Why I believe the USA is Mystery Babylon in Revelations
I haven't delved much into eschatology until I was called again in 2017, but if asked, I would've probably replied that I believe Rome or the Catholic church is Mystery Babylon, the woman sitting on the Beast in Revelation.
After I was called to train, study and gather prophecies, one of my first tasks was to “let go” of my own understanding and interpretation, in many instances. More so, I had to realize the far majority of people telling us what they believe, and why, are usually wrong as well (unknowingly). They may have very sound, convincing and plausible arguments for why you should believe in their interpretation of certain words, symbols or verses in the Bible.
But in the end, I learned, human understanding and interpretation isn't what counts. However much they may believe God "lead" them to that understanding. Because sometimes God first leads us to all the different possible understandings, or interpretations, and only then He highlights the true one. They could thus still be on their own journey, finding all the interpretations, but believe they're at the end with the true one. It may be, but most likely, they are as clueless as everyone else. I've watched hundreds of video's of people who were sure about this interpretation or that date or this event, only for them to be proven wrong. Many of them were eager, true believers that just didn't realize they were still learning themselves. Some were deceived, and a few were deceivers knowingly.
I thus learned NOT to believe the humans trying to teach me. Knowing they MAY have the correct interpretation, but not necessarily so. I thus listen to all, or try to, and then wait for God to reveal the truth to me in a way that I will know it's definitely from Him.
I thus learned to search God, and only God, for the answers. But also, to wait on Him. He doesn't always reveal everything at the time I enquire! Sometimes I have to wait years for an answer.
The ways I have learned so far, that God uses, are first and foremost, of course, in His Word itself. Many times, the answer to what something is or mean, is in another book of the Bible itself. Sometimes He gives revelations to teachers and ministers. Even throughout the millenia. I have found teachers who died eons ago, that had answers to some of my questions.
Another way God has chosen to reveal hidden mysteries to His servants, is through prophecies to His Saints. Once we filter out the obvious false prophets/prophecies, it becomes clear when God has started to reveal some truths for the End of Times. People who despise prophets, or messengers, or don't believe in them, reject them, malign them or throw all of them out because of the magnitude of false ones, will all miss these hidden gems. Which I guess, is the reason why God chose to do it this way. A hidden blessing for those who try to find His messages given through messengers, I guess.
“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.” (Proverbs 25:2)
The Revelation of who Mystery Babylon is, is such a mystery. One that wasn't hidden in the Bible with a name we can easily just recognize. Though once you know who it is in today's modern world, it's easier to also recognise it in the Bible (like the fact that they trade a lot). It also wasn't given to the apostles 2000 years ago. Neither to the first churches. Nor to the Protestant movement or through the enlightenment age. No priest or pastor revealed it 500 years ago to their congregation. It was hidden until fairly recently, when God decided to reveal it through modern Messengers and Prophets of His choosing.
So who Mystery Babylon is, is not something I “figured out”. Nor something that my studies of Scripture revealed to me. It wasn't taught to me in Sunday school, or showed to me on social media by another Christian. I didn't watch a video about someone's ministry who believed God "showed" them or lead them to this or that explanation. It's not based on any understanding or interpretation from me, but solely on what God revealed to His prophets.
Which is why I won't debate this. It's not my place to change people's minds about this, that's up to the Holy Spirit to accomplish.
I only listened to what the prophets and messengers all say, and that's how I know who Mystery Babylon is. If I believe these prophets and messengers hear from God Himself (which I do), then I simply CANNOT reject this truth, as it's from God then.
So except if I'm wrong about all these prophets, then this is what God HIMSELF is telling us, who Mystery Babylon is.
Who am I to say: "No God, my understanding is...."
or: "No God, I believe that person or this teaching rather."
All I reply is: "Thank you Father in Heaven, Creator of all, that you have revealed this mystery to us through your messengers. Let this knowledge reach the ends of the Earth." And thus, that's what I do. I spread the message. If people believe it, good for them. If they don't, their choice. I'm not going to argue, as I have no other basis or foundation for the argument, other than.... God said so.
To prove my point, I will list five of these prophets, and where God has revealed it to them. I have asked God to help me choose which messengers He wanted me to list here. But I'm not infallible, and God still let me make mistakes! Always remember that. I also cannot yet vouch for them, as their prophecies are for the End Times, which we haven't entered yet. Only a few small prophecies of some of them have started to come true. Soon, we will know for sure if they are false or hearing from God Himself. If at any point I realise I made a mistake, I will come back to this post and edit and apologise. But for now, I believe these 5 messengers to hear from the one and true Living God.
First messenger: Godshealer7 (American) on Youtube
The very first one, Godshealer7 (Barbara and Daniel) is also the most comprehensive one I've chosen to demonstrate this truth. This person is an American woman, from Eastern European descend. From about 2007, after intense training, she was called to write down prophecies for the “End Times”. Around 2008 or 2009, her husband was also called and given prophecies. From 2011, she was told to put it on Youtube, and since then, for more than 10 years they have dutifully put up a video every few days or week, with a new prophecy which they read word for word as God told them.
So these are direct Words from God. She prays over the title, but still chooses that herself. Those are NOT always God's direct Words. Only the content. Up to end 2012, she was unaware herself that Mystery Babylon was the USA. She believed it to be a system, or different cities or countries. Only end 2012 did God reveal it to her. But, only from 2018, did He include that IN His messages that He gave to her. I ONLY list these.
She has gotten hundreds of messages for “Babylon, USA”. But I won't list all of them (now). It's for the future. The goal here, is to only show where God Himself, said the Words that the USA is Mystery Babylon of the book of Revelation.
Now. Just remember what I said previously, this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT:
These are PROPHECIES. Some may sound as if it will happen NOW, or tomorrow! But it's not yet time! These are for the future. For example, it speaks about the Great Day that is at Hand. That Great Day cannot come until "Elijah" has come first! And if I'm not mistaken, that will take some years to play out. Or at the very least, months.
And in another it says the Antichrist will be the new leader. Remember, this can take years before playing out, or happen tomorrow. We don't know! There can still be many leaders between now and the time that this prophecy will become relevant. See it as a mixed bag of puzzle pieces and we just simply don't know where each one fits, yet. We have been told, closer to the time, God will reveal that to us.
At some point, we will know the order of these and all other prophecies. For now, I list them in the date order they are listed on her channel on Youtube.
I also highlight the relevant part in bold, where God makes it clear that who He is talking to, Mystery Babylon, the USA. But I give the whole prophecy, not just those parts, as it was a specific request of Barbara, the owner of the video's, that we never only use little bits of these prophecies, but always keep the whole messages intact as a complete whole when sharing.
5 Sep 2018
You will see invaders at your door, war coming to USA, "Babylon"
Scripture: Rev 18: 1-3
Daughter, prophesy to the mighty men and rich men in your nation, Babylon.
War is coming to your land. You will see invaders at your door. You will watch your riches turn to zero. Destruction from My wind, rain and earth shaking will weaken the armies of the land, sea and air.
War is coming to your land. You will see invaders at your door. You will watch your riches turn to zero. Destruction from My wind, rain and earth shaking will weaken the armies of the land, sea and air.
Weapons of destruction will be used on you, as you have used them on others. Even those assaults on others that have been hidden from the people, will be made known. You will have civil unrest and see neighbour fighting neighbour as men become desperate for food and water.
The enemy is already among you waiting for their opportunity to strike. Your cities will be plundered and burned. I will raise up a pocket of resistance, My warriors, in an attempt to drive away the terror.
Let no man deceive you. These things will surely come to pass. Judgement is coming. It is written.
Behold, I come quickly. Every eye shall see Me.
12 Sep 2019
Babylon (USA), I sent a fireball over your New York to alert you to what is coming to New York City
Scripture: Jeremiah 51:53-56
My Beloved Children, the time has arrived.
You have been refined in the fire, the furnace of affliction. Many struggles and doubts, crying to Me late into the night for deliverance from pain and suffering; repenting and asking forgiveness from your Father in Heaven. I heard each one of you.
The Great Day is at hand. I will send you a sign from the Heavens. I will turn over the unrepentant to the advisory, the beast. As it is written, so shall it be done on earth. His mark is being accepted, no questions asked. He is already admired and has groomed the multitudes. It will be a dark day, a day of gloom.
Babylon, I sent a fireball over your great New York from the heavens to show you my power and might, to alert you of what is coming to your New York City.
Your nation and king refuses to humble themselves and repent. Only the remnant will be spared from the all-consuming fire sent by I AM.
29 Dec 2019
Prophecy, your new leader will be the beast, the Antichrist, says the Lord.
Scripture: 2 Thes 2:9-10
The death of a nation.
The death of their political system, democracy.
I have told you and warned you over and over. Soon your bondage will begin. War, famine and captivity.
The once great nation that was a shining light to the world, has slidden into the pit and adopted and made the laws of demons as their guide. Your children are perishing and going missing, taken and abused by family, rich men, powerful men and sold by parents as slaves to the ungodly and the evil.
The man of sin will rise to power to finish his reign. Many who are lost believe they are saved.
Do you follow my commandments?
Do you help the poor and the widow?
Do you love your neighbour as yourself?
I have pronounced judgement over your nation Babylon, America. You have not repented and humbled yourself as a people.
Your new leader will be the beast, the Antichrist. I will remove Myself and My blessings from your land. I AM giving you what you want, freedom. Yes, freedom from Me and My ways.
Judgement comes on the wicked and unrepentant. I will send the fire to cleanse the land.
21 Oct 2020
Action will follow this notice, the day burning like an oven is at hand!
Scripture: Malachi 4:1
Daughter, speak to the people of Babylon, the United States of America.
You have been warned, sudden destruction is upon you for your unrepentance and brazen slaughter of the innocents. Years of murder in the womb and blatant mocking of My messengers I sent to you telling you to turn from this evil abomination in My sight. You have ignored their pleas and have tried to silence them from speaking My Words of truth.
Action will follow this notice. The day burning like an oven is at hand. Your rich men will hide in their prepared caves. Your enemies will bombard you with missiles made especially to find your hiding places. You will not escape from My wrath. Pride comes before the fall.
A melting missile will burn your major city. Your machines will be silenced. I have called you over and over to repent. Now your enemies will gloat and laugh at your burning. They will invade and take your riches and women. Your young men will be killed or taken as slaves. Your enemies have surrounded you from within.
I will spare a remnant only. Those who have heeded My Words and warning and have prepared themselves and their families for My coming wrath. No more will I see the worship of strange gods and idols before Me.
Babylon, you have sealed your destruction. The smoke of her burning shall rise to the Heavens.
13 Nov 2020
Judgement is upon you now, USA. Do you know it's Me yet? Do you know it's Me yet?
Scripture: Hosea 10:13
The odour of death is in the air, as is the stench of lies and corruption. A nation of blind and deaf. The land of the unrepentant and the home of the future captives and slaves. You will not be free, because only the truth sets you free.
Because you have removed Me and My Ways, I AM against you. The once great lady, a harlot. Now deplorable. Murderers, reprobates, without understanding and natural affection.
I have sent you My messengers and prophets and they have preached in your city streets. They have shouted warnings from the rooftops. You have ignored them and tried to silence My Words. The words I put in their mouths.
A whirlwind of fire. I ask you now, do you know it's Me, yes, I AM?
I AM a forgiving God, have you turned from your rebellion and sin?
Judgement is upon you now.
Judgement is upon you now.
Judgement is upon Babylon, the USA, now.
Do you know it's Me, yet?
30 June 2021
America, I will let the elements pummel your land, says the LORD.
Scripture: Revelation 14:8–10
Daughter, prophecy to America, the beautiful, now called Mystery Babylon.
Your grain houses are full. Soon they will be empty.
Your cattle and fishes are many and fat. Soon there will be none.
Your lakes and streams full. Soon they will be empty.
You are wise in your own eyes. You do not see that judgement has been spoken over the land of plenty… soon to be the land of want. The land of many rich men will soon be the land of the poor.
Your neighbours will not help you because you did not help your own, naked, blind, sick and hungry. You have not called on Me or changed your ways. I will continue to let the elements pummel your land.
A dictator is in the making, who will make himself a king. You will be slaves. You will have no freedom. I have called you to repent and humble yourself. You believe you are superior to all and My messengers and prophets speak lies.
In My sight you are more wicked than Sodom and Gomorrah; your abominations greater than in the days of Noah. My judgements will become progressively worse until you know I AM the LORD.
3 July 2021
The King of the North (Russia) is prepared to strike, USA has become complacent, Lazy and reckless
Scripture: Jeremiah 50:3, 13, 15
Daughter, speak to the leaders and military of Babylon, the United States of America.
You have become complacent. While you were asleep, your enemies have worked day and night on war machines; airplanes, tanks and weapons, new technology and deadly concoctions and biological weapons. The have tested them in secret locations away from prying eyes.
You have many enemies, some claiming to be your friend. They see your weaknesses. They will strike and seize. You have not secured your boarders after being warned by My prophets and messengers. You will fall.
It is written in one hour you will be no more. You are not longer superior. You have become lazy and reckless. You have let your cities, highways and transportation systems fall into decay. You have wasted your riches and funded your enemies. Now you will reap what you have sown.
Judgement has been announced over your nation for not repenting of your great sins, perversions and slaughter of the innocent in the womb. The King of the North is prepared to strike.
21 Nov 2021
Prophecy, man's days are numbered. Time comes to an end. The few righteous will be removed.
Scripture: Joel 3:10
Beat your ploughshares into swords. You shall be delivered to your enemy, Babylon. Mystery Babylon has been revealed to My messengers and prophets in these last days. I continue to open the judgement seals. A great earthquake will shake the earth out of its alignment. Chaos will follow.
The nation will come under attack. There will be no time to run or hide from the coming captivity and sudden destruction. I will send more plagues to the earth's unrepentant. Man's thoughts are evil continuously.
When they say peace and safety, destruction will follow. Vengeance is Mine. I see only a few righteous living among the evil. As in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah, you will be removed as judgement falls.
Now is the time to repent and turn from sin. Man's days are numbered and time comes to an end.
10 April 2022
Prophecy, prepare as the seals break, bowls are emptied and trumpets are blown.
Scripture: Revelation 18:2
America, your glory days have come to an end. Your enemies are bandoning together. Soon the Kings of the East will move forward with their invasion plans. Right now they are closely watching the King of the North's progress and noting his mistakes in war. They will not proceed as he has. They will choose weapons that do not destroy the land, for their interest is in your nation's natural resources. The people who survive will be put in labour camps to work for them. You have been warned of the coming wars.
America the beautiful, has lost her way and has become a dwelling place for demons and every unclean spirit. Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great! Look what you have done to your children, to your elderly, to the widow and the homeless and the poor. Your rich men live in luxury while others perish in the streets. Your leaders stand back and watch the nation crumble from within.
I see idol worship, worship of strange gods and murder and perversions rampant. I have seen every abomination with My own Eyes. You will reap what you have sown. Your days have been numbered.
Prepare as the seals break, bowls are emptied and trumpets are blown.
Repent and return to Me.
(Barbara adds that God told her what the weapons are He spoke about. It is a neutron bomb that kills the people, but does not destroy the property and buildings.)
Second Messenger: Umling (an American) from Umling.com
This messenger is an older gentleman, and through Him, one can hear the Voice of Jesus Christ, in a very poetic format, like Jeremiah. His prophecies are the most difficult to understand, and again I do not have their order yet.
Prophetic Word June 10, 2020
Word to Nation America - God alone is Judge and He sits Supreme
Hell is stirred up to greet you and to meet you at your coming, O Babylonian Nation.
All the Kings of the Nations are astonished at your humbled condition, O lady of Nations.
God is bringing Nation America Down.
God alone is Judge and He sits Supreme.
It is the God who brings low one and exalts another.
God’s people should repent, fast and pray with prepared obedience.
Seek the welfare of your Nation.
Third Messenger: Rachel Baxter (American) from Scrollandfigleaf and youtube
Rachel is interesting, in that she is one of the few I also hear talking about how God revealed who Israel is to her. She has written a book about it, if people want to have a look, it's on her youtube channel.
She hasn't set any specifics about the sharing of her messages, that we cannot break it up. To make it easier on the readers, I will thus only share the last half of this one. It was extremely long, and the complete prophecy can be read on her website. The relevant part is only to demonstrate that she too got the words about who Babylon is. I add the rest of the "hope" message as well, as it is so beautiful and relevant.
13 July 2016
Hope In The Eye Of The Storm
I cried out to God asking Him to give me hope. He sent me to Jeremiah 50 and 51! Read it for yourself, only replace Babylon with America as you read.
Sweet Jesus, where is the hope?
The answer He gave is this:
“I AM here. I have never left My children or forsaken them. I gave My life that you should have life abundantly and I would do it all again.
Children of the One True God, listen to all that I have to say. Turn your hearts to Me in this hour and I will be your comfort. Though the storm rages around you, I will give you peace.
Fast and pray. Seek my Father that you should be counted worthy to escape the worst of the storm. Pray for your children, your spouses, your parents. My Father hears every prayer and counts them as glorious incense before His throne.
Fast and pray. Seek my Father that you should be counted worthy to escape the worst of the storm. Pray for your children, your spouses, your parents. My Father hears every prayer and counts them as glorious incense before His throne.
Fear not, for I AM with you. Listen for the word that I send forth. I have a word for each of you, a revelation to share about your destiny. The hour is late, but it is not too late to step into all that I have for you in me. I need My army to gather behind Me, prepared and ready for battle. Though the outcome of the battle is known, the battle must occur. I have a place in My army for each of you should you choose to surrender to My will for your life. Do it now, today. Lay down the kingdom you’ve built for yourself and take up My cross.
Go to your knees now. Repent of every sin. Choose to forgive every wrong and hurt accomplished against you. Then listen for the orders I will give. Allow me to send you out. Do not question the orders I give to you day by day. Accept each order and I will give you the resources to accomplish the task at hand. I will even cause time to work for you. There is nothing you cannot accomplish in Me, but apart from Me you are doomed.
I AM the hope of this world. Seek My face and you will find it. Even now, close your eyes and gaze upon My beauty with the eyes of your heart. See – I AM there. See the gift I give to you for you to accomplish your purposes in me. Each gift is unique and perfectly suited to the recipient. Ask Me what you are to do with it and then go. Do not delay. Go and see what we will accomplish together in these last days. Just as My disciples were instructed, go and share My testimony. If you are received, stay and bless them. If you are not received, shake the dust off your shoes and depart.
Though the storm rages around you, as you rest in Me, I will take you from glory to glory so that you may see into the heavenlies. See what My Father is doing and do what He does. It is all I ever did. That is all He ever desired of His people made in His image.
The purpose of the storm is to break down every stronghold made by man to make room for My Kingdom which shall come. Even now, I AM doing a work to establish the foundations of My Kingdom, hidden from every power of darkness. I call to My children predestined before time to come into their destiny in My Kingdom. Come!”
26 December 2016
War is Coming - at 10pm – A word from the Lord
“War is coming. It is at your doorstep. War will rage not just across the seas, but war will touch brother and brother. Brace yourself firmly under My wing. (Psalm 91). It is the only way.
Jesus is coming again in body. He has already come in spirit and in truth. No lie will stand. Lies coming into the light – This is what will cause war – war of nations and war of brothers. THE DECEITFUL ONE will come out of the darkness into the light. He will be shown for who he really is, and yet people, even My people, My children, will be deceived. They will choose him for the false promises he makes of security and peace.
Do not think this is far off. It is a mistake to go on living as if nothing has changed. Everything has changed. Everything. You are no longer Children of Darkness, but you have been made as Children of Light. You must see the lateness of the hour and prepare your hearts. Righteousness is not for My sake, but for yours. I did not give the Commandments for My sake, but to save you from sin. If you live in sin, if you accept even one sin, you turn away from righteousness and the truth is not in you. You must partner with only truth. Take off your sinful nature. Turn away from the flesh to live by the spirit. This is the only way to truly live in the days ahead. Flesh leads to death. Spirit leads to life eternal.
There is nothing new under the sun. I have said that it would be as in the days of Noah, and that is “where” you are living. Again, do not be deceived. Look and see the depravity. My creation is no longer My own. It is changed and has been made impure.
Even brother against brother. One lives by the flesh and one lives by the spirit. One is named Cain and one is named Abel. One belongs to me and His name is written in the book of life, and one belongs to the wicked one, whose name can not be found in My book.
The hourglass of creation is dwindling down, ever closer to the final hour of My judgement.
Move away from the edge. Some stand over the cliff of destruction poised to jump. Turn away. Repent. Do not let your footing fail you. One false move and your choices are no longer yours. Your time will have run out.
The veil between heaven and earth and between hell and earth grows ever thinner as the sand from the hourglass falls. Ask for eyes to see and ears to hear. You will see things your natural eyes have never seen before, or perhaps haven’t seen since you were a child. Ask for ears to hear and you will hear the most beautiful music as my angels prepare for the wedding celebration. Many on the earth today are hearing me. Many are hearing Satan. Many are hearing the sounds of hell and many are hearing the sounds of heaven come forth. Trumpets. The trumpet calls. Booms. The grinding sound of iron upon iron as the bars holding hell together are being breached. May what you hear be a warning to you. Let what you hear be a sign to the nearness of the hour.
Do you want to hear my breath? Then stop and listen for it. Feel it even as my spirit blows around you. Seek truth and He will find you. Turn away from sin and he (Satan) will leave you.
The waves of destruction are coming. They will lap at your shores. No longer will many of you look in apathy at images of war on a screen. You will look out your own windows and you will see it. The first wave will come like a tsunami. Your country will then feel the aftershock. The death blow will not come all at once, but it will come. Mystery Babylon will see her end at the appointed time. Until then, she will feel my hand of correction come against her in warning. I have said “come out of her my people” and you will wish you had listened. Choose to listen even now. Seek Me for instruction. Do not suppose to know the plans I have for you. Ask Me and I will give you the direction you seek in this late hour.
Your president of perdition gave the orders to come against My people, and he will soon see that the land of Israel is mine. From the first mark of time, the “cradle of civilization” has belonged to Me. It was I that led My people back, and it is I that sets the boundaries. I will not be mocked. Ultimately, it is Satan that causes division. If you choose to follow him, you are choosing chaos and division. It is My Son who will lead My people back into unity as one body and one spirit. At the closing of this age in the years ahead, He will come and He will build My Kingdom on this earth. He will live and reign with My chosen people ushering in the Kingdom Age that is to come.
Prepare as I direct you, each one of you. Do not look to someone else for understanding. Look to Me and I will give you all that you need. I am a good Father. My love for you is true. Let Me be your only protection. Trust in Me to meet all your needs. Give Me all of your heart and I will lead you perfectly. Fear not sweet little lambs.
Fourth Messenger: Jan de Villiers (South African) on Youtube (World Events and Siener van Rensburg)
I have already listed Jan's dreams, visions and words he has received. This particular one also speaks about Babylon and America. I will place it in his own words here.
American Warship
2 April 2021
This is the dream vision of the 2nd of April 2021. I am standing in Europe. In front of me is the European sea. I am not 100% sure which sea it is, it seemed if I was looking at Crimea or close to that area. In the distance I see a magnificent ship come into view. I can barely see the ship on the sea there was some fog or mist rising off of the sea. I see as it gets closer, its full size comes into view. It gets larger and larger as it comes into view. It was an American ship. A very large warship. It was sailing in to show its might, to muscle in. It was a show of force. It looked majestic, this ship strolling in slowly on the high seas and then out of the blue a Russian submarine surfaced and destroyed it in one second. I could not believe it. The entire vessel vanished in one fell swoop. I watched it, it was amazing seeing this massive powerful ship come into view. I knew they were sending a message to Russia.
This ship just vanished, then I saw President Putin's face of Russia appear before me.
I saw how powerful he was as a leader. He is a true leader. Then I saw someone pull a canvas from Eastern Europe to the far Western portion of Europe. This canvas is the Russian canvas. It was blue in colour. The Russian canvas opened and covered all of Europe. I saw the power of Russia. I have seen this now three times in a number of message dreams. Russia is as powerful as America for its size.
Then I am transported high up in the air. I am looking over North America. I can see from the East coast to the West coast of America. I can see everything, from the air, I can even from the air zoom into individual states. There are various cities and then I, even from the air, can go into every house. I am looking at America and I see a spirit over America. I see a spirit cover the entire America. The United States has a spirit covering the nation, it is in every city, in every state and in every household. It is a spirit, an invisible spirit, this is Mystery Babylon. This spirit is Mystery Babylon which is now covering America. I was told in the dream what this Spirit is. The book of Revelations truly depicted what this spirit is.
Fifth Messenger: Caroline Diadem (Ireland) from CarolineDiadem and on 444prophecynews, as well as on Youtube.
This messenger is a lady from Ireland, who regularly gets short, concise messages, or just "words". I too get such words, or "words of knowledge" as it is called in Scripture. Again these are prophecies and for a future time soon coming. She made a video, and I only chose to share this little bit, to prove that people all over the world got the same revelation about Mystery Babylon.
Judgement to Mystery Babylon
January 26, 2022
.....and the Lord says those who fed off of Babylon, who fed off of the USA, they shall also come under her judgement, for her judgement will impact every one of those nations who had partnered with the USA. Her financial collapse will impact on every nation that’s partnered with her. My judgement falls upon the USA, but impacts everyone who has partnered with her. Great shame to come on the United States, great shame to come on upon Babylon for all her evil works, for she started well, but destroyed herself. You sowed sin and you reap a whirlwind.
OK, that's as much as I'm going to list on this topic. I only chose 5, because of time constraints. For those still unsure, there are literally hundreds if not thousands of people that has gotten similar Words, dreams, warnings or visions. For more prophecies about who Babylon is, and what's coming to her, you can look at these in your own leisure time. I will list a site you can use.
Just be aware that there are more false prophets than we can truly comprehend. And on this site I'll list for you to visit, there is most definitely both true AND false prophets/messengers. So one need to pray for discernment and help from God Himself to navigate this. It took me 3 years of training before I was able to more easily recognize the false ones. And to this day, I'm NOT 100% correct, at all. I'm still learning, still making mistakes, still being tested myself.
But, just looking through many of the messages and dreams, it will be clear, that hundreds of people believe God showed them that the USA is Mystery Babylon of Revelation in the Bible. Here's the site:
I would highly recommend the 3 parts "America is Babylon" from His Humbled Servant" on there. It's not prophecies, but a thorough Bible study of why it fits Scripturally on why America can be Mystery Babylon.
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