The psychologist asked me to mend the mother-daughter relationship by doing more girlie things with my daughter. So we went to the hair stylist together.
The before picture |
Like mother like daughter... |
And the after... |
Such a happy little girl...:-) |
My beautiful daughter |
Then, the next day daddy took Boeboe for a picnic. Just him and her. She had a ball on the climbing frame in the park:
Look at me daddy! |
You still looking at me, daddy? |
Boeboe loves swinging! |
It was a good weekend. Boeboe felt spoilt and special. I'm absolutely amazed at this little girl these days. The psychologist asked us to stop disciplining her for a while, because she's so emotionally fragile. We're to concentrate on positive encouragement only. Well, I thought by myself "BIG TRAIN SMASH HEADING OUR WAY". There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that some tough weeks were lying ahead.
And then she just astounded me. Instead of pushing the boundaries EVERY way she can, she's calmed down! The moment I stopped being as strict and hard on her like I used to, she calmed down and has even less tantrums and moans. How amazing is this? I can't help but feel extremely guilty. Was my
disciplining part of her behaviour? I do realise of course, that it's not just me. Or just now. This has been coming along since the moment she went on nappies. What a different child she is! And now, with positive encouragement instead of disciplining, the last few tantrums have dwindled to about once a week!!! Can you believe that? From several massive outbursts per day, we're down to once a week. I'm speechless! Well, almost...;-) You know me, I always have something to say...hahahaha. But today, I'm just thankful and grateful that my little girl is so much calmer and happier.
So I'm over my morbid feelings of last week! I guess you need to mourn the losses every now and then, to accept and go on. And it doesn't help much to see how much function Boeboe has lost while she had the botox. Now that it's worked out of her system, we realise how bad off she is. So much worse than a year ago. But, at least she's happy, she's doing well, and our household isn't in total chaos anymore due to her tantrums! She's really working hard to earn her stickers every night (for not giving in to any bad behaviour), and so is her brother for whom we also made a star chart. It's really working, and I'm forever grateful to the psychologist. It would not have worked 6 months ago. But now that Boeboe's on the nappies and in "control" of herself, it works beautifully. The poor little girl had to spend so much time trying to control her bladder, she was in serious distress, and unable to control herself at all. Hence, the tantrums. Now, she's turning into the person she was supposed to be. Calm, happy, obedient and sooooo sweet and loving, it's unreal! Who would've thought that nappies could bring around such a change in someone? Nappies...and a loving, kinder mom.
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