Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Dreams and Visions of Jan de Villiers

So this Page will be dedicated to the dreams and visions of only Jan de Villiers. He is an English-Afrikaans South African, that has travelled in Europe and England. He prefers not to have any spotlight on himself. He has given permission for people to share his dreams and visions with the followers of Jesus Christ, and only request that they in turn give thanks to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, called Yahweh.

He has had many dreams and visions throughout his life, that he says has come true. Around 2015, he shared some of it on a blog after he was told to write down what he's shown in visions and dreams, but he stopped after a while. It just got too much for him. He's physically depleted after such visions and dreams, and it plays on his mind. Most of us who gets such dreams, knows that it can and does bring us to our knees in desperation, sadness, heartache and shock when we're shown particularly bad things coming. It makes perfect sense that he needed a break after a while.

But he was contemplating whether he should get back to it again on the 19th of March 2019. So he prayed and asked for a sign whether he should. That night the got the following night vision. So he put it on Youtube as a video in August 2019.
He was later shown that if he doesn't put the dreams he gets, on as a video or comment, he does not get anything more. Which made me wonder if the order of his visions and dreams may be important in some way. He was also given insight that it fits like a Russian Doll into each other. So not necessarily just from start to finish, but that the second will take place within the time period of the first, and the third, and the fourth, etc.

Shortly after he started his channel, it appeared in my video feed and I have since listened to him for the past 3 years. So far, I believe him and has vetted him as well as I could as a true messenger of God. If it turns out I was wrong, I will take down this page and apologise (profusely).

He does not always explain his message dreams from beginning to end, but sometimes add information or real life experiences in between so that it will make sense to others. I try to take only the dream from the video transcripts. He has had over a hundred message dreams and visions, and usually share it in 15-minute video's. It would be a thousand page document if I put everything he said up. So I try to be concise with only what he was given in the dream or vision, to keep the integrity and details, but shorten it for people.

So here is the very first dream vision he had, of London getting nuked, that he shared on his video channel.

Dream London Nuked - Siener Van Rensburg Vision Confirmed

(In this case, he typed the dream out and shared it underneath the video, so I copy and paste it just as is, from there.)

I am walking in London, I am given a dog to walk. We start running, I get to a very busy road in London and I want to cross it with the dog. The dog does not want to cross the road but leads me to a park.

(In the picture below, he drew the path on the street he was walking. The dog prevented him from entering Trafalgar square when he refused to cross the busy road, but lead him into the park on the left of the picture.)

I walk along a path into a park and I am standing under a huge oak tree, the tree is so large that the shadow cast over the path is pitch black. I hear many birds singing in the trees. Its dark and I can hear them, I can hear them flying - doves, pigeons and there is a chorus of birds singing, then I hear a duck quack.

After hearing the ducks quack ( I heard two flying), I hear two gun shots and I begin walking out of the shadows and I hear a bird drop to the ground. It was a large thud. I continue walking in the path to where I see a man sitting on a bench with a parrot on the table.

At this stage I thought someone shot the ducks, since the large thud hitting the ground sounded large and it was shortly after I heard the ducks quack that the shots rang out.

I ask the man sitting at the table with the parrot, "Why did they shoot the ducks?" He says they didn't shoot the ducks, I turn around and a man is standing behind me with his arms stretched out and in each hand was two doves. The doves were already in ornament form.

Then I am shown that the holy spirit and Christianity will be given a final blow and shot out of the UK. I see the doves represent the holy spirit and Christianity. I see this man move past me with the doves in his hand and he puts them in a museum above other artefacts from the British museum.

(He later explained that it was Buckingham Palace, but inside it looked like a museum. He also said that he saw the doves moves while they were lying there on their side on the shelves, as if the spirit was still there, but rejected. And below the doves on the glass shelve, was a black tablet from Babylon.)

Then I had the interpretation while still in dream mode. I saw Christianity will be replaced by a new religion but nothing based on Christianity and one that will replace Christianity from every facet of society in the UK - there will be NO Christianity at all in the UK at all, it will vanish.

Then I find myself in a glass dome on the busy road I wanted to originally cross, on the other side of the dome, I see a policeman walking, holding a automatic rifle, with a bullet proof vest on. Through the vents at the top of the glass dome, I shout and ask him...

"Why did you shoot the holy spirit, why did you remove Christianity from your land?" He battles to hear me from the traffic but I could tell he did hear me but he shrugged his shoulders like he was just doing his job and that he was simply following orders.

While he walks to the right of me, I follow him while still in the dome shouting at him but now he cant hear me because there are no vents and the traffic and then I shouted but I shouted proclaiming, as if something spoke to me and through me.

"Because you have removed Christianity from your land, because you have rejected your Lord, your God on which the foundations of your nation was built, the Lord will destroy you."

As I said this, I saw a nuclear strike take place and hit London. I saw the mushroom cloud come over London and as this event was taking place, I heard and saw the vision of Siener Van Rensburg regarding England being attacked.

(He added this part as explanation in the second video):
When I said "because you remove or have removed Christianity you will be destroyed" the very second, as that sentence was finishing, I saw a scroll.

The scroll was Siener's vision about Russia attacking the U.K. I saw the scroll just a split second before I saw this missile hit London. This was not a bomb dropped on London like on Hiroshima in Japan. I have a feeling this nuclear weapon was fired from a ground position.

(And he added this in another explanation):
The nuke will be launched to hit London, its target will be Trafalgar square, but the missile hits Leicester square. (He once explained it seemed to veer slightly off course due to weather conditions.)

-----End of Dream Message-----

Then, a few years later in July 2021, Jan begged God to provide us with some kind of timeline. He was given an answer in a dream:

-----Start of follow up Dream Message-----

In the dream, he was told to "look here". He saw his Youtube account and could see all the video's on his channel. Then he sees the channel scrolled back in time to the first video made from 2019. Then the channel scrolls to the very last video, the most recent video.

The voice says to him:

"Everything you have written about, up until now, the morning of 7th of July, will be fulfilled by December 2022."

-----End of follow up Dream Message-----

The date was 7 July 2021. He does not know if “fulfilled” means in the process of being fulfilled, or done with completely. We will have to wait and see.

His dream continued, it had a second part. And I will put a link to it from here as soon as I've shared all his dreams and visions and get to that one. The part above was the relevant part for now, the rest was about December 2022 and afterwards. So I'll get to it later.

Then, around August or September 2021, Jan saw an article about Operation London Bridge published in 2021, in the event of the Queen's death. He immediately recognized the route, and was flabbergasted. It was the exact street he was walking on in his very first dream-vision that he has put up on his channel on youtube. The funeral procession comes from the top around St James's Park, while he was walking from the bottom up.

Here is a recent photo of the planned route of the Queen's coffin to where she will lie in stasis in Westminster Hall.

Now compare the one of his dream (below), to the above picture. The road above marked in white, is the road the body will take on 14 September (tomorrow). The road below marked in red, is the exact same road, that Jan dreamed he was walking on, 3 years before the Queen's death. The orange X marks the location of where the body will lie in stasis.

So Jan prayed when he saw this in 2021, and asked about the very first dream he put up on the channel, the one the Angel scrolled back to when given a timeline, and he asked:

“Why did it start here?”

He immediately received the answer:

This is the beginning of the end. Where the dream visions began, is where it all ends.”

My thoughts from here on:

I personally believe this dream thus begins everything. It's the beginning of the end. I believe that when this dream comes true, it spells the beginning of the end. What we've all been waiting for. The time of the End. 

The fact that the street is the exact same street of the Queen's funeral procession(s) tells me we are seeing this dream now unfolds. And it ends when Christianity is removed from the UK and they are nuked as a result.

I do not know when that “end” will be, we will have to see how God unfolds everything. 

I don't believe (personally, just my opinion), that London will be nuked this week. Or even this month. I think war is a process, not a blast-everything-to-smithereens-immediately. It takes time to get to the point of nuking a country. And I just don't think we're there yet. But we're entering that time.

I believe like Jan that his dreams fits in each other like a Russian doll. So I believe that this dream has now begun, but much will happen while it unfolds. That the end of the first dream will only happen after some of the other dreams that fits into it, has also taken place. 

Russia made a little animation that they put up on their National TV channel on 1 May 2022 that shows how they will nuke London and even mentioned how long it will take. 202 seconds from the ground in Russia, to London. No time to prepare.

God thus warns now already, so that we can watch events unfold and make decisions accordingly. I may be wrong, please pray about these things. None of us truly have all the answers. Only God has. Russia will also probably attack by stealth and surprise, so take that into account as well. None of us have the timing of events. Only God has. So take all information to Him and beg for answers if in need of personal guidance for loved ones.

About the dream:
I believe the large tree Jan walked underneath, represents the British Empire and Monarchy, based on Nebuchadnezzar’s tree-dream.

He heard 2 shots in his dream. My opinion is that the first was the fall of Boris Johnson and the second the death of the Queen. The death of the Queen was a much larger event and the sound was heard as a very large thud.

I believe the rest of Jan’s dreams and visions will now take place (many has already started to, like the war in Ukraine which he also saw in visions before it happened). I will list his dreams here in the days to come.

Jan doesn't like to have subscribers or followers. I will thus not link his channel(s), but for those that wants to check out his video's, just search for “World Events and Siener van Rensburg” on Youtube and Odysee. He has 2 channels on Youtube, one has a 2020 at the end. It contains less of the beginning video's, but more at the end, as he moved over to it during 2020. So it's worth checking out both channels. On Odysee he also links other video's. Things happening in the world or his stance on things. I don't necessarily endorse everything he believes, shares or says. I only want to share his dreams and visions, not his political stance or Biblical doctrines.

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