understand that the prophecies I'm going to list soon, are NOT MINE.
Nor given to me personally. Eventually, I will list those given to me
too, but for now they are not part of this. Mine is for a still-in-the-future time, while some of these I want to list now, are at our doorstep and will soon start to take place.
Since these are not mine, I thus cannot debate these prophecies or what they say or prophecy. I only relate what God gave to other people and compile it into one whole for easy referencing and reading. Many prophets tend to add their own interpretations, theological doctrines, political stance or opinions in amongst what they received, which muddies the waters tremendously.
Usually, prophets or messengers see a tiny window into the future through one of three main ways.
- God speaks it to them.
- This can be in an audible voice, heard through the messenger's ears.
- Sometimes God drops a sentence or knowledge about the future in a person's “spirit”.
- During sleep, a person would be told something by God and remember that they “heard a Voice” and what it said, when they wake up, or they hear the Voice as they wake up.
- They are given a dream. This can feel like an extra clear, vivid dream that stays on one's mind. It can be short and intense, or can go on what felt like forever and even flow from one scene into another and another, just like a movie.
- A vision.
- This can be an Open Vision, where one is busy during the day and just suddenly “sees” something in front of them, playing like a movie.
- It can be a Night Vision, which is what Daniel described. The person will be asleep, but then experience or see the Vision. It is usually vivid, clear and haunting on the mind. Most people wake up after such a vision and even struggle to fall asleep again.
- A Flash Vision. This usually happens during the day, but is more like a photo, or like Youtube's Shorts. A very quick flash, though it can be detailed.
So when I deal with the visions and dreams, I usually try to either extract only the dream or vision, or when working with large data, I might even just use a summary of the vision or dream (while still saving the whole of it as well).
When I work with the first method though, Words spoken by God directly to a person, I try my utmost best to keep it exactly as it was spoken. I do not change or summarize it at all. God's Words in my opinion, are sacred. A dream or a vision still also belong to the one dreaming it, and he/she has the right to recount it in their own words and add their opinions. But I do not mess with direct Words given by the Living God. Those I treat with extra care and keep it as is. I will usually make it clear when it was given as direct Words, and when I'm referring to it, whether I'm paraphrasing or recounting it in my own words as a quick reference.
So when you see a summary, then it's a summary of a dream or vision usually, and I always keep the original as well. When it becomes relevant and the dream starts to take place, we can then refer back to the full dream and look at the detail.
There are literally thousands and thousands and thousands of dreams. I simply cannot work with documents of thousands of pages. One person I know has had 1300 prophecies. Another 700. One has had about 300 visions. Another 650. Etc. And then there are literally hundreds if not thousands of these people. It's just too much. So firstly I have narrowed it down to those I have vetted as well as I could, as not false. Then I have stored it in separate folders and documents. And from there I sort and compare and summarize and edit as I'm lead. As you can see, the task is gigantic, and I'm only one person. Trying to run a house, be a mom, homeschool two children, taxing my daughter and still get a few hours sleep in at night!
People's time is precious and limited.
Which is why I was called as a Scribe and tasked in this way. Instead of multitudes having to fight their way through the amount of information God has given us, He has tasked people, prepared them and are now using them. That's why I said. Please understand the magnitude of the Gift God has given us, and treat it with the respect and thankfulness it deserves.
One can then wonder why did God make it so complex? Why not just give concise Words through one or 2 or 50 people? Why dreams? Why through literally thousands of peoples? Even over a period of hundreds of years?
I don't know.
Best I could gather, is that there IS a rhyme and reason to it. The people are selected for who they are, where they live, who they are in contact with and what their own future holds.
People with a lot of dreams will most likely tell a story in it's
whole. So I also tend to keep one prophets dreams or visions or Words
together. So that we can try to see that trend and find the patterns
later on, of why those particular dreams were given to that particular person.
One person was told (and me too!) that their dreams work
like nested eggs. The one will follow the others, but the last ones
will complete first while those given in the beginning will continue
to unfold over a longer time period.
Another was told that some
things given in the beginning will be last, and those in the end will
take place in the beginning and some in the middle. And that it is to
confound the enemies of God.
Another was told one particular dream will unfold backwards. There were 3 or 4 scenes, and the last will happen first, etc.
God has assured me, that at the time it is needed, revelation WILL be given and we will know the order, structure, reasons, etc.
God has thus gone to great lengths to choose, prepare and use prophets and messengers. All for us, to help guide us into His Kingdom and learn to trust and depend on Him alone. And to get to know who He really is, and see His love, His heart, for His people.
Please appreciate this precious, invaluable gift for what it is, by sharing it with others. And remember to give all thanks to the One deserving of the honor and glory for His Mercy and Grace, our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Treat this with the respect, gratitude and love deserving of such a huge, huge gift.
You are welcome to point anyone you believe will benefit, to this blog. I do not want any mention, no reward and definitely no gifts, please. My people are a little bit different than the prevailing culture in the World. We are serving people, and find it offensive to be offered a reward for something we did as a labor of love. Please, respect our ways.
From here, I'm not going to list the topics as Parts anymore. That was to thoroughly explain and catch up with everything, in a coherent whole.
Now, I am at the
beginning of where I was going with the parts. Sharing the
information I gathered during my 5 years of training. First, the
prophecies. Particularly, those for South Africa.
I'm first going to
share the most important prophecy over South Africa separately, and then I'll post a more detailed, but
still summarized list. If anyone need detail on a certain part, let
me know in the comments, and I'll refer you to the source where it
can be studied in detail.
I'll also add these blog entries as links in the Testimony and Prophecies Page (in the Menu on the top of the blog).
So here it is... the main Prophecy over South Africa.