So I've reached my limit of how much I can take. I've never been the most patient person, and the site where I hosted my first try at a blog, has let me down. Severely. So I'm blogger! It's going to take a while moving my posts over, precisely for the reason I'm moving. Because I cannot get onto the server where my blog is! About once a week I succeed in getting on...:-(
So in the meantime, I'm going to start posting on here. Moving the older posts as and when I can log onto the other server.
This has been a trying week. Not just of my patience! We've all had a stomach bug. It started with the youngest 2 kids, an hour apart from each other. Around midnight on Tuesday. Thursday I started, a few hours after me the eldest had it (of course again just after midnight!), and a day later my husband. LOL. What a week! I'm still not through all the washing created by especially the youngest two. Little monkey threw up a full 9 times, in the space of 4 hours. As you can imagine, I was knackered. So going into my own bout of the virus, I had less than zero reserves. That's why it took me about 4 days getting over it.
But we're all better now, and ready to face what the week may bring!
It's going okay with Boeboe. The timer didn't work, she got tired and obstructive and negative with it. In the end refusing to use it. She tried, but couldn't wait more than 1 or 2 minutes before having to run to the bathroom. She just couldn't push longer than her limit. So she's still having accidents. About once a day, though, every now and then there will be a good week, with almost no accidents! So the botox definitely worked, just not as well as we expected or wanted it to. But at least it helps!