Before I can actually get into the bit
about my mother, I quickly need to explain the process of how this
works first.
I know that many people that will read my testimony, may not understand precisely why I'm doing what I'm doing, or why in this way. As I mentioned, I don't really care, because I'm not doing it for me, or from myself. Nor to get any feedback, approval, support or critique.
Truth be told, if it were just for myself, I would not do this. Fear alone of the backlash would've stopped me. Very few who put themselves out there for their God, has had an easy time of it. It comes with mocking, scoffing, persecution, name calling and even open hatred.
I'm doing it as a legacy for a future group of people, that will need/want this information, but mostly because I was directed by my God to write down this testimony. Here. And He directs the topics as well.
What God wants most from His Children, is our obedience. To love Him, is to obey the Father. And I love Him, and always try to obey Him. I have since age 5, and I always will. It doesn't mean I'm sinless, or never make mistakes, far from it.
As I explained, I hear God in different ways since I was 5 years old. This process refined and became even overwhelming from 2018. Since then, I have been directly lead by Him, and Him only, through His Holy Spirit.
He talks softly, usually, but as I said, in different ways. Sometimes, I will hear His Voice out loud, with my ears. This happens rarely though, and usually not more than a short sentence or such.
Other times I hear Him in my head, like telepathically, or like the Americans seems to call this... in my Spirit. I “hear” His Voice, but it's not through my ears. I even “hear” the tone and inflection He uses, and sometimes He'll even add an emotion behind it that He allows me to feel and understand too. His Voice inside my head, sounds exactly like through my ears. Same Voice, same Person. Through my ears are just a bit louder, and closer. In my head, it sounds softer and further away.
Sometimes I hear Him through a download during the night. Like an information dump. Almost like someone giving you a book. But you read it in one go, not word by word, sentence by sentence. Which would leave me with a 100% sure “knowing” when I wake up, what He wants me to do for the day. It's as if someone tells me to “wake up and go do this”. It's all just there, when I open my eyes.
Many, many times He speaks through a number of specific prophets, messengers and watchmen He has lead me to over the years. Especially about 4 of them. I don't even know if they understand what God is using them for. But through their regular messages from God, I get the knowledge or understanding of the next step for me.
Almost always, God will confirm my task through multiple ways for me, so that I know I'm doing the right thing, at the right time. Sometimes I drag my feet (when I'm lazy, tired, unsure of what to do or even a bit obstinate as I don't want to, like this blog update), and then He will repeat the assignment until I start doing it. :-) The moment I start working on it, it won't be mentioned again. I still find it fascinating how respectful God is towards me. Like someone said, the perfect gentleman. The perfect boss.
Sometimes I'll get a huge project (like the one my daughter helped with, that's still not wholly complete) and I continuously work on it whenever I get an hour or two to do so.
Other things I get to do, is repetitive. For example, every day, I have to go and collect, copy and edit some things, into a complete whole that is growing day by day.
See it as drawing the map I spoke about. One group of Voortrekkers went West and will send the details through from there. Another will go East, and also send reports. I'm the one taking all the reports and put it together into a more complete map. As I get the reports, I add the bits into where they belong. I still don't have the “big picture”, the complete map. I was told at one point in the future, we will. But not yet.
So I don't necessarily know what to do months in advance. Except for the continuous tasks that take years to complete, or the daily bits I'm adding. Most times though, I get the assignment as little parts and as I complete one part, I'm given the next, then the next, and so forth.
I know many people, or most, will find this process strange. They will say our God doesn't necessarily reveal Himself this much, or so continuously, to one person.... this isn't His Way. But we're nearing the “End Times”, as I will explain later on, and He has started to prepare the earth, humanity and all of Creation for it. That includes His Children. But, like always, He doesn't appear to each and every Child of His from the get go. He uses a couple of messengers, prophets and servants to do that for Him.
Also remember, Die Voortrekkers, the Pioneers, will be followed by many, many more people later on. We just broke the path, created the maps and can warned of the dangers. We'll point to the correct way to go. The rest will still also come, also experience the wild, also have a huge adventure, also see the new areas. Even some totally new parts that hasn't been mapped yet, and also experience some of the dangers the Voortrekkers did. They just come a little later on.
What I'm experiencing, will be what everyone else will too, eventually, in their time, with their God. Uniquely situated for their needs and the jobs they will do. Each and every Child of God, filled with His Spirit, will have a perfect and uniquely created job for him or her. That suits them perfectly. God will lead them too, teach them, talk to them, guide them, call them and appoint them too.
Nothing I do, is only for me. And nothing I experience, is or will stay, unique. I'm just one of many to follow. To make the road just that little bit easier for the majority. Because someone has done it, and can now tell them... it's okay! Do it! It IS from God. And you CAN do it. It will be so very worth it. Follow God. He's calling you. It may seem new, and scary and dangerous, but look, we did it and God was with us every step of the way! That is my testimony.
There is truly thus nothing special about me, and I'm not claiming “extras” from our God. He loves ALL His Children equally. Even those that doesn't even yet know they are a Child of His. He will eventually, treat ALL His Children the same, and love them equally. But He uses them differently, as we are different people. Unique beings. Few people would like to do the research I have done. My husband for example, has zero interest in it and struggle to understand how I can do it, let alone love it. I'm created for this, he isn't. His role is and will be different. But God loves us equally the same. I'm no more special than my husband is, or him than me. Our family is no more special than any of the others that will still follow.
So I'm just one of the Pioneers. And as such, at this moment, I need Him to be so involved. Because what I'm doing, is for HIS Children. And He needs to make sure I do it right. So He is just a little bit more involved with me at this moment in time, because of His love for His Children that will follow. What He is doing with me, is for them. Not for me. God has called many other Pioneers too, for different tasks, and each has to do their bit. This bit here, is a part of mine.
As I understand it, all these Pioneers will get the assignment to record their testimonies eventually. It will be thousands and thousands, so obviously we won't get to read/hear everyone's. God will lead some to this one, others to that one, etc. As He knows best. Not everyone will use the same media either. I was called to blog mine, others are called to write and publish a book, make a video, record a podcast, send a letter or publish an article in a magazine or something. Which is why I said, I have no idea who or how many will read this. I just know that it's needed and that God will use it to reach people, in His time, somewhere in the future.
That doesn't mean I'm a pastor or such. I haven't been called to that, and my Biblical knowledge isn't good enough, in my opinion, to teach others on it. I'm not here to evangelize or teach or convince. I'm also not called to be a watchman, so I won't be warning people repeatedly that war is coming or don't take the injection or prepare for famine, or such dire and repetitive warnings. God has called MANY others to do that. It's not my calling and I'm thus not equipped for it. Everyone gets equipped for his/her own calling and can only do that. I have been given my designation, but it's not important, yet, at this point. Suffice to say that for now, I'm a Pioneer and Scribe. That's all.
So as I said, I'm given tasks, some ongoing, some once off, and it's given in different ways. This morning I woke up, and like many times before, while standing, waiting for the kettle to boil to make our morning coffee, I was told what today's job was. I needed to write the GOOD of my mother. So I will do it here now. I'm rarely told the why, for who or given a time limit. Just that He will guide me through all tasks, and has already taken all mistakes I may make into account. So all I got was that today, I needed to write about the good of my mother, on this blog.
So here it is, in the next part.