Thursday, October 28, 2021

PART XVIII: Democracy

Once again, my nation realized in the 80's we're on the brink of loosing control over our own lives and affairs. We could either face a civil war, continue with the internal revolution and violence the ANC declared against the other tribes and us, or hand our country over on a silver platter to communists who hated us and pray for the best. The majority chose the last route, based on the promises made by our leaders. These promises unfortunately were lies, we realized some years later, when it was all too late.

Our war against Russia on the border of Angola came to an end, and the USSR and Berlin wall fell. But communism continued through the trained-by-Russia ANC in South Africa. They successfully took control of the country, not just their homelands, but our old Republics as well. The American Bankers and English Crown still had huge influence as well through their banks and mining companies and made sure behind the curtains, they could influence the country. As they knew they would be able to once we were removed.

Again, the English won in their fight against us over our resources.

Just like we did in 1948, the moment the ANC came into control of the country's taxes and laws, they set out to change things to their way. Their culture is very, very, very different from our Christian, Western culture. We adhere to similar rules as Europe did. Or rather, more American. Freedom, Christian-based values, individuality but within a community of like-minded people, Roman laws, etc. Where exceptions are rewarded, encouraged and sought-after. Inventions are celebrated, hard work is needed to succeed, etc.

The ANC on the other hand is tribal, communistic and socialists. To this day, they adhere to the ingrained cultural mindset of the King having all the power, make all the decisions and owns everything. The land, the women, the people, the soldiers, the riches, the food, etc. And he decides who gets what when. Usually, family is rewarded because they're family, friends and those most loyal are given more than the lower ranks. And anyone who shines too bright whose not family or friend, are squashed quickly as a possible threat. 

It's almost the exact opposite of Western way of life, where we celebrate and encourage our children to shine bright and be exceptional through hard work and talent. They teach their children to hide amongst the masses, to be like everyone else, and to just “get by” so that the King doesn't take note of you except if you're a loyalist or family. The King believes he have all the power, and makes all the decisions, and no one can oppose or advice him, except those he appointed as advisers. In a democracy, this does not work at all.

So we do not have a democracy.

We have a monarchy, where the internal ANC power struggle decide who will be “king of the day” for about 5-10 years. The fights are fierce, viscous and usually violent. Political assassinations are at the order of the day. Once the “king” is appointed as the president of the ANC and thus of the country, everyone falls in line and try to be a loyal tribesman and everything is structured according to this. The King appoints his family and loyalists into the positions around him, and they are little generals who in turn appoint their families and loyalists. All with the mindset that they now “own” all resources and have all power to make decisions over their subjects. And those who oppose them or who shines a little too bright, must quickly be squashed.

To have a Western power like my people who always work to shine bright and are taught through our Biblical values to oppose the wicked, thus constantly comes into opposition with these tribal Kings and Generals (called the President, cabinet ministers, CEO's, Mayors and other leaders in this "democracy-monarchy").

The fight has been brutal for 30 years. And because they now have ALL the political power, control over ALL taxes and wealth, we have had an exceptionally hard time to just stay afloat.

They declared us not true citizens of South Africa, but “colonists of a special kind”. We lost most rights we came to value so much during 1948 to 1990. It is now considered evil to have a school in only Afrikaans (our home tongue). They have (again) Anglicized all universities one after the other. They have declared the Bantu languages as native, but Afrikaans as “alien” to the country. Bantu comes from Central Africa. Afrikaans is the ONLY language ever to have developed inside the borders of South Africa, but it is declared as “alien” to South Africa!

We are back again, where we were in 1820. Our language is under attack and we are ordered to teach our kids in English, “to accommodate all”. Because to teach in Afrikaans is apparently excluding “others” who doesn't speak Afrikaans.

During Apartheid, there were 89 race-based laws. Today, there are over 120 race-based laws, all taking rights away from white people. We are not allowed to “over represent” in any place. Thus, only 5% of university spots are allowed to be white students. Only 5% of medical students are allowed to be white. So black students with 60% passing rate will be trained as doctors, rather than a 95% white student, if the number of white slots have been filled (this regularly happen).

We are not allowed to have state contracts except if we give 51% of all companies created by us, to a black partner that does not need to give any input. No capital and no other value. They just get 51% “for free”. If the company wants state contracts. We were pushed out of all state organizations and hundreds of thousands of us lost their jobs after 1994 purely based on their skin color. So many had to emigrate to find a job somewhere, because our own country refused them based on their skin color.

But the worst are the farm murders and crime.

During the height of Apartheid, in all of Africa, the crime rate was something like 150 people murdered per YEAR. That included all peoples, black and white. Apart from the political necklacing murders of the ANC.

Today, our crime rate is 64 people per DAY. More people were killed here in South Africa during the first 3 months of the Ukraine-Russian war of 2022, than Ukrainians were killed due to the war.

Rape has shot so high, that we are regularly called the “rape capital of the world”. With 150+ rapes PER DAY that's reported. Apparently, about 10% or less are reported. Little girls have a higher chance of being raped in their lives multiple times in this country, than being taught to read. That's the ANC legacy. Rape, murder, corruption, thievery, hatred, race-based laws against whites and trying to annihilate our language Afrikaans again. 

And their top achievement. Farm murders.

Anyone can google this. It's called a genocide by Genocide Watch. Our current president said to America: “There is no farm murders.” It was the biggest lie ever.
To be a farmer in South Africa is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. It's more dangerous than being a mercenary in Africa. More dangerous than being a Ukranian soldier. More dangerous than crab-fishing or whale-hunting. Why?

Because they are hunted, tortured and murdered in unprecedented numbers. Of the 80 000 farmers we had in 1990, most have sold and left. Only 30 000 are still brave enough to try and farm. Of that, thousands are attacked every year. This year July there were 29 attacks in just that one month.

Many are murdered. And usually not just murdered, but tortured and raped for hours and hours. Burnt with hot irons or hot water. Cut. Bore holes into their bones with drills. Hit with spades or garden forks or lead pipes. Skulls crushed. Babies burnt alive or shot in front of parents. Little girls raped. Wives gang-raped. Eye-lids of the farmers cut off so that they cannot close their eyes to the horrors happening in front of them. Young boys drowned in scalding hot baths so that their skins have to be scraped off afterwards. I can go on and on. And believe me, I haven't even listed the worst of the worst cases. These were the “average” cases. Many times the victims were also elderly people of 70 or 80 years old.

It's beyond comprehension. It's beyond evil. It's the most horrific thing to have ever happened to us. Even worst than the English concentration camps. The impact this has had on my people's psyche haven't even begun to be described. We are all living in fear and horror and terror. We all have PSTD and trauma about it.

We cry. We have cried so many many many tears. Our hearts are breaking into a million pieces for our people. For our Boere, the farmers. They put the food on our tables. On the ANC's table. But they aren't protected nor valued. They are hated, tortured and vilified, and then it is denied to the world that it is even happening.

We have sent delegations to the White house, the UN, the EU, Netherlands and Brussels, France and UK and Germany and even Russia. We wrote books and made movies about it. We tell it all on social media. We make video's and wrote beautiful, heartbreakingly sad songs about it.

Still, the world is quiet. They refuse to help us, refuse to even acknowledge what is happening, because it is black on white crime and that simply cannot be said out loud in today's political world. So we have to suffer, to be murdered, to be laid on the altar of “political correctness”. Instead of the world standing up for what is right. What the Bible teaches us. To not kill. God said He loves the law. And He asked His church to always stand up for what is right.

He once showed me it has been a test for the other nations calling themselves by His name. We were the wounded person on the side of the road. The priest walked past (His church). The Jew walked past (His people). The Samaritan stopped to help. So far, we haven't seen the Samaritan. All God's peoples, all the nations, all the churches turned a blind eye and refused to help us. When we begged, pleaded, asked and cried for help. They all walked past us and let us be tortured and murdered. And God watched how His People, His Church, walked past.

We made a lot of mistakes. We should never have taken on the Union of South Africa, but broke it all into the original pieces in 1948. We should have realized sooner that Separate Development was failing and not try until the middle 80's to make it work. We should've stopped race-based laws with the world in the 70's and 80's, instead of hanging on to it until 1989.

We should've created a stronger place for us in 1994 before handing power over to the ANC. We should not have trusted our leaders, who were by then, infiltrated by the freemasons and communists. We did not realize it in time. We were blinded to so much and very naïve.

We were thus not completely innocent. Of course not!! The original idea of Separate Development may have been based on nationalism, but the reality of it was pain, hurt, oppression, vilification, hatred, violence and unfairness. God had to put a stop to it. God put kings in place. We were given, what we gave. We oppressed and used racial segregation. It was given seven fold back to us. We needed to learn our lessons and we did.

Blacks in South Africa also had to experience how it was to rule themselves. They can never, ever say they were not given a chance.

In 1994 a First World Developed Country were handed to them, with an unemployment rate of around 5%, filled state coffers and functioning state owned companies and enterprises that rated as some of the best in the world. Education was excellent, literacy skills unprecedented high, average life spans similar to Western countries.

Within less than 30 years they have destroyed everything. We are a third world “developing” country, with empty coffers and trillions in loans and debt. Every state owned company and enterprise are now bankrupted, destroyed, closed or corrupted. Unemployment is around 35-40%. Education is at an all time low and literacy skills dropped. Half of all children who starts school, ends it throughout matric. The rest all falls out along the way. Average life spans dropped and healthcare is worst than ever before. Hospitals are death traps.

It is impossible to describe to people how badly our country is doing. The level of destruction, completely lack of maintenance on anything, the destruction of services like police, army, marines, electricity, water purifying, building, research, education, health, etc.

Everything is destroyed or almost destroyed. It's a third world in look, feel, living and experiencing. It's dirty and dysfunctional. Service delivery lacking and even non existing in some small towns, with sewage water running freely and garbage not collected anymore. 

Only one province of the nine, is not under ANC control as most people at a municipality level, vote for the opposition party there. The DA rules the Western Cape and the difference is stark. There is service delivery, good education, better hospitals and even roads without potholes.

When I grew up, South Africa was a first world country. It was clean, fully functional, and I was safe. Hospitals were the best on the continent, and we even did the first heart transplant in the world. Education was as good as any other country, and our universities rated as some of the best in the world. Maintenance was done on time. We all had power every day and we sold to our neighboring countries. Now, we buy from them, and we cannot provide power all day every day, but have to keep it going with rolling blackouts regularly. Our farmers exported their excess, now, we import some food products.

It's absolutely heartbreaking to see how everything around you is destroyed. Literally, destroyed. Burned down or neglected to such a level that it falls apart.
 Very very sad to see. No street is without multiple potholes anymore. Bridges collapse. Trains has stopped running. Looters burn trucks on a regular bases. They burn schools and shops. They throw stones through windows and steal telephone cables and copper wires and even street lights. Nothing is sacred. If the opportunity presents, they steal, burn, loot or destroy. There is no national pride and zero respect for someone else's property.

Our hopes in the so-called “Rainbow nation” and “New South Africa” lies on a heap of ash. We gave them everything. We gave them our country, our Republics, our trust, and they repaid it with hatred, destruction, murder, torture, thievery and daily name calling. We are rejected, dejected, sad, confused and depressed. Many have emigrated because they just don't see any hope for their children left here anymore. As I mentioned, we too saw the writing on the wall and wanted to emigrate. Then God stopped us.

I could never understand why, until this past 5 years. When He started to reveal His End time Plans for our country, and my family. And again like always, I look back and now thank Him profusely, that He stopped us. I am so very very grateful that we didn't emigrate. And that's what I'll discuss soon. Our Future.

But first, there's one thing God asked me to do. Write a post about my mother, so I'll put that up next, 
but first, the process of how I got it, on here.

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