My Testimony

After a process of intense guidance and training from 2018-2022, I was asked by my Father in Heaven, through His Holy Spirit, to write my testimony and use this platform. It is a lot of writing (and thus reading) so I've put it in several parts for easier access. I will use this page to list it in order with descriptions. The original post of where this testimony started in August 2022, can be found here. It is not necessary to start there, this page lists everything as well. 

For easy reading, you can also click on this link or the "year" 2021 on the right hand side of the blog, and it will list all of these posts down here, from top to bottom on one long page (because I backdated in reverse order, so that it can form one long whole).

With time, it will become clear why I'm doing this, and people in the far future will come here to find the “how it all began” type of information. Those interested. I have no idea whether it will be 1 person or 10 or 20. I don't care, as I'm doing it as a requested service to my Lord, not because I want people to read about my life, to be honest.

Firstly, I know most people have long ago moved on from this blog. I preferred to make a clean break 2016. My update isn't really for them. This blog will take a turn into an all new direction, so the question is, why didn't I start a new blog then? Because in the end, there will be a coherent whole. Putting two halves together, which will only make sense at that point, that it was all one journey, not two. One object. One goal. The goal to San Michelé, the ultimate point of Peace. The name of my blog.

This will stand here as a testimony to the 2 halves of my life. What lead up to the end of the first half, and the beginning of the second half. And only at the end of the 2nd half, will people want to know what lead to it all. And the first half will be here as a background for those who will then want to know or understand the "why". Even, or maybe especially, family and friends.

Because this blog was first used as a place to discuss my special needs children, I posted a few entries as a bridge from talking about my children, to talking about my testimony. The first 4 parts are thus updates on each of my children, and can be accessed here: Mr NBoeboeMonkeyman and Peanut
As part of the bridge between then and now, I also added an update on my life from 2014 here: My RoadThese 5 posts are a closure of sorts, as there will be very little about my children in the future. Like I explained, this will now be about My Testimony and the prophecies from God. 

The next part is for a specific group of people, who will know who they are from the title, that also used to be a part of this blog and my life during that time. It's not important to anyone else and nothing will be missed by skipping it. It is for them only, here: Babytalk.

New people can thus start from here.

First, I described my early childhood and walk with God, when I started getting prophetic dreams and hearing His Voice. 

This part describes my first calling in the year 2000. It's a short background explanation and can also be skipped without missing anything relevant.

The most important post, is about the morning the Angel of the Lord visited me, and my calling and why I'm doing all of this. I guess this may also be the most interesting and relevant to Readers.

This part is to illustrate how I became a researcher, which was crucial to what I had to do eventually, in 2018-2022. That in the end, lead to this Testimony and the information I'm asked to share here.

This for those who knew me and want to know how it is going with my health. It is relevant as part of my testimony as there's a very specific reason for my illness, which will become clearer later on. But it's not important at this moment, so it can easily be skipped without missing anything.

This part is again only for a select group of people, anyone that consider(ed) me a friend (also for family). It is an explanation to them, and can be skipped by all others.

This part is the explanation of my process, who I am and why I did what I did from 2018-2022. It explains what God was doing and why it was needed.

These four posts go together. The first is the most important and I would encourage people to read that, as it is relevant to ALL Christians, even though it's a part of my people's history. The 3 parts after that, is a short recap on what happened from the time after the covenant, to today, so that people can form an image in their mind about who we are, and what formed us. It is very important for people to start to understand who the Boere/Afrikaners of South Africa is, because it directly involves ALL believers, and will become clear as time go on. Suffice to say, our future, is their future.

Here I start to describe how God talks to me and guides me. It's not important and can easily be skipped, but might help some understand what I'm doing, better.

My Mother 
This is a tribute to my mother. I was explicitly asked to add this in here. I don't completely understand the why yet. Or rather, it's so huge, so incomprehensible, that I struggle to believe it. I thus won't get into the "why" yet, I'm just obeying and adding a tribute here. It can thus easily be skipped, as when I do discuss the "why", I'll do it in a new part that people can then read and refer back to this.

I explain here what it all is about, The End. And explain the seasons and why we are entering this particular End and what will then follow.

This part is just to explain what the prophecies is, and why we are given prophecies. It doesn't contain actual prophecies yet, and can thus also be skipped.

I add this part in here, to explain who the most well-known prophet in my nation was, and why his prophecies are so important.

Just a quick note on how people receive the prophecies and what I did with it and why.

And this is like my son would say, where the "good stuff" only truly start. Here I relate the most important prophecy God has spoken over South Africa. The rest of the prophecies from here on, can be read through the top menu page, called Prophecies.

(Just a heads up. This is a work in progress. As I remember something, I will add or change it as I see fit, on this page or any of those it links to. If it's an important change, I will notify on here or on the homepage of the blog.)

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