Monday, September 19, 2022

Dreams and visions of Jan de Villiers between August 2019 and 7 July 2021.

(This page has been edited on 5 March 2023. Some dreams I missed were added and some added with more detail.)

These are the dreams and visions in the order Jan received and posted them, starting from Aug 2019 until 7 July 2021. The Angel said everything Jan wrote about (during that time period), will fulfill by December of this year, 2022. The rest of the prophecies given to Jan can be found on this page here.

Edited to add:
After the Angel showed Jan that all the prophecies on his channel up to the 7th of July 2021 will take place by Dec 2022, Jan was transported to the Kalahari where he says he knew it was Dec 2022. It was very dry. He looked into 2023, and failed to see the ANC, and told the person with him, that the ANC only gets 30 years. Then he went outside and saw the person filling a helicopter to go and defend fuel that was stored, during a severe shortage.

The insight I've received since, is that this last part, is actually extremely important. Look at the order. 
1. Angel says prophecies will fulfill by Dec '22.
2. Jan is in Dec '22, it's dry and he can't see ANC in '23
3. ANC is limited to 30 years.
4. Severe shortage of fuel.

The prophecies HAS started to fulfill. Only just started. We now know that is what the Angel meant. That the prophecies will be fulfilled by Dec 22, but not done with, just starting to playout.

Jan explains much of this on his channel in his video's. But it basically have to do with the one of Liz Truss, the UKR war, the amassing of troops by Belarus, Poland and Russia. The voting and turning red of East UKR. Much is happening in the background that few are aware of. Like the battle between USA and China over SA, and their preparations to try and wrestle the control of it for themselves, which will ultimately lead to the visions of the USA landing jets to stop the Chinese-backed revolution. And the famine is now an almost certainty, as on 16th January one of Agri-SA's heads in the Northern Cape explained how all food chain production is crashing due to the loadshedding. Whole crops is failing and thousands of chickens died. Etc.

So nr 1 has started to happen, even if most people are still unable to see it or are unaware. It will become clearer. We do not know how long until everything plays out from beginning right to the end of every prophecy. Every detail. My guess is, at least a couple of years.

Nr 2's first part also happened already. We were in Dec '22. It was extremely hot and dry, especially in the Northern Cape. And we all wondered during Dec '22 about 2023, and failed to see how the ANC will survive what's happening with Eskom and the level 6 loadshedding. Like Jan was shown, they caused the darkness, but God will turn it around and use it against themselves. This is their downfall this year, 2023.

Now we will see the rest of nr 2. We will live through 2023. And eventually in the next few years see the ANC flee as prophesied. And we will see all the prophecies unfold that kicked off in Dec '22, that was put on his channel from Aug 2019 - Jul 2021. It will now continue to play out and at some point, we will understand the order and way it plays out.

Just remember as I explained, amongst these, especially in the beginning, I also list those that Jan received before Aug 2019, at the place where he included them on his channel. Whether they are part of the timeline, or should be handled completely separately, I do not know yet. So I mark them with a “Given before the Angel's timeline”. My personal opinion is that those given to him before the timeline started, will only take place next year or thereafter. I may be wrong, it's what I personally believe.

Also remember, Jan's understanding is that the prophecies will run concurrently. So one will start, but not necessarily finish before a following start. So we look for the beginning signs to take place. And if you listen to his video's, it's clear many has already started to fall into place. Like the war in Ukraine, the coming famine that's widely talked about, the troubles for our government, the Rand tanking, etc.

Lastly. Jan almost never just write down his dreams from beginning to end, exactly as it was given to him. He paraphrase, and will write how he saw it, rather precisely what he dreamt. So the dreams contains his explanations sometimes, instead of the dream itself. Which may or may not turn out to be correct.

Oh, and please excuse the spacing. The editor of the blog is atrocious. In time, I will try to clean up a bit and make it neater. At least it's available in the meantime.

I numbered every dream and added all separate parts of longer dreams, as well as  insights or explanations thereafter, before the next dream. I called them all "dreams", but most are rather night visions, message dreams and some also day visions (given while awake).

In my opinion, pay more attention to dream 1, 4 and then from 10 onwards, as I believe the others listed in between may not happen before this year run out.

Dream 1

First Video on his Channel, the Angel scrolled back to this one.

Jan walks the same street in London (with a dog leading him) where the Queen's body is currently (mid Sep 2022) lying in stasis, until her funeral on the 19th. He's shown peace will be shot, and Christianity, the Holy Spirit and their laws taken away. This will eventually result in Russia sending a nuke to London, that will hit Leicester Square. 

(I copied the whole dream as Jan has typed it out himself, in an earlier post. I believe the street was chosen deliberately, so that we would understand this dream starts to unfold with the Queen's death. As has now happened in September 2022.

Russia has shown a little animation of how they can nuke London in 202                seconds on their National TV, on the 1st of May 2022. It's on a video listed on the Odysee channel of Jan. Just search for "World Events and Siener van Rensburg".)

Dream 2

American troops will act like stingers and successfully stop a Chinese-backed revolution in SA. - Given before the Angel's timeline

Dream 3

Turkey will pave over USA roads in CAR (Central African Republic) while the USA troops are despondent due to a brewing civil war in the USA. - Given before Angel's timeline

Dream 4

An Angel appears to Jan in a dream and warns him about an imminent threat coming to the UK within 8 months. Then he saw chains fall off his arms, and he's told it's the 100 years of bondage that will fall off the whites in SA and we will run to our freedom.

(He wasn't told when the 8 months start, but it was exactly 8 months later that the lockdowns started in March 2020. He did though feel like the threat was war with Russia. So it may have a 2nd application. It could be 8 months after the war with Ukraine started, or 8 months after the first dream started with the Queen's death, or 8 months after Russia warned they will attack London with a nuke. We don't know.

My guess is that the next 4 months is extremely vital, and the 4 months thereafter as well. So from now until Passover 2023 is going to be interesting times!)

Dream 5

A new America will emerge on the world stage that will be more aggressive and not hesitate to attack nations. - Given before Angel's timeline

Dream 6

Mr Obama signing autographs in front of Vatican or Cathedral in Rome and people taking photos while he poses. With their eyes on him, no one noticed the Vatican or cathedral rising in the background. - Given before Angel's timeline

Dream 7

Huge election fraud in the UK comes to the spotlight and cause sporadic violence and rioting in the Northern England by men with their faces covered by scarves. A small party gets more votes than the traditional parties, but the current government deliberately defrauds the voters for UK business and EU sakes. - Given before Angel's timeline – May 2015

Dream 8

Russia heavily  bombs Chechnya region which will cause a civil war in Russia again. This brings a short relief to Ukraine. - Given before Angel's timeline

The UN or African Union holds a conference in Johannesburg & it will involve Nigeria & Somalia. In London men at a barber shop is shaving their heads because of a change of heart.

In Johannesburg, blacks disguised as garden services robs people, but they meet fierce resistance in the suburbs by groups of whites working together and are well trained and ferocious, like Special Forces or SWAT teams. Jan (or whoever he represents in the dream) assist these whites in dealing with a hostage situation, then drove to downtown JHB where the shops are broken, empty, looted, and taxis abandoned and empty on an on-ramp. He drives to the convention center. He ends up in a lift that got stuck and got the knowledge that everything in the country is now broken

He was given the knowledge that there is a white leader in South Africa who has been monitoring certain events in South Africa and America. Both the Americans and the United Nations will be in South Africa at this time, also flying helicopters or drones because they know something is brewing. - Given before Angel's timeline

Dream 9

America will come and fetch South African soldiers with a massive warship destroyer. In England they were evacuating out of fear of something, heading SE. Then he saw the ship leaving from the Cape heading towards Syria. The men (in their 20s to late 50s) went because they had no jobs. - Given before Angel's timeline

From here on, most of the dreams or visions were given after August 2019 (thus part of the timeline).

Dream 10

20-30 Armed blacks will burst into a conference room where a black politician in a dark blue suit was looking at how the economy is failing, but a white line on the carpet keeps the angry group away.

(The interpretation was given - the blacks will turn on the ANC that will try to make it a white problem but the blacks will not hear the excuses anymore and demand the ANC is held accountable.)

Dream 11 (edited)

Jan dreamed he was taken to a basement room in a hotel in the dream. There was an old black television on a low stand on the floor, unplugged. The tv screen switched on and started to show events of the future. He couldn't pause and can't remember all. The first vision was very blurry, but the last was real and he was also taken in spirit to where the events were playing out on the screen (about the rift between the troops).

In the first he was shown something about Ghana and Nigeria and some digging for gold. He was shown this on a television screen, but fast and couldn't pause. Then on another screen flashed a date, but he couldn't make out the month clearly, it was too fast. He believes it was 25 March or 25 May. He couldn't see the year. He thinks some kind of event will take place on that day.

Then he saw SA troops will fight alongside British troops in the Middle East, but severe infighting will break out over a flight mission. The British ignores the SA input and intel which put their lives in danger. The SA camp realize they were not brought in as valuable equal soldiers, but as cannon fodder and decide to all abandon the mission and go home, but then 2 will be shot dead by the British as deserters. The SA troops then fight back and full scale war breaks out between the SA troops and British troops. The Americans eventually stop this after hundreds are dead and only a few alive from the Camp. The Americans believe the South African's side and force the British to let the remaining SA troops go home.

(The way he described this last one, almost sounded like there could be a symbolic meaning to it all as well. Maybe the rift will be between the troops, but also the English and Afrikaans in SA.)

Jan also had another dream before or after this above one about the Middle East fighting. He did not give a precise date, and only listed the dream in a February 2023 comment. So I just add it in here, as he said he had it in Nov 2019, thus close to this above dream:

Another vision I had was back in Nov 2019 but I never put it up on the channel. I was somewhere in JHB and all of a sudden I saw shots fire in the air in South Africa, Iran and Russia. All three were firing (perhaps war) at the same time. It took place at night.

Dream 12 (New)

(Old Dream he had somewhere from 2014-2015.)

He dreamt about an assassination against the party that makes the most noise in parliament. He saw that the main party had a man run out of the bushes on a highway, where this noisy party's leader was. The man shot a warning shot into the air, but divine intervention changed the trajectory to miss the bridge and pass between the railings to hit this leader in the head. He then saw 2 divine beings. One was a young white girl crying over the body and crowds that rushed over to see him lay there. 

He woke up, but was in another dream then, where he called his cousin and said that they will think he had something to do with it, now that the event took place, due to the description he had of the assassination.

He saw much more details, but can't disclose all. He was was then shown white suburbs. The curtains were closed and no cars were on the roads. It was like a ghost town. He thought the blacks would think the whites had something to do with it, but through divine intervention, they will know who was behind the assassination. He feels it points to outside forces (outside of the country). 

Dream 13 (New)

He was shown the Lord will stretch our borders to the far North and there will be a mist over the nation. The Holy Spirit will be over us and protect our borders. We will touch a large caliphate, but there will be peace. He then saw our future Boer leader, a stocky man from a farm with trees and dogs, in his traditional shorts, with our troops far North. He will not play politics. The American politicians will be very afraid of this man. They will see he's a man of God and that he could see into men's hearts. Jan was shown how this leader will see into their hearts and our own politician's hearts and their hearts will melt. It was as if he knew their thoughts what they will say before they say it. Many were so in awe of him that they were afraid to speak.

Dream 14

The Turkish send Pakistani & Bangladeshi troops to Southern Africa. They have troops from the equator to Botswana. At the same time, Spanish & Portuguese troops are also sent to South Africa in uniform patrolling in these areas and in and around Namibia & the North Western Cape and also the Northern Cape.

Dream 15

Jan saw the borders within South Africa change, a line divided the nation from the North down in an S-form to Southwest. The Swazi king shouted angrily in his traditional uniform about his borders.

Dream 16

Shortly after Turkey heads for the African continent, Turkey will bomb an airplane and/or train in Eastern European, maybe Romania. And then more attacks in a belt (line) moving South, in surrounding countries, like stars lighting up one after another. Because of the severity and the mourning, the MSM will try to cover this up, but it will be reported on at some point and this causes the entire collapse of the mainstream media ALL over the world.

At that moment South Africa is in the news. President Cyril Ramaphosa is on a stage, too scared to face the world, but the new media replacing the old will be relentless and expose every lie of the mainstream media for the past 60 years. It will be a more realistic news media like the old style of journalism. The ANC will abandon the country and all hell will break loose by way of a revolution.

Dream 17

In North Africa will be an extremely large contingent (visible from satellite) of Turkish vehicles amassing in Libya and their goal is Southern Africa to combat Russia and China for their new Ottoman Empire and prevent Chinese control of this sea route.

Dream 18 (New)

This is an old dream Jan only put up in the comments in 2023, but said he had it in November 2019. I put it at the end of Nov, before Des 2019's dreams, since I don't know exactly where it fits.

Jan dreamt he was standing on a hill, overlooking all the townships of Johannesburg, and suddenly there was a burst of gun fire into the air. It was a lot of firing rounds, it looked like a hail of fire. It light up the ground like a fire work display. At the same time, Russia and Iran came into the picture, and he had the thought that when things pick up with Russia and Iran, we will see fire.

Dream 19

All the Islamic nations (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan) and East Asian nations rushes to carve up African countries among themselves for the minerals. Then Japanese troops 
are sent in and around Southern Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia, to stop the Turks.

Dream 20

Jan then saw a foreign government in South Africa run from the Cape, but the rest of the interior of the country will not have a government. The South Africans working there will be administering the Cape on behalf of this foreign government.

Dream 21

After the airplane is attacked in Eastern Europe, Apartheid against illegal immigrants will be implemented in Hungary. They would not call or realize it's Apartheid, but it will be. The police will also act like Apartheid police.

Dream 22

Jan was told the “last Boer Laas” is being put in place, and the final pieces of the future Boer government. It suddenly made sense and all came together.

Dream 23

Under the cover of darkness, black soldiers in blue Police-type uniforms, possibly Angola and/or MK soldiers, will be brought into (probably) Johannesburg.

Dream 24

When the first migrants are shot or killed in Eastern Europe, blond twins from Germany, in Voortrekker clothes, arrives in South Africa and it will be a late summer month and abnormally hot. - Given before Angel's timeline

Dream 25

A massacre will take place, with the main massacres around town houses at night. The attacks in these town houses will come from people living in these townhouses and there is only one way in and one way out, so escaping will be difficult. News will be slow to come out. People will believe it was only one or 2 townhouses, but eventually the scope of this will hit home. - Given before Angel's timeline (in 2018)

(I know most people don't believe this, and even call those who sees this coming in visions, as “agents” or “false” or liars or having an agenda. It is sad, because I too have been shown this in a night vision and assured that it WILL happen. And it will be worse than we can even imagine. I don't deny this prophecy has been politicized, used, abused, lied about and trampled on throughout the past 100 years. That doesn't mean it is completely false. Many of us are now too scared to even mention that God is warning us it is coming. The enemy surely had success in muddying these waters!)

Dream 26

Jan had visions of a future general and leader. He said we will not know this leader, he will only be revealed at the end and it will be one of the greatest miracles the people have ever seen. - Given before Angel's timeline

Dream 27

Someone from Azerbaijan told him mockingly that the Rand has lost its value and his currency is now 22x stronger than the Rand (while his country is even at war). Then thousands of South African blacks will go to the UK and cause destruction.

Dream 28

When the Rand collapse, the ministers in SA will all flee. Abandon their posts and vanish and no one will run the country.

Dream 29

The Rand will fall at least to first 22, then 55x what the dollar is now (R14 to 1$ at time of dream). At this point the country will be unsafe and security will be everywhere. One Mielies field will have mielies the size of a building at this point (symbolic?). The masses will flee the country. Then the whites will wake up, the Spirit will move them and they will go to war and fight differently than before.

Dream 30

In a dream vision, Jan was crying in despair over SA and a relative (a pastor) that was no longer living, showed him the future. Portugal will become militaristic and threaten the ANC government which will cause them to flee. All European nations will set their eyes on SA, the sea route and minerals, and Turkey will take over the Southern European nations and from Spain down to the Equator. Portugal will be in Northern Cape, Northern West parts and Namibia. Portugal will stop the Turkish on that side of the country, with the Spanish troops there.

Then a young woman of 15-16, the pastor's relative, discloses that what happens in the next 5 years, will be spoken about throughout eternity and all over the world.

Jan then tells this young woman she will live through a difficult 20 years and (as an old woman) look back and realize all came true and that South Africa is the light of the world, Christianity's beacon, stand, refuge. The safest country in the world. The world will be pitch black.

Jan says he saw how the Lord had chosen the Afrikaners, a nation from the beginning of time, to show the miracles to the world on live TV. He doesn't know what they will be, but that we have been chosen for these times, to show the Lord's Glory. Jan saw many European from all over the world came to live in South Africa.

 At the time of the pastor revealing the future events, a UFO was hovering over them. Jan then looked and saw the stars in the sky and see their binary code, a measuring for time. The age changes and a New Age starts.

Dream 31 (edited)

As Turkey starts shaking, vibrating, beating war drums, America and China will be at war. First it will be low-keyed and below the radar. It will be a tit-for-tat, covert war. Then China will release a virus on American soil, and launch attacks on America. He was shown in a 3rd dream that the (corona) virus was released to prevent the global economy collapsing, which is now on the brink.

Dream 32

North Ireland will approach Southern Ireland about unification to create a more peaceful and safer future for their children. It will happen quickly. At the same time Scotland will want independence and their call for it will be louder and bigger than Ireland's. It will happen at the same time.

Dream 33

Nationalism will start in Australia, spread to New Zealand, America and Europe. It will be because of the fleeing of other nations due to economic hardships in their countries. Fences between countries will go up. The media will not report on this.

Dream 34

The army will cause cracks like in ice on top of a dam, that will cause South Africa to split. It's because they get their orders from overseas, and the army must keep the different sides apart.

Dream 35 (New)

Jan first reminded everyone in this video about the future Boere leader which no one will know, not even those close to him will know. He also saw him speak to Americans or diplomats in the suits to not interfere in the future of the nation. They approached him, but he was steadfast in his beliefs. This is later on when the nation has taken control, he was in his abode. It will be him who goes with troops in the future up North. He will do in this country, all the way up North to the equator what Joshua did when he entered the Promised Land. He saw the Lord will be with this man. When the people see the miracles and realize it is him, a wonder and amazement shall come over them like no other. He was shown his name shall live forever, but that none shall know him until his allotted time, much like no one knew David before his hour. So this future leader shall arise. He has been chosen from long ages ago before time began for this moment. The leaders will know he is the general appointed by God and not by man. He saw that it was God's will, ordained by Yahweh for the nation's future. When he is unveiled the earth shall quake and the heathen go into hiding.

Then he had 2 more dreams to share. One was about 13-14 cars that encircled a game farm. The words came to him that 0.38 percent of the population is connected to mafia or organized crime. He saw that these groups were organized syndicates taking over rural farms, businesses and that they came in convoys of vehicles.

In the 2nd dream, He saw on TV in his dream, the exposing of the Suidlanders by a media company. It could even be Carte Blanche. He saw how they were going to discredit the organization which will result in 50% to 60% of the people not believing the organization. Now I do not know anyone from this group. I have never met them and have nothing to do with them. 

He then concluded how he was shown how the Lord had chosen the Afrikaners, a nation from the beginning of time, to show the miracles to the world on live TV. They have been chosen for these times to show the Lord's Glory. 

Dream 36

While everyone will clamor and complain at an Asian restaurant, a racially motivated hacking/massacre will take place in South Africa and be huge news, especially in the UK, and shock people. It will cause racial tension to rise in Europe.

Dream 37

Jan will look for Anna (Meaning: Grace/Favor), an old colleague. Someone from the hotel will lead him to her room, but on the way he bumps into a family friend's son who tells him "the situation is worse than Zimbabwe & Mozambique in South Africa", he fled the country and lived like a refugee. The dream ended.

Dream 38

It is revealed that Portugal will come because Germany will order them here, they will arrive in the Cape and fire shots when Ramaphosa wants to grab onto the Cape. This will cause Ramaphosa and the ANC to disappear.

Dream 39

When ISIS shows up, so does the West and so do the Americans.

Dream 40

American Jets will suddenly arrive and land on highways in SA during a revolution. Just as the forces surround a white man, he will be taken off overseas to fight in a war.

Dream 41

Trump will make a speech about us in SA.

Dream 42

Blacks will divide into 2 groups. One group will start to speak about what's happening in SA, and to the whites. They will be made up of many different tribes. The other group will break away and this will cause tribal black on black violence.

Dream 43

Armored vehicles were in the streets of a black suburb close to Soweto in Johannesburg.

Dream 44

Major, catastrophic flooding river on border between Georgia and Azerbaijan, taking many villages with it, like a Tsunami.

Dream 45

The Turks clears the way down to Botswana. America will during this time, do the right thing for us, not because of monetary or power gains, but to do the right thing for once. That will earn her a place at the table with SA and Germany. Millions of Americans will then trek to us here, and move towards the Northern areas (in SA).

Dream 46

Jan had the insight that mixed race children and other races may survive the nuking of London, but not Anglo-Saxons, because they removed Christianity to appease these other races.

Dream 47

A Laager of people will form around a Koppie in the North West. Out of the koppie comes a large tank turret, in a defense posture. The war machine is the nation and they have power that is VERY scary, a whole different level than the Bush War. It operates with ALL the Volk behind it. It swings South Eastwards and the enemy look down the barrel and jump the fence and flee into the bush. The war machine ushers in the storm.

(This dream is one of the reasons I believe in his dreams. My son also gets dreams, and without ever hearing about Jan's dreams, he too had an almost exact same dream. About the tank turret, what it will be and do.)

Dream 48

Donald Trump will make a speech, reading off a piece of paper, declaring to the world that he is pulling America out of the UN and cutting off from the WHO.

Dream 49

The civil war in UK will start because the police will become brutal against protesting women/feminists that does not want to take their masks off in public. They will be fined because the state coffers are empty and people are slow to return to work. Because of the brutality, the men will then join the protests.

Dream 50

A city, the heart of the Afrikaner Nation, will arise from the rubbish dumped on her through all the lies. The lies will stop to stick on her and start flying off. A tornado will lift all lies off and she will rise as a clean, bright city of gold, shining with a very bright light. The nations will come to attack to extinguish this light, but they will fail. The true gold was never the gold they came to steal, but the heart and spirit of the Afrikaner people. The city looked square, the buildings too, like an old Biblical city.

(I had similar dreams, of the square city.)

Dream 51

The older, conservative blacks will stand up against the EFF that will carry out attacks. The EFF will see this as the blacks standing with the whites, which is not true. They are just concerned about SA. The EFF will call them dogs and turn on them.

Dream 52

A sudden event will happen, like windows bursting open suddenly that the curtains are sent flying, in a kitchen where a women was baking or cooking. It happened when she took the food out of the oven, then just as suddenly it calms down and the curtains are still. The country will be shocked silent.

This will lead to the Voortrekker Monument being packed. People will turn their backs on the New SA, the Rainbow nation dream.

Herman Mashaba shall have a speech on national tv where he is very, very angry and this will set things in motion in SA. He set events off. It will be like right before the 1967 6-day war in Israel, and the Spanish civil war in 1936.

At this time there is plotting and planning in Spain, and spying like communists do is revived, and workers protest about salaries.

Dream 53

Italy's parliament will be divided equally between left and right and that will cause a standstill. Everyone in parliament will then leave and the country will not have a parliament and the country will stand still.

Jan added an insight:
At this time, around November, the UK will go into a lockdown. Afterwards, maybe Feb/Mar, they will introduce a digital currency and paper money there will become useless.

Dream 54

An attempted coup will cause the government to arrest around 75 revolutionaries and around 88 Army personnel and execute them publicly for treason.

There was sly underhandedness, because a Large Fox then appears and disappears with a white man's body in his mouth.

A steel mill on the East Rand will be at a standstill. The trial and executions will make world news. The arrests will be announced on radio when in the dream, Jan saw that it was 12pm and was told "it's time" and the music is playing.

Dream 55

A huge quake in the Cape will cause devastation in townships with buildings and structures collapsing and loss of life, which will cause violence and anger towards the government. It will be followed by huge storms and rough seas that will flood and damage coastal houses and ships won't be able to reach the CT harbor. The people in the Northern Cape will be calm and safe and hanging biltong.

Dream 56

When the dam empties, someone will come for the Cape. He picks up half of an eaten apple, then gather all the other apples fallen from a tree.

Dream 57

In a kitchen of a hotel cooking will seize and Jan will turn from jubilant to fearful due to a newspaper indicating SA is in turmoil.

In a botanical garden on the highest hill, Jan see war clouds gathering in the distant, but then quickly turns from white to gray and dark gray and he was told it's war clouds and that they are moving fast. Then the temperature  dropped and the atmosphere change. In this or another vision he saw that the war clouds will change shape 3x before approaching. All the changes and the approach will happen extremely fast.

Dream 58

Revolutionaries (EFF) under Zuma will stung the nation repeatedly to get out of or stay out of jail. Forces outside the nation are pushing the EFF, as a scorpion, to sting the nation. The nation will come together, wake up and pray, so it will have the opposite of the desired effect.

Dream 59

Five French navy vessels, one large and 4 small, sail East from the Cape, to the East. They disembark but are not here to help us at all. The cannot find the gas they are looking for. They are too late for the rush of the Cape, so they leave again.

Dream 60

In a town in the
UK, not London, the biggest march Jan has ever seen will take place. The people will be past the point of anger, driven to the silent, white-hot anger suppressed until triggered.

Dream 61

In 2016 Jan had a vision that showed him the New World Order will be crushed in South Africa. - Given before the Angel's timeline.

Dream 62

Jan was told Japan's economy is about to crash.

Dream 63

Mr Zuma will stage his own attempted assassination, with bullet holes in the car he was in. This will work and people will blame Mr Ramaphosa.

Dream 64

Russia will fight around the equator with helicopters shooting in all directions, around the Central African Republic, while Turkey moves down. And China will move into the Eastern side of Africa and European nations on the Western side, coming to Southern Africa.

Dream 65

There will be restrictions on the amount of people in a car in Ireland or Britain or somewhere there, and people will have to travel with a green passport with police checking these.

Dream 66

Russia will amass a smaller, faster, more maneuverable tank and then suddenly, unexpectedly, send them to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to attack Western Europe. No one could stop them as they acted so fast, drove the distance so quickly and was so many. Thousands upon thousands. From there they will also end up in France, occupying France.

Dream 67

A massive American ship will do a show of force in the Crimean sea or somewhere there, and suddenly a Russian submarine will sink it quickly and easily and unexpectedly. Putin will become very powerful. Russia will be as powerful as America.

A blue Russian canvas was pulled from Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Bulgary area) to Western. Then they will go over the North Pole to Scandinavia. Jan was shown that at that point the Spirit of all states, all houses in America will be Mystery Babylon of Revelation.

At the same time we will have similar problems, also with the EFF.

Dream 68

A global famine will happen, on par with the 1920 Russian famine (when 5-10% of their 95 million people died from starvation).This time however, it will be globally.

South Africa will be a last beacon of hope to the world. With food and Spiritually. We will have good mielie and wheat crops. Countries will look to us for help. But first our own economy will tank, and people here will not be able to afford the rising food prices.

It will start with rising sugar and wheat prices here in SA, and then other commodities. Then the global famine will hit. That will be our warning here in SA.

Dream 69

A high profiled diplomat in politics in or from Germany goes missing and Russia is blamed by the Media for his apparent assassination. This antagonizes Russia and brings things to a boiling point. Russia inches closer to Europe to right on their doorstep. Then the missing diplomat appears from the underground network in Central America, and it's released on the news, but the damage was done.

Dream 70

Boris Johnson will prepare for war, and spoke about "pw's" or Polish Weapons. Old train tunnels will be used to transport cannons to the Northern part of England, towards Scotland. Then it will be placed around the island for a potential air-strike.

Dream 71

Vision from 2016. A great spiritual battle will take place in the sky, in the Heavens. It will be a terrible battle. The spirits around South Africa are very very strong. The Heavenly beings will come through a portal and fight with Spirits over South Africa. The demonic forces were winning, but then Christ's face appeared. I heard the Almighty make a loud shout and on that day, I saw the demonic spirits being blown away, moving Westwards.- Given before the Angel's timeline.

Dream 72

Jan saw in a vision after asking God what's going on in the world, Biden and Putin eating together (this did happen during that time – June 2019). Putin was astonished how Biden is controlled by them, Russia. Jan sees how everything, the Media, everything, is in Russian, communistic hands. Russia believes they have now checkmated America. Everything they have put in place for decades have come to pass, and Biden was the one put in place to signal the end. Biden looked like a character, a robot, a hologram. He had an aura around him, as if he was protected from Putin.

Then Jan sees an airplane dropping a bomb around the border between Scandinavia and the West on the left towards Germany over the Baltic States. The woman pilot sends a message to Russia, something like “Step one complete”.

Dream 73

On the 6th of July 2019 Jan saw in a vision how a large police motorcade would arrest Zuma. After that he saw that many would be shot, especially among the black population.

(This came true. Mr Zuma was arrested a day later, and at least 337 died following the arrest and the looting of KwaZulu Natal from the 9th – 15th. But I believe this vision may have a repeat and complete fulfillment again in the future.)

He then saw a terror come over the black criminals. They thought they would keep on stealing and getting away with it all as they did for 28 years, but now things are turning because the Western Powers are pressuring Mr Ramaphosa to arrest them for corruption.

Dream 74

Jan was told in a dream by an Angel's that everything from the first video he wrote and recorded in 2019 about the UK getting nuked, up until the last, the most recent video (at that point on the 7th of July 2021), will be fulfilled by December 2022 (Probably meaning it will start to fulfill from then.)

Then he was taken to the Northern Cape, it was very dry, and he was in a house at a table, telling a family member that the ANC will not be around longer after 30 years. He feels like he is in Dec 2022 at that moment and he says their reign is only 30 years.

His family member was putting petrol in a helicopter to go and defend 40 000 liters of fuel that was stored in underground pipes, as there will be a severe fuel shortage in SA.

Next I will list all the dreams and visions he received after the timeline given by the Angel (after 7 July 2021)  here.