Today, I want to
discuss something about Jan de Villiers' dream visions, as he calls
them. One of the ways that God uses to give me little assignments, is
that He will tell me in my Spirit, while I make coffee in the
mornings. Today was such a day.
First, I'm to make people aware, that Jan de Villiers isn't proprietary about his dream visions. He has given permission for people to talk about it and share.
I have noticed a few important points recently, very similar to the British Coronation post, that I want to highlight here. It does not necessarily mean something major is about to happen. Nor does it mean nothing is happening when we don't notice something. God is busy in the background, stacking up the pieces.
When the dominoes visibly falls, one don't see all the work that went into the planning and stacking of it, only the destruction. We are done with the planning and designing phase. We are now in the "stacking of the pieces" phase. I don't know whether we're in the middle or almost done with it, or how many pieces still need stacking.
Jan was given insight and shared it shortly after I was shown the exact same thing about my dreams and visions (that I also write down, but haven't yet shared). He was shown that his dream visions won't necessarily play out one after another, where one will only start after the previous one finished. But that there is an order and pattern to it, similar to a Russian Doll. Those little doll figurines, where a smaller one fits into a larger one, then an even smaller one is placed inside, then another smaller one, etc. If one takes the top half off from the largest doll, you will see the 2nd largest. Only once that top is taken off, you will be able to see the 3rd one. Thus, the largest prophecy contains ALL. That, I believe, is his first video, that I discussed in the British Coronation post.
That has started. I believe Jan represents the English/Afrikaner Believers. We are lead by a black dog (I believe this may be the freemasons that's active in the UK and South Africa), on this "road" that lead to the Queen's death, and the coronation of her son.
A dog in the Bible was the Samaritans, which were those that had Israelite blood, but went off course very quickly. Living in sin, and praying on the wrong mountains, etc. But that sometimes, can still have some "good" in them (story of the good Samaritan). So not all bad people, just lost. Today, I would surmise, it means they are lukewarm Christians. They believe, or used to, but are now living in sin, and praying at the wrong mountain (their "god" isn't the God of the Bible any more, but money, power, New Age religion, etc.).
They are leading us back into the "Empire". The large tree in the park, which I spoke about in the Coronation post. The "commonwealth". We now have to wait for the ducks to quack their warning, and then the shots to be fired, as shown in Jan's dream. Thereafter the UK will shelve Christianity in their country which will bring nuclear destruction to London.
We are thus at the start of that dream vision, the first one he has put up as a video on his Youtube channel, and the Russian doll has been opened. If one goes through his dream visions, you'll notice that many of them has likewise, started to "play out" as Jan describes it, or started to take place. Like the war in UKR. The tanks sent from Germany to UKR. The Polish strengthening their border. Belarus amassing troops. Etc.
A lot of dominoes has been stacked, visible to us that's watching. When they fall, we will know it. Some will happen quickly, many pieces happening at once even, and some will take a little longer to play out. God has made a seven-year plan, to usher in the End of THIS age, and the beginning of the next (Summer). His Kingdom coming and the destruction of Satan's hold on this world.
So some things may happen all at once, overwhelming us, while others may take months or even years to "fall" and complete. Do not be in a hurry, and do not fear. TRUST. It will ALL be about trusting in the God of all Creation. That He exists, and made a plan that supersedes ALL human or fallen angels' plans. ALL other plans, are subjected to His. He uses their plans, but the only one that will be played out to completion, will be our Father in Heaven's. Who has waited 6000 years, patiently forming humanity, to bring forth His Sons and Daughters at this time in history.
Looking at the way a Russian Doll fits, it's clear that all dolls, all prophecies, needs to be stacked first, and all have to "start" (opened up), and that there is then an order. We have seen the stacking and the starting, but we don't (yet) know the order. It may be in the order he was given the dream visions. Or from the last to the first. Or all those given on the 1st of a certain month, then the 2nd, etc. We just do not know yet. But what we do know, is that when that last top is taken off from the 2nd tiniest of dolls, that all will be open, exposed, taking place.
Which leads me to the 2nd point.
Jan recently got a very weird vision. He himself didn't mention how weird it actually was. Probably because so many of his dreams are truly puzzling or mind boggling. This one seemed almost normal in comparison.
Except the difference being, Jan has always been given dreams of upcoming events. Sometimes we could see the stacking of the dominoes play out shortly after, like when he received the dream of the Russian invasion 2 days before it started. Other times, he's still waiting for some that has been given to him 10 years ago to occur.
This is similar to the Bible concept of prophecy. Those prophecied by Isaiah and Jeremiah for example, has taken place in a limited sense 2700 years ago already. And some during the life of Jesus Christ. But much of it still hasn't happened. And I believe, personally, that everything will again play out. That we only saw the stacking of the dominoes, but they will actually ALL play out and fall during God's seven-year Plan, that hasn't started yet.
So Jan's prophecies will still all play out, except this last one he received recently, which mostly has already taken place. Why?
To me, that's telling. After almost 200 dreams and visions, why would this one be so different? Maybe because it could be the last little doll? The one whose top can't be "opened", and there's no other smaller dolls inside. It could be the tiniest one, the inside of it all. Maybe, everything is now exposed and started (opened) already. Maybe. Who knows?
Remember, it doesn't mean everything WILL now take place as we believe it must, as we don't know the order yet! And I may misunderstand what the significance of this is. But, it is still significant and we should take note.
Here's his vision, given on the 11th of July, 2023, consisting of 5 small parts.
First, he was shown an event that took place around 26 June 2023. KZN has experienced a lot of flooding, and then a tornado in June. The ANC held a council meeting and said that the reason for all the bad weather were angry spirits of the Boer War and that they (the ANC in KZN) will have to hold a “cleansing ceremony”.
This was a real life, televised meeting around the 26th of June, which Jan knew about, and now he was shown that exact same meeting, with the exact same people and words spoken in his vision of 11 July! So clearly not a future event.
The 2nd part of the vision was similar. He was shown a Russian News (RT) story about the Anglo/Boer War's anniversary. It was something he already saw some weeks previously (on the internet).
Thirdly, he was shown in the vision, the meeting with Zuma in Zimbabwe. I'm not sure if this already took place (I think so). Zuma was asked to represent Lukashenko of Belarus at this meeting.
Then Jan was shown Lukashenko at the table.
Lastly, the 5th part of the vision, was a snake sailing in the grass towards us.
He was thus shown 5
parts, of which the first 2 definitely took place already, and the
3rd probably happened recently as well. The fourth is most likely
part of the 3rd (as Zuma represented Lukashenko "at the table").
Thus, the only real "future" event, that should then now take place, is this last one, the snake coming towards us.
We need to be very wary and careful.
Also notice that the first 2 visions were both about the ANC and the East talking about the Boer-War, something they were not part of and shouldn't be interested in. Jan was given the insight that it's being used as "code" in their televised talks, and means something else, something particular, like an operation of some kind that is being planned.
Also note, that most of it have something to do with the ANC, Zuma and KwaZulu-Natal.
Together with all of this, is the fact that on the 13th of July 2023, the high court overruled mr Zuma's application for appeal about his release from prison on medical grounds.
During the investigation
into corruption a few years ago, he ignored a summons, and was
sentenced to 15 months imprisonment. But after a few weeks in prison,
he was released on medical grounds. This has been overturned as
illegal, but he tried to appeal that overturning. The court yesterday
upheld the ruling that he was released unlawfully.
We do not yet know if they will now request him to hand himself over again as he still had more than a year left on his prison sentence when he was released illegally. Also note that mr Zuma is currently in Russia for "medical treatment". And notice that Belarus and Russia are very, very close allies.
Now, look at the following extremely interesting convergence of events and timelines.
Jan de Villiers was shown some dream visions from 2013-2019, when he went onto his knees and asked God that if it was really from Him, to show him (Jan) and to tell him what he should do with all of it. He was given confirmation, and told to put it onto Youtube.
His first video was the one I discussed in the British Coronation post, and was put up during July 2019. Take careful note of the dates.
Precisely 2 years later, on 6 July 2021, he had a vision of mr Zuma being arrested like in the old Apartheid's days, with a LOT of might, power and police cars. Then he was shown many black people will be shot. It sounded like it would happen during/with the arrest.
He didn't put the vision up, as it was night time already. The following morning, the 7th of July 2021, he had another vision. Where an Angel scrolled back to the beginning of his channel on Youtube, to the first video (posted in July 2019). The Angel told him, everything will take place as he has put it up, from Dec 2022 (and he was shown 2023), and then he was told the ANC will only get 30 years of ruling. Their ruling started 27 April 1994.
On the evening of the 7th of July, 2021, mr Zuma was indeed arrested, but not in such a show of might and power as he was shown in his vision the night before. Mr Zuma rather handed himself over middle of the night. No shots was fired, no one was killed on that day.
By the 14th, the province (KwaZulu Natal) was burning because of violence, riots and looting. A lot of destruction took place over the weeks thereafter, and about 300 blacks died during the unrest. Only a handful died of shots fired, the far majority were from the looting and destruction itself. So I never thought that it fitted the vision of Zuma's arrest as well as it should've. I always thought it may have a future application.
Jan put the video about Zuma's arrest together with the Timeline given by the Angel on the 7th, up on his channel on the 9th of July 2021.
He didn't make a big deal about Zuma's arrest or that he's putting a vision up after the fact (seemingly). He just mentioned he had it, and gave little detail.
Now in July 2023, the court of law has determined Zuma's medical parole was indeed unlawful. What if the vision on the 6th of July 2021 wasn't about the arrest on the 7th of July 2021, but an upcoming, 2nd arrest? And that thereafter, the visions will play out as shown by the Angel? Maybe, we are at the cusp of all of it being fulfilled, and we will understand the order.
Also note, that it's EXACTLY 2 years later. From his first video, until that first arrest, was 2 years, July 2019 - July 2021. And now, from July 2021 - July 2023 is again, exactly 2 years. Nothing in God's Plan is coincidence.
During the snake vision, Jan was shown events that took place already, and then he was shown mr Zuma, KwaZulu Natal, and their close ties with the East (Belarus in this case).
I believe it is because we are on the brink of something significant regarding mr Zuma again. And that we must be on the lookout for the snake in the grass, coming our way after all of this. Don't fear! God is showing us the way.
(I was given insight recently. When I read this, I realised, it fits in here! So I'll just add it here.
I believe the snake in the grass coming our way, that was linked to the East and mr Zuma, was the MK party's creation. When Jan had dreams about what "the MK" plan for us, he thought the dreams referred to the old MK. He didn't realise a new MK would be started. He saw them wearing blue. Years before they were created. We've now seen, the colour of this new MK party, is also blue! I believe, his dreams refer to them, the new MK party under mr Zuma. With ties to the East, who still have ties to Angola, since the Border war. It's all connected, somehow.)