I'm in a strange mood the past few days. Kinda melancholic, I guess. We had a hard week last week. Mr N had his EEG and pediatric neurologist visit, and it wasn't good news. He was supposed to be taken off his epileptic meds, but instead of the clean EEG we all expected (based on the last 18 months' EEG's), he showed a profound and very, very bad reaction to being hyperventilated. The neurologist expressed concern over it, because it's so severe. I noticed it on the computer screen during the EEG. I immediately knew it's not going to be clean like we hoped. It's sad. The neurologist asked us some questions about Mr N's regular headaches and behaviour, and then said the reaction is closely linked to migraines, so he's changing his seizures meds to something that will cover both seizures and migraines. I'm not looking forward to the adjustment period of the new meds. We have to give both meds together for 3 months, and then stop the first meds. It's going to be difficult, based on our previous experiences with Mr N's reaction to changing the meds (even just dossage adjustments has severe effects on him).
The poor kid is having trouble with his vestibular system at the moment. The OT said she's never saw a kid have such a bad physical reaction to movement. Now I understand it...it's like getting a seizure...:-( Or a migraine. What worries me, is that this wasn't there 6 months ago. And the past few months and weeks, it got so bad that he can just sit on the couch when dizziness would just overcome him. Yesterday he was hot, so he used a little chinese paper fan to cool his face, when it caused him to become extremely dizzy and feeling ill. I guess it caused a bit hyperventilation. I'm contemplating phoning the OT to get her opinion on if we should continue the therapy. It kinda feels "wrong" to do therapy to him where you purposely provoke overloading the brain?
Two days after this visit, I took the kids to the dentist. And there Mr N unfortunately had an awful, awful experience. It was traumatic to say the least. To both him and me. It took all my control to not scream out and cry, and grab my boy and run out with him. His screams and begging for it to stop...it will haunt me for weeks to come!
So I was quite shattered after that. Boeboe also had some cavities, AGAIN, but fortunately she is tremendously courageous, and it's baby teeth, so they fixed it LIVE! She doesn't moan, cry, scream, nothing. Just sits still and when they're done she gets a little toy and she's happy as rain...:-) The dentist believes it's because she's been through so much worse in her life, that something like the dentist doesn't scare her one bit! Just amazing, this strong little girl of mine. I sometimes realise I don't realise exactly how strong she really is.
Unfortunately, Monkeyman is a horse of a totally different colour, and held onto me like his namesakes, monkeys. She (the dentist) had a very very quick look, and it doesn't look so good. Absess in the broken teeth, and another (new!) molar with a cavity...:-( Because it involves root canal, AND because he's so scared, he'll have to be sedated. So anaesthesia. It makes me so frustrated, scared, angry, sad. The dentist asked me to ask the pead when we schedule the gastroscopy, if they can't do anything better for the kids reflux, because it's destroying their teeth. Clearly, the current meds is either not working long enough, or not well enough. Sigh.
So ya. It was a tough, tough week. I just want my kids to be healthy and happy, and not see them being hurt so much. It's so unfair. But what choice do we have? We just have to go on and on and on. Day after day, week after week, month after month. Tackling these problems as they appear. It's just that the thought of putting Monkeyman through 2 anaesthesia's in the next few months (dentistry and gastroscopy) is terrifying me. And I don't even want to think about how Boeboe's going to react when I tell her she too will need another anaesthesia (also gastroscopy). I dread that conversation. The thought of it makes me want to cry. She had such a hard time last, with the spine operation. She's not going to be led meekly to be drugged again.
At least after the awful week, we had a wonderful weekend. Mr N participated in a friendly cricket match where he bowled someone out. He was soooo chuffed! And his daddy was so proud...:) Then we just did literally nothing for the rest of the weekend. Relaxed, braaied, etc. It was good.