So what is all this leading to, and
Why do I make such a big deal out of it all? Why write such a detailed background? Why not just come out with what's necessary, what I'm leading up to?
Because it's THE event in the Universe, of all times. THE event. What is?
The Birth of God's Children.
The earth
is groaning to reveal the Sons of God. And this is what my blog is
leading to. And to the End of it all, through the Revelation of Jesus the
Christ, our Lord and Savior.
I am called as a type of "John the Baptist" character... calling in the
wilderness, as a Pioneer, because our God is coming. I'm called to warn, our Messiah is
coming back. Not the false one the world will first accept. But the
one that when He appears, ALL knees will bow to. ALL knees. Involuntary or voluntary. That
God. The Creator itself.
But first.... the End.
What is the End? Why do people call it
It's called that, because Jesus did.
He said, don't be deceived! It's not the End YET. Meaning, there will
be an End. So the apostles asked him about this “End” coming. How
would it come about? And Jesus gave them signs to look for.
This did come true, AND it did NOT.
How so?
The temple in Jerusalem WAS destroyed. Every stone tumbled down. In 70 AD. But Jesus wasn't JUST speaking about those days after His ascension. Most people understand that He was also referring to the time leading up to Revelation. The last Book. That is still in our future. Christians have been waiting for this event for 2000 years. And we are the Blessed Generation that will see this. Jesus spoke to those around Him, and to US, living today.
Let me explain the duality of His Words.
When Adam and Eve was created and then sinned, they fell. Fall. Autumn. The Fall was during Autumn. God designed seasons during Creation as signs for us.
But time is in loops. Like a spiral. The smallest spiral is in our cells, in our bodies. Then the bigger it grows, the more recognizable we see or feel it pass. Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. Seasons. A year.
We live through 4 seasons every year, but we as humanity ALSO live through a spiral of time so big, we don't truly see it. That spiral is also a year long, and also have 4 seasons. But it takes thousands of "earth" years, of years as we know it, to complete. And we're only, almost, three quarters through that "one year". It started with the Creation of Adam.
After the Fall of Adam and Eve and humanity, things started to die. The earth brought forth thistles and thorns. The world withered. Everything turned brown and grey and bleak. Dry.
They fell so low during the following fifteen hundred years, that God changed the season to Winter. Fall ended with a flood of water. And everything was dead.
Earth was destroyed. All of Adam's descendants (except those in the Ark) killed. All trees and shrubs and grass washed away. The animals drowned. Winter was horrific. Empty. Dead. Desolate.
God took one little seed, or a family of seeds, and planted them. Noah and his sons. They lay mostly dormant where they fell, until one started growing. Abraham was called. Earth started showing signs of life again through Sarai. Abraham was told he would bring light to the nations through this seed, called Isaac.
So life came back into the world and slowly little changes happened. Jacob's descendants spread over the known world and brought knowledge about God wherever they went. Greenery started to appear slowly.
But first, Winter had to End. And the End comes with death and destruction and heartache, almost like it did when Fall ended in the Flood. The True Life and Light came just before this End. He was called Jesus the Christ. When He died, the End of Winter was ushered in, and Spring was brought forth through His Resurrection and then His Church. Spring was all about New Life.
By 70 AD, the End of all things Winter happened. The old passed away and the new took root. It was Spring! Life. New fruit. Beautiful blossoms. Tantalizing smells.
The New Church blossomed and grew and started to bear fruit. New greenery began. We had hope and sunshine and light again in the world. Flowers bloomed. Colors exploded. It was gorgeous and beautiful, like only Spring could be. Love was in the air.
This lasted about 2000 years. Fall first (creation to flood), then Winter (Abraham to Jesus), then Spring (Jesus and Church Age). So what must now follow?
Jesus told us. Look up! Summer draws near. We are awaiting the Birth of Summer!
But first, Spring must End.
End always comes with death, destruction and heartache. Just like it did with the flood and the destruction of Jerusalem. The end of Spring will be especially bad, a time like never before, and never again, Jesus warned us. It will burn. Everything will burn. Everything will end for a short breath in time.
But then. Summer.
After the birth pains to bring forth this new “baby”, this New Age, this new time period in the Life of Man, Summer will come along. And stay. The old are done away with. Fall, winter and spring. Never again will we Believers experience that. We will have eternity with God during Summer. We won't fall again. We will live in the light. Warmth, happiness, safety, food in abundance. Animals in abundance. New Life springing forth in abundance. Fruit trees that bear fruit 12 months of the year! Joy like we never experienced before. Peace for a millennia.
But before Summer can come, we need the End of Spring. It will be horrific.
So to help us, Jesus said to watch for the signs of the End. Now, some of these signs DID happen when the apostles witnessed it. From His death around 30 AD until the death of Jerusalem in 70 AD. That generation DID see it. Just as Jesus said they would. But that was the End of Winter.
He actually spoke about TWO Ends and TWO beginnings. The end of Winter and beginning of Spring. And then the end of Spring and the beginning of Summer.
Many people don't refer to all 4 seasons, but only to winter and summer, 6 months of each. So the Spring could also be spoken of as Summer. So Jesus's Words were for BOTH that generation, Spring, and for us now, Summer. He did not lie nor deceive.
But. The death of Winter was easy compared to what is coming. Jesus warned and said it will be like the time of Noah. And worse. The worst period in all of humanity's history and future. The end of Spring will be so bad that people's hearts will fail them for what's coming upon the earth. We will see the worst of the worst of the worst. Ever.
Which is why God knew, humanity would need people to guide them, to help them, to advise them. And that's where we, the Pioneers come in. We are to guide those who will in turn, guide humanity. We are clearing the pathways, creating the towns, building the roads, for those to come in that will guide and advise humanity and help. That's why I said, my role is small, and one of many, many others, but still important. Because it's not for me. It's not even just for my family or my people, the Afrikaners/Boere. But it's part of a much bigger plan for humanity itself. Because God loves His creation so.
So that's part of what I was called to do. Create “roads” (Spiritually) which others can follow. And my testimony will be the beginning of one of these roads. God will make sure I know who I have to point to it, and others will be Lead here by the Spirit or other people.
It's not about who reads my words. Or
how many. It has never been. It was started to help other mommies
with children who has an occult tethered cord or similar symptoms
like it. A rare condition, so only a handful of people. To see what
worked for us. What didn't help and what was necessary. This
blog was never about how many, but for the one person I could help, like I was helped and guided by other blogs.
Now, it's similar, but to a different crowd. It's for them, those lead here by God Himself.
Two last points. Even though this is my testimony, I want people to clearly understand. It's NOT about me. It actually never was. In the beginning, it was about my daughter, and her road. Now, it's about those who would follow, and their road. I'm not important. Nobody goes into a new town, and wonder about the hands who paved the roads, who painted the houses, planted the roses in front of the church or who layed out the town square. They don't look at a policeman or a nurse or a teacher and think of them as an individual being. They look at them as part of a group, the police force, the nurses or the teachers. Each one important, but as a group they work together for the good of the town. I'm just one of those. There are others.
And then lastly. This is not from me. This is brought to you all by God Himself. Our Creator. So please, don't thank me. Thank Him only. Whether you believe it or not, it's for you too. Whether you know Him or about Him or not, it's for you. Whatever you call Him or think about Him, it's for you. From Him. Your Creator. The one who lovingly fashioned you and gave you life and free will. Then set you free and knew at what point you will return back to Him.
He was the one who called me. Through His Spirit, His Angel, His Son. The Father lead me to this point. He gave me everything. My life, my family, the means to do this, the time to do this, the skills and experience to do this, the know how and the practice, the knowledge and the information. And most especially, the calling and the assignment. It's a direct assignment given to me by my King, to His Servants.
It's ALL from Him and only Him, Jesus the Christ, also known by some as YHWH, Yashua, Yeshua, Yehushua, the Hamashiach.
Next up, I start to talk about why prophecies.