetting the bed, it became a nightly occurrence. Which stopped the moment she got the botox. Wow. Unfortunately, the botox had less of an effect on the daytime accidents. Only about 50% improvement. Maybe a bit more. It helped, it was worth it. But it didn't work fully.

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